Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 699 The truth of the savage

It's been followed!

Hearing Xu Lao Er's words, Geng Dali and the others were all on high alert.

However, nothing was found.

On the other hand, Xu Lao Er suddenly took the longbow in his hand from the horse, and placed three arrows on the bowstring at a time.

Three arrows shot out like lightning.

Then, there were three consecutive screams in the wind and snow.

Hearing the screams, Geng Dali and the others were all dumbfounded. The savages really caught up, but they really didn't see anything just now.

"Uncle, how did you find out?"


Xu Lao Er raised his hand and rubbed his nose. Naturally, he would not tell the people around him. He first smelled the special smell in the air, and then felt the existence of these savages.

This feeling is produced after practicing the fetal breathing method.

It's weird, I can't tell, but it just exists, and it's very spiritual.

"Uncle, are there only three savages?"

"Yes, there are only three for the time being!"

Xu Lao Er smiled, "It looks like the savages are not as powerful as we thought!"

Killing these three savages made Xu Lao Er understand that the savage's ability in the wind and snow was not as strong as he imagined.

Five thousand of them walked through the wind and snow, and the wind and snow covered the traces of their passing, and the savages couldn't find the direction they left at once, so they sent people to track them down.

The three people just now came to follow their traces.

It's just that Xu Laosan shot these three people, which means that at a certain time, the savage army should be able to lock their direction through the three people's failure to return.

"Brothers, do you dare to play a big game with me?"

After realizing the identities of the three savages, Xu Lao Er understood that they had to find a way to divert the pursuit of the savage army.

"Uncle, just say, what are you going to do?"

"Abandon the horse!"

Xu Lao Er smiled, "The savage's tracking relies on traces, so let's create some traces for them!"

"Uncle, what traces can we make with just a few horses?"

"Yes, we have too few horses!"

"Small, it's okay!"

"We can change!"

Xu Lao Er hooked at a few people, "Wait for me for a while!"

As he spoke, Older Xu rode his horse to the rear, and after a while, he brought back the corpse of the savage he shot.

"Tie the bodies of these three savages and drag them to run in the snow. Do you think this trace is big enough?"

"Should, forget it!"

"However, this doesn't look like the trace of a war horse running!"

"Idiot, it's called a trick."

"Yes, we found the savage pursuers, so we wiped away the traces of the war horse."

"Uncle, is that what you mean?"

A few people, you say every word I say, and the analysis is so eloquent.

Xu Lao Er didn't answer, because he didn't have an answer himself.

Just now, he just wanted to leave traces that were easier to find, so he did this. As for the deeper meaning, sorry, he really didn't think about it.

However, with the words of the three of you, you have provided Xu Lao Er with a very good reason.

So, a few people quickly dismounted, tied the bodies of the three savages with ropes, dragged them with war horses, and hurried away toward the northeast of Longcheng.

On the way, a group of people stabbed the horse on the back with a short knife, and watched the war horse run away in the wind and snow, and then they chased the direction of Longcheng.

In the wind and snow, without the horses to travel, Xu Lao Er and his party walked in the snow, taking a deep foot, and walking as slowly as a snail.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of Xu Lao Er and his party is very good, and they will not be in a state of physical exhaustion.

It's just that they didn't catch up with the large army that Fubao left with.

Xu Lao Er and his party spent a day and a night in the snow, and only when the wind and snow weakened, they arrived at Longcheng.

And not long after the group entered Longcheng, the wind and snow stopped.

On the snow, the savage army also appeared on the horizon.

The snowman army, who was misled by Xu Lao Er and the others, successfully took the wrong path. When they found out that they had been deceived, it was too late to catch up with Xu Lao Er and the others.

"Not bad, I've grown up!"

After knowing that Xu Lao Er used a suspicious strategy to divert the pursuit of the savage army, Mr. Xu was quite satisfied.

Just as Xu Lao Er thought, Xu Laozi also believed that the savage army wanted to fight a retaliatory counterattack.

Originally, the 5,000 people of Xu Lao Er were destined to be wiped out, but after Xu Lao Er's operation, the 5,000 people reached Longcheng without any loss.

Outside the Dragon City, the savage army did not retreat, but settled down.

Then, through the telescope, Mr. Xu was shocked to discover that this so-called army of savages was not the savage tribe they imagined at all.

To be precise, these are not savages, they have their own civilization.

And the savages who appeared in their sight before were soldiers.

The so-called savage cannibalism is really a deterrent strategy.

"Father, these people are too disgusting, aren't they?"

Xu Lao Er was also using binoculars to observe the situation of the savage army.

The camps of the savage army are densely packed, and many of them wear special clothes. Moreover, these savages are actually assembling siege equipment.

I thought it was a savage and uncivilized savage, but it turned out to be a civilized race with its own unique civilization, which really caught everyone by surprise.

"It's nothing to be disgusting!"

Old Man Xu sighed lightly, "If it's just disgusting, just kill it. But now, what they show is not pure disgust, but cunning, ruthless, and murderous!"

"We're in big trouble!"

"By the way, second child, you can't stay in the city anymore. You have to go to Binghe Mansion and tell your eldest uncle and the others, and tell them that there are other forces behind the savages in the north, so they must be careful!"

The savages from the north are of the same origin as these savages.

And now, the level of civilization shown by these savages is definitely accumulated over the years. That is to say, the savages in the north are just pretended savages, and their purpose from the beginning may be the Tang Dynasty.

If the old Zhao family didn't have any precautions and just regarded the northern savages as a knife that they could use at will, then once the real owner of this knife appeared, it would be a disaster for everyone in the Zhao family.

"Dad, I'm leaving now!"

"Then what, my sweaty BMW is not around, Dad, can you lend me your yellow horse?"

"I borrowed you!"

"Go and come back quickly, be careful on the way!"

Mr. Xu raised his hand and patted the second Mr. Xu on the shoulder, with an unprecedented solemn expression.

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