Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 759 Fu Bao: When my second brother comes back, kill your whole family!

"bring it on!"

Fu Bao calmly stretched out his hands.

The mere shackles want to lock her up? When her two years of kung fu was practiced in vain?

The more you practice the fetal breath method, the more Fubao feels that this is something that belongs to cultivation, because it is really too mysterious.

For typical representatives, please refer to her second brother.

In line with the principle of modesty, Fu Bao did not mention herself.

If her second brother is a pervert, she should be a bug.

To put it bluntly, Fubao's current strength is really not that great.

At the age of three, she can break her third brother's life by breaking her arms. The most amazing thing is that when Fubao practiced the fetal breathing method, she practiced yoga by the way. The flexibility of her body made her doubt her life.

What kind of cartilage and bone-shrinking skills, in Fubao's view, are all weak.

"excuse me!"

Chu Xiuyan raised his hand and waved, and immediately a yacha from Maoyuan County stepped forward and put special cold iron shackles on Fubao.

And this is not the end.

Fu Bao underestimated how shameless Chu Xiuyan was.

After putting the cold iron shackles on Fu Bao, he put the silk-wrapped Gu into Fu Bao's hands.

Fu Bao couldn't see what the Twisted Silk Gu looked like, but at that moment, her heart palpitated inexplicably, and she felt something was wrong in her hand, but she couldn't see it at all.

As a result, Fu Bao couldn't be sure whether it was a psychological effect or whether this silk-wrapped Gu was really so magical.

"Chu Xiuyan, you are courting death!"

"If there is something wrong with the county owner, let alone you, even if it is the master behind you, don't think it's better!"

Mother Cai's expression changed drastically when she saw that Chu Xiuyan had planted a worm on Fubao.

She didn't tell Fu Bao that the silk-wrapped Gu was simply an unsolved Gu worm.

People infected with Silk Gu, even if they take good care of them, will eventually become haggard, and when they die, they will become skinny and skinny, like a skeleton.

"Mother Cai, this is not something I need to worry about!"

"I just did what I had to do."

"Marquis Wucheng and Uncle Yong Wu were indeed once the backbones of the Tang Dynasty, but now, they are likely to become the chaotic ministers and thieves of the Tang Dynasty!"

"For the eternal stability of the Tang Dynasty, why should this official die?"

Chu Xiuyan didn't think he did anything wrong.

In his opinion, whether it is Old Master Xu or Second Young Master Xu, everyone in the Old Xu family has already shown signs of rebelling against the Tang Dynasty.

Such a person, the stronger the ability, the greater the damage to Datang.

That being the case, he must do his best to clear up such hidden dangers for the Tang Dynasty.

"Chu County magistrate, you are really a loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty!"

After hearing what Chu Xiuyan said, Fubao was also happy.

In the Tang Dynasty, the people's hearts were not scattered.

Even at this point, there are still people who are reciting the Tang Dynasty. This, of course, is related to Chu Xiuyan's identity, but it also illustrates one thing from another aspect, that is, the Tang Dynasty still has popular support.

However, if Chu Xiuyan knew about the madness of the Shuangling people, he did not know whether he would still believe in everything he believed in.

"Chu County magistrate, when are we going to Beijing?"

Fu Bao looked at Chu Xiuyan calmly, even though she was in cold iron shackles and the so-called silk-wrapped Gu entered her body, she was still in a good mood.

Based on her fortune, Chu Xiuyan calculated her like this, and she did not suffer the backlash from her fortune. Fubao was full of expectations for this encounter.

Why expect it?

Haven't you heard a word called chance?

Fu Bao had a faint feeling that this catastrophe should be an opportunity for her. As for what kind of benefits this opportunity can bring, Fubao is really looking forward to it.

If possible, she naturally hopes to refine her fetal breathing method to produce that innate energy.

so long!

If it wasn't for her strength growing all the time, she would have wondered if her practice of fetal breathing was useless.

However, to reach the level Uncle Lu said, Fubao always felt that something was missing.

And this time, Fu Bao faintly felt that it might be his chance.

Chu Xiuyan smiled slightly and said, "County Lord, the eldest princess just wants to send you to the capital. As for the people around you, sorry, they have to stay here!"

"Take it!"

Chu Xiuyan waved his hand, and the surrounding yamen and town soldiers moved forward one after another, forcing Mama Cai and others.

"County Lord, you'd better tell them not to resist, otherwise, the lower official really doesn't know if he will get excited and give some bad orders!"

"Chu Xiuyan, you are going too far!"

This time, Fu Bao did not listen to Chu Xiuyan's threat.

Although she is the master, the people around her are servants. However, in the heart of Fubao, a traveler, he did not think that he had any qualifications to make decisions for the people around him.

If it's trivial or trivial, Fubao thinks it's nothing.

But now, it's a matter of life and death.

She can't put everything on Chu Xiuyan's kindness. This person can threaten her with the lives of a city's people, so even if he is for the great righteousness of the Tang Dynasty, it is not credible.

Paranoid people, acting, crazy.

"The county magistrate doesn't seem to believe the decision of this official!"

The corner of Chu Xiuyan's mouth twitched slightly, and he slowly stretched out his hand.

However, this time, Fu Bao moved.

Her hands effortlessly broke free from the shackles of the cold iron shackles, and the person rushed in front of Chu Xiuyan, holding his right hand that was about to be raised with one hand, and folded it hard.

A crackling sound rang out.

Chu Xiuyan's right arm was directly broken by Fu Bao.

"Chu Xiuyan, some things, I can bear with you!"

"But, some things, you have gone too far!"

"When I don't want to put up with you, even if you slaughtered the world, do you have a penny to do with me?"


It was the first time that Fu Bao was so angry after being in this world for so long.

Before, even when he was betrayed by those people in Lingshui Village, Fu Bao was not so angry.

Fubao's domineering and tyrannical scene scared the surrounding yacha and the town army soldiers.

"If you don't want to die, put down the knife immediately!"

"Otherwise, my second brother will come back and kill your whole family!"

At this moment, Fubao is fierce, and his eyes are very sharp!

Of course, she didn't know whether her eyes were sharp or not. However, the cruel words that came out of her mouth were very sharp.

And Xu Lao Er's reputation is not only feared by the northern barbarians, even in the Tang Dynasty, there are many people who are afraid of Yong Wu Bo.

After all, Xu Lao Er's force value is really overbearing!

Following Fubao's words, the yacha and the town army soldiers at the scene threw their knives and guns on the ground one after another.

Chu Xiuyan was a little dumbfounded.

How did the script change?

Not long ago, everything was still under his control, how did things change in just a moment?

Where did it go wrong?

Chu Xiuyan was really dumbfounded and couldn't figure it out.

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