Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 724 Mr. Xu: The person who likes tough bones the most!

Realizing that the camp was under attack, the savages stopped attacking the city, turned and ran back, trying to save the camp.

However, when they rushed back eagerly, facing the 10,000-strong army of Old Master Xu whistling, especially seeing the nobles in their clan being captured alive, they all panicked.

"Rush, Rush, Rush!"

Mr. Xu doesn't care what the savages think, he only knows that this is a fighter!

The savage panicked. For a moment and a half, there was no way to form an effective interception formation. When they finally realized that they had to work harder, Mr. Xu and his party had already passed the obstruction of the savage army and headed towards the west city of Longcheng. The door ran wild.

"Open the city gate!"

"Put down the drawbridge!"

"Follow me!"

Tuoba Aofeng saw Old Master Xu lead people to kill him on the west city gate, and immediately sent a series of orders to go down.

The gates opened and the drawbridge fell.

Tuoba Aofeng rushed out of the city gate with 2,000 Beiman cavalry at the first time, lined up outside the city, and answered Old Master Xu and the others back to the city.

The savage regained his senses and began to chase wildly.

But with two legs, it is really not an easy task to catch up with the four-hoofed galloping horse in a short period of time.

Even these savages are strong.

The distance between the two sides was constantly widening, but the savages did not give up, chasing after them like crazy.

Mr. Xu took the lead and rushed into Longcheng with 10,000 elite riders.

Tuoba Aofeng led the people to use crossbow arrows to press the formation, restraining the savage's giant wolf cavalry from chasing, and retreated after fighting, and finally retreated safely across the suspension bridge.

After crossing the suspension bridge, the suspension bridge was quickly pulled up immediately.

The giant wolf cavalry chased after the moat, but could not cross the two-foot-wide moat at all, and it was too late to bypass the moat area filled by the savages before.

In addition, arrows from the city head rained down.

The savage wolf cavalry can only retreat.

A raid, led by Old Man Xu, destroyed the entire Xichengmen camp of the savage army, killing and killing countless savages, and all the tents and materials were burnt down.

The raging fire has been burning, and the plumes of smoke have not disappeared for a long time.

This battle once again boosted the morale of the army in the city.

Although 10,000 war horses were lost in this battle, as long as people are alive, there will always be war horses.

The victory was a complete victory, and the city was full of cheers.

Compared with the jubilation in the city, the savages outside the city fell into a dead silence.

The Frost Spirit clan aristocrats who were unexpectedly captured by Mr. Xu and the others, dealt an unprecedented blow to the savages.

If the blood of God were to die here, they would all become sinners.


The Frost Spirit clan nobles from the other three camps gathered together, and after a brief discussion, they chose to compromise temporarily.

Who is going?

Although the tone of the negotiation has been set, the question is, who will negotiate?

No one can predict what the outcome will be.

A group of aristocratic adults are used to living a high-class life, they are used to issuing orders, and that their own words are the will of God.

But to negotiate, if they want to redeem the captured clansmen, they must compromise.

As the blood descendants of the God of Ice and Snow in the world, their actions are tarnishing the holiness and glory of God.

But if the people of the blood of the gods are allowed to be executed by the Tang people, it will also arouse the wrath of the gods.

Under the wrath of God, even they cannot guarantee God's forgiveness.

When the nobility of the Frost Spirit clan began to argue, and they couldn't argue over who to send to negotiate, Mr. Xu had already brought Tuoba Aofeng to meet these Frost Spirit clan aristocrats who were captured alive by them.

These people wore gorgeous silk clothes that Tang people would wear, but the styles were completely different from those of the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, they were not black-haired and black-eyed, either blond or silver. Without exception, they were all very handsome. Their foreheads were painted with special marks, each with thin skin and tender flesh, and they didn't look like savages at all.

Fu Bao followed Old Master Xu, and when he saw these people, he felt very strange.

If these people's ears were a little longer and pointed a little bit, Fu Bao would think that he had seen the elves!

In the coastal areas of Datang, there are Fan people and Maoyi people. They look a bit similar to them, but in terms of their specific appearance, the difference is really too big.

"We are descendants of the bloodline of the God of Ice and Snow. Let us go, and the God of Ice and Snow will bless you!"

When Mr. Xu was still thinking about how to communicate with these savages, the other party had already spoken first.

Moreover, it is a pure Tang Dynasty mandarin.

He said this, but it shocked everyone present.

These people are truly extraordinary.

"Frost Spirit Race?"

Old Master Xu asked tentatively when he thought of the records of the King of Taiping he had seen.

"You know us?"

The talking Shuangling family was told by the old man Xu that he had come to know the origin, and immediately looked over with a look of surprise, "Since you know our family, you should understand that what I said is true!"

"You are so tall!"

Mr. Xu stared at him directly.

He only knew that these savages were Frost Spirits, they were not afraid of ice and snow, they believed in the god of ice and snow, and they were afraid of heat.

As for anything else?

What the hell knows!

As for what this person said, the blessing of the God of Ice and Snow?

In his whole life, he will believe in God. This god of ice and snow should be the same thing as those crooked and evil ways of Daomen. What is there to believe?

"I ask you, you are not staying in the extreme north, what are you doing here with us?"

Old Man Xu looked at each other with cold eyes, "You can either not say it or lie, but you, I heard that your Frost Spirits are more afraid of heat."

"You said, what would happen if I left you to roast on the fire?"

Roasted on fire?

Isn't this what it means to eat people and roast them alive?

Hearing the words of Old Master Xu, Tuoba Aofeng and the others all had strange expressions on their faces, obviously they all remembered the words that once raised the morale of the army in the city.

"I am the bloodline of the God of Ice and Snow. If you dare to disrespect me, God will punish you!"

In the face of the threat of Old Master Xu, this noble of the Frost Spirit Clan is very hard-hearted, and he is not afraid of the threat of Old Master Xu.

"Hey, he's still a tough guy!"

Old Man Xu smiled, "You know, in this life, I like people with tough bones the most."

"And hard-boned people, when they meet Lao Tzu, either they will be friends with Lao Tzu, or they will have their bones broken by Lao Tzu."

"You, think, what kind of person would you be?"

As he spoke, Mr. Xu had already reached out and grabbed the man's arm bone.

Then, click!

This aristocrat of the Frost Spirit tribe unfortunately became the latter.

No screaming!

This aristocrat of the Frost Spirit Tribe is really tough.

It's just that Mr. Xu looked at the other party's expression and felt that something was wrong. This person didn't seem to be afraid of pain.

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