Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 711 You Hit You, I Hit Mine

On the city wall, Zhao Bingjun looked at the roaring leader of the northern savages. He knew him. Back then, he took the black cavalry to slay the wildlings in the north, and he didn't even know him.

"Dachha, whether it's this old man's treachery, or whether you savages in the north are harboring evil intentions, we'll see today!"

"This place, you can also see it!"

"Heaven and earth are a mirror, whether you are damned, you know for yourself!"

Zhao Bingjun also used all his means for revenge, but what he has never done in his life is treachery.

He may have calculated a lot of people and made a lot of conspiracy calculations, but all the good things he promised, all the things he promised, have never been achieved.

The army of the northern savages that entered the city was eventually destroyed.

They also tried to rush to the city wall, but the stairs to the city were blocked. Under the double blockade of fire and crossbow arrows, they had no chance to kill the city wall at all.

The 50,000-odd savage army in the north would be able to defeat an army ten times their size on a frontal battlefield.

But now, the 50,000-odd savages in the north are buried in Xueji Pass like this.

There was a sickening smell of meat and burnt in the air.

The fire in Xueji Pass burned for two days and two nights. In the end, Zhao Bingjun, Xu Lao Er and others had to choose to quit Xueji Pass and form an array outside the pass, because of the smell in Xueji Pass, it was really impossible for people to do so. accustomed to smell.

After all, that smell comes from the burning of human flesh.

Except for the iron-willed black cavalry, the rest of the defending soldiers all vomited.

Xu Lao Er didn't vomit!

He's used to it!

Zhao Bingjun didn't vomit either.

However, Old Second Xu could see that his great-uncle didn't bear the taste, but with his strong willpower, he was stunned to hold back the feeling of vomiting.

"Ruthless man!"

Realizing that his eldest uncle suppressed the nausea and vomiting with his own willpower, Xu Lao Er became a little more cautious about his eldest uncle's perception.

But his little sister said that this person, whoever can be cruel to himself, is a real cruel person.

At this point, Xu Lao Er felt that he was still a little inferior.

However, he did not feel ashamed because of this. Although he was not cruel enough to himself, he felt that he was actually a cruel person.

After the fire in Xueji Pass was extinguished, it took another two days for Zhao Bingjun to let people enter Xueji Pass to clean up the body.

In order to practice his ruthlessness, Second Older Xu bravely entered Xueji Pass, and then Second Older Xu exited Xueji Pass as quickly as possible.

Well, what Xue Jiguan looks like can really be called purgatory on earth.


On the side of Xue Jiguan, Xu Lao Er and Zhao Bingjun sat in the town, and the soldiers below began to clean up the bodies of the northern savages, and they were in Longcheng of Longxi Mansion.

Mr. Xu also just led someone to complete a successful catching turtle in the urn.

The burrowing tactics of the polar savages thought that no clues had been found. Several tunnels were dug through at the same time, and a large number of savages drilled out of the tunnels, but it didn’t take long for them to get out of the ground, and they found that they were fooled.

A small piece of sky overhead, surrounded by high walls.

Crossbow bolts were constantly shooting out of the wall, and the polar wildlings who had drilled out of the ground were shot and killed on the spot.

By the time the warriors of the polar savages spread the news of their ambush back to the gate one by one, and the word of mouth that the attack had stopped reaching the tunnel entrance, the savages had already lost over 5,000 people.

Although the people at the front didn't want to crawl out of the tunnel, the people behind kept pushing forward, so they could only resign themselves to crawl outside.

There are even some savages, who are simply squeezed to death in the underground tunnels.

The ground attack failed, and they dug a hole in the ground to attack, and they were also discovered, and an ambush was set up outside their way out.

How to fight such an enemy?

The leader of the polar savages is also a little dizzy, and he has never encountered such a slippery opponent. Such defense is simply flawless.

However, they had to capture Longcheng, otherwise, their back road would be cut off.

"Commander, why don't we go and fight another city!"

A savage wise man looked at their commander general, "There are only two cities left by the Tang people in this area. The troops here are obviously the main force. We can attack another slightly weaker city. If the Tang people here do not make troops. Rescue, we will lay down another city!"

"If the Tang people send troops to rescue, we will set up an ambush in the middle!"

"Good, wonderful!"

"That's it!"

The commander of the polar wildlings decisively accepted the advice of the wise man.

In order to lure the enemy, when they went to sneak attack on Pingman City, they deliberately and carefully transferred their troops, but they deliberately made a little movement, lest Mr. Xu would not be fooled.

On the city wall of Longcheng, Mr. Xu easily found the signs of the savage shifting his troops and rushing towards Pingman City.

"A self-righteous idiot!"

On the side of Pingman City, the defense will only be stronger than that of Dragon City.

After all, Pingman City was originally a military town fortress built by the Tang Dynasty in order to pacify the northern barbarians. Later, it gradually became an ordinary city.

But now, Pingban has regained its status as a military town.

In Longcheng, there is no water tank under the city wall to monitor the underground movement.

But in Pingman City, these things are available.

Not only that, Pingman City also has secretly built underground secret passages that can directly connect to the outside of the city. When necessary, it can stand out and attack foreign enemies by surprise.

The savage army wants to attack the flat barbarian city, which is really throwing an egg and hitting a stone.

"Master Hou, we really don't care about Pingman City?"

"Need not!"

Mr. Xu replied calmly, "By the way, go tell the brothers and get ready. In the evening, let's go to the camp of the savages!"

The savage wants to plot against him, and he wants to plot against the savage!

Mr. Xu didn't think that the Savages really gave up the idea of ​​attacking Dragon City. Therefore, when the Savages attacked Pingman City, 90% of the time it was to lure the enemy, lure them out of the city to rescue, and then ambush halfway.

Unfortunately, they didn't know the details of Pingman City.

Old Man Xu was not worried that Pingman City would be attacked by savages, just relying on his eldest son's head, if the savage could break Pingman City, Old Man Xu felt that he could simply surrender directly and sincerely.

It was getting late, and the west gate of Longcheng slowly opened. Mr. Xu personally led the team, leading 8,000 cavalry, carrying small kerosene tanks, and went straight to the camp outside the west gate of Savage.

Still on fire!

Old Man Xu resolutely adopted Second Old Xu's suggestion to fight against the savages. He could attack from a distance, but never close combat.

Therefore, the kick camp does not exist.

It is possible to consider setting a fire.

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