Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 689 Please enter the urn

When the two armies compete, the best method of warfare is to use one's own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

But under the current battlefield conditions, the savages obviously have the advantage of melee combat, but the savages are most accustomed to sneak attacks and ambush, which is difficult to detect.

Even if there are many hounds and experienced hunters in the army, it is very laborious to find out the hidden wildlings.

On the way to Longcheng, the army encountered the savages three times. Although they discovered the savages in advance each time, they still paid a considerable price.

These savages are simply inhuman existences.

Obviously their companions were shot by crossbow arrows, but they were hiding in the snow and didn't move until the soldiers who cleaned up in the past approached, and they would burst into a surprise attack.

And once approached by a savage, these beast-like guys are stunned to be able to drag at least one soldier to death with their quick skills, and at the same time, they can seriously injure two or three people.

Frankly speaking, until now, Mr. Xu still doesn't understand what these savages are thinking. Obviously, as long as these people continue to hide in the snow, they can avoid them and continue to go south, but these guys are completely desperate.

Of course, what made Xu Lao Er even more puzzled was that the savages they had encountered so far were all young men, no women, no old people, and no children.

A tribe, even if it is a beast colony, cannot only be young and strong.

But these savages are only young and strong.

"Little sister, tell me, what's going on with these savages?"

Xu Lao Er really didn't understand.

In an ethnic group, the elderly generally represent wisdom and experience, while women and children represent the future.

But the savage group that appeared in Xu Lao Er's field of vision was very wrong.

Fu Bao also thought about this question, and actually had some guesses in his heart. For example, the savages also have old people, women, and children in normal times, but when the living environment is bad, they abandon these long-term needs of the clan, and even turn them into food.

However, this is her guess after all.

What the truth is, no one knows, and there is no way to guess.

Perhaps, it is also possible that the savage just found a place to place the old man, the woman, and the child.

"Second brother, if the savages still have no way to go south, will they hide in the mountains instead? In the mountains, there are many wild animals that can be used as food!"

"The most important thing is that if the savage finds a way to cross the mountains and enter Xiangyi or Qifeng, then the situation will become very difficult to clean up!"

"What's your idea?"

Xu Lao Er himself has no choice, and can only hope that Fu Bao has some good ideas.

"Otherwise, there are three missing one?"

Fu Bao thought for a while, "I think the pass at Xiangyi Mansion should be destroyed!"

"Best, make it look like it was destroyed by savages!"

How many wildlings there are, no one knows, whether the wildlings will stop going south, no one knows.

But savages are ferocious, as many people know.

After all, the savages who can force Beiman to choose surrender are definitely not good people. The Beiman clan, in the eyes of many people, is already a very ferocious existence.

Savages are obviously more ferocious than Beiman.

"Little sister, without the barrier of the city, what will you do after the savages enter the customs?"

"Of course, let the third brother transfer troops!"

"You can set traps after closing the city, please enter the urn!"

"The savages are not afraid of ice and snow, so they can hide in the snow, and it is difficult to be found. However, in Xiangyi Mansion, it is not as cold as Longxi Mansion, and there is no such thick snow!"

"Yes, at Longxi Mansion, the advantage of the savages is not a big advantage!"

After listening to some of Fubao's words, Xu Lao Er also had a happy expression on his face.

Yes, yes, what was originally very simple, why did they make it so complicated?

Savages are ferocious, and savages are powerful, but apart from the icy and snowy environment, what are the advantages of savages? With the advantage of ordnance, savages are no different from beasts, they can hunt whatever they want!

"Little sister, tell me, what should I do?"

Xu Lao Er is really interested now.

He doesn't want to go to Longcheng anymore, his little sister's method is the real strategy for the country. No, the savage is a shitty country, at best a big tribe.

"Second brother, you said, we came this way, do the savages know?"

Fubao asked his second brother a question.

"Yes, you know!"

Regarding this question, Xu Lao Er has no answer.

After all, they know too little about wildlings.

Even the northern barbarians who have more contact with savages still don't know much about savages. Northern barbarians know only one thing about savages, and that is ferocity.

Even the barbarians' fearlessness of ice and snow was something that the northern barbarians didn't know about before.

"Second brother, if we divide our troops, will the savages find out?"

"Hard to say!"

Xu Lao Er had a bitter face.

He didn't even know where the savages were hiding, maybe, around them, there were already savages buried in the snowdrifts, watching them quietly.

"Second brother, can you use it a little?"

Fu Bao is so angry, "You are a brave uncle, you count on me for everything, is it sensible?"

"I, your sister, two years old, two years old!"

Fu Bao was really pissed off.

She feels that her second brother seems to be relying on her recently, which is not a good sign.

"Little sister, this is not the point!"

After being scolded by Fu Bao, Mr. Xu didn't feel anything wrong, he smiled, "Isn't there such a sentence? Ambition is not old!"


Fubao just didn't want to pay attention to this lazy guy, a brother who didn't look like a brother, so he was not ashamed, but proud.

"Second brother, my idea is that you send someone to pretend to be a savage, play a show with the people over there in Guancheng, and destroy that Guancheng!"

"Without the barrier of Guancheng, the savages will have a long way to drive down."

"Of course, before that, you have to contact the third brother and let him lead someone to lay out the trap behind."

Since you want to invite Jun into the urn, then at least this urn must be prepared.

"It's easy!"

Hearing Fu Bao's words, Xu Lao Er immediately laughed.

Isn't that just letting people pretend to be savages?

This is not difficult!

It's just that people who pretend to be savages may get sick after the fact. After all, the skins the savage wears are really not warm.

Fu Bao was too lazy to care what her second brother did, anyway, she was only responsible for making ideas.

Whether or not this idea will work is up to God.

Thinking of his good luck all the time, Fu Bao felt that 99% of the time, there was no major problem with this plan. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, that's why the word "in case" appears.

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