Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 732 Qingjun's side!

The capital, the imperial palace, the Temple of Heaven.

The little emperor Li Xi sat pitifully on the dragon chair, and next to him, there was another chair, and the eldest princess was sitting.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty stood in awe of His Highness, all bowed their heads and bowed their heads.

By this time, everyone understood that the real master of the Tang Dynasty was no longer the emperor, but the eldest princess.

It's not that no one came out to uphold justice, but those who jumped out, without exception, were suppressed by the eldest princess.

The Supreme Court, which has always had the hardest bones, has lost a lot of people after the eldest princess's repeated disposals. The people who still stay in the courthouse are also three or two kittens, old fritters in the officialdom. They just want to stay in the imperial court for old age. As for who is in power, they are not in the mood to manage.

Besides, isn't the eldest princess not usurping the throne?

The little emperor is still young, so he can't tell right from wrong. When the late emperor was in power, he trusted the eldest princess the most, which shows the loyalty of the eldest princess.

As for those who always criticize the eldest princess, maybe they are trying to make a name for themselves.

"Everyone, Duke Ding has repeatedly resisted and disobeyed the decree. What this palace means is to take him to the throne. What do you think?"

The eldest princess is very satisfied with the current situation of the court. Although there are fewer so-called censors who speak out with justice, the affairs in the court sometimes do not necessarily require the presence of these people.

She has her own way to understand things outside the courtroom. The censor who heard the news was really not seen by the eldest princess.

On the contrary, the atmosphere in the courtroom is much more harmonious without these people who specialize in nitpicking.

"The minister thought that Duke Dingguo should be severely punished for being so disregard of the court!"

"It's not just Ding Guogong himself, the minister thinks that the reason why Ding Guogong dares to be so arrogant and ignore the will of the court is because of the existence of his descendants!"

"The minister thought that Xu Huaiyi, Marquis of Wucheng, and Xu Yuanxi, the valiant warrior, should be awarded the title together!"

In the court hall, officials belonging to the eldest princess' line jumped out immediately after the eldest princess made her statement, grabbed the matter of Xu Shuo, Duke Dingguo, and began to sit together.

After all, this was the plan of the eldest princess.

The father-son relationship is here, and Mr. Xu is implicated by Xu Shuo, which seems unfair and unreasonable, but in fact, in this era of supremacy of monarchy, it is very reasonable.

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

As soon as the eldest princess' dog leg made her statement, many people immediately jumped out to agree.

In fact, everyone in the court understands that the current court is the one-word hall of the eldest princess. However, the eldest princess likes to make some superficial articles.

Things like today have to be made as if this is the advice of the ministers.

"Sir, what do you think?"

After all the ministers agreed, the eldest princess turned her head to look at the little emperor Li Di who was sitting on the dragon chair.

What can Li Qi say?

Dare to say what?

He was a puppet, a marionette.

After his grandfather was assassinated in the street by the Taoist gate and the underworld, he, the emperor, could only be a puppet. Even if he is young, but he was born in the royal family, as long as he is sensible, he will understand a lot of things.

Besides, her mother, Queen He, has been advising him and telling him how to save his life. After all, if the eldest princess is capable of making him emperor, she can abolish him, or let him die without a problem.

This palace is not safe!

Whether it was Empress He or the little emperor Li Di, they were all alone and without support.

When Emperor Yongping was on the throne, the queen mother held the power in the palace, and she held the nightingale in her hand. As long as the queen mother did not want to hand over power, no one could force the queen mother to step back.

Empress He, adhering to the teachings of her father Li Guogong He Ji, was very safe in the palace and did not do anything overstepping.

The result is now, when Emperor Yongping and the Empress Dowager passed away successively, Empress He did not even have anyone available. So that her son became the emperor, but he could only be a puppet, and he didn't even dare to fight at all. After all, his life was in the hands of others.

And whether it was Empress He or the little emperor Li Di, neither wanted to die.

Even Empress He had a faint feeling that the successive deaths of Emperor Yongping and the Empress Dowager were not what they appeared to be.

However, she has no evidence.

Now, she can only carefully save her life, look for possible loyal people, and be loyal to the Sheji of the Tang Dynasty.

All this, Empress He did not hide it from her son Li Di. After all, without her son's support, Empress He alone would lead to chaos in the harem.

The ancestors of the Tang Dynasty were not allowed to interfere in politics in the harem.

Although Queen He wants to help her son, she will not give herself up.

The little emperor Li Di was very aware of his current situation. Although he knew that the views of the eldest princess and some people in the court were wrong, he couldn't do anything other than be a responder.

"so be it!"

"Auntie's order on my behalf!"

Li Ji responded to the princess' question in a straight-forward manner.

When the eldest princess heard Li Ji's answer, she smiled slightly and said, "Since the sage agrees, then let's handle this matter as it is!"

Long ago, the eldest princess had sent Leng Thorn to Xiangyi Mansion, but now, she should have taken over Xiangyi Mansion.

With Xiangyi Mansion in hand, they cut off the supply of food and grass from Xu Huaiyi and his son. They must have had a hard time fighting against Yeshuangling people in Longxi Mansion.

The resentment towards the imperial court must be deep in his heart.

When the imperial court's decree to abolish the titles of Xu Huaiyi and Xu Yuanxi's father and son arrives, 90% of the time, the father and son will choose to rebel.

As long as they rebel, they can send troops to attack them in an open and fair manner.

In the past, what the eldest princess wanted most was to stand at the peak of power in the Tang Dynasty, but when she really stood in this position, it would feel like this!

Of course, the most important thing is that she has a different mentality now.

Now, what she longs for is longevity and continuous survival. In order to survive, what is this Datang Jiangshan Sheji?

Power, compared to longevity, is too far behind!

After retreating from the imperial court, the little emperor Li Xing went back to the harem, went directly to see Empress He, and told his mother what happened in the imperial court.

"Mother, my aunt is too much!"

"Marquis Wucheng and Uncle Yong Wu are fighting against the people of Shuangling in Longxi Mansion, but my aunt wants to cut them off. This is to disregard the Jiangshan society of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Mother, you can't go on like this anymore!"

Although the little emperor is small, he is not stupid.

After listening to the little emperor's words, Empress He also understood that what the eldest princess is doing now is really corrupting the Jiangshan society of the Tang Dynasty.

"Mother, we can't wait any longer!"

"What can the emperor do?"

Empress He looked at the little emperor, her hands trembling slightly.

Thinking of fighting against the eldest princess, how could Empress He not tremble?

"Marquis Wucheng, Uncle Wu!"

"The enemy of the enemy is the friend!"

"Queen Mother, my son wants to write a secret edict to Marquis Wucheng and invite him to the capital, to the side of the Qing Jun!"

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