The Beginning (1)

“These are the three necromancy books retrieved from the Belmiard family. I heard that the sacrificial wizards of Rodentz Island revered them like holy scriptures.”

“Good job, Rubric.”

In the central part of the Gremfort Palace, where Emperor Guttrel resided, three necromancy books were placed in the personal study of the chief magical advisor.

“Indeed, if the magical power is not properly incinerated, it will become a great future trouble.”

The position of the chief magical advisor, the highest academic authority among the royal wizards, had been held by the 6-star transformation wizard, Kohella Deinalt Elvester, even before Emperor Guttrel ascended the throne.

The old female wizard, who was said to have mastered the pinnacle of transformation magic, was well-versed in various types of magic. Therefore, she was the first to examine magical items that were difficult to handle.

In her large magical study, the largest in the vast Gremfort Palace, various magical weapons were lined up.

Each one easily surpassed the value of a mansion, and some items were beyond the reach of even the wealthiest nobles.

Transformation wizards excelled in creating various magical equipment and weapons.

Among them, the weapons meticulously crafted by the 6-star transformation wizard Kohella were of astronomical value.

In a world where magic was a symbol of power, she stood at the pinnacle of the magical hierarchy.

The old female wizard sat alone in the corner of her study, flipping through the book known as the necromancy book of Rodentz Island.

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Although its content was monotonous, the magical energy imbued in it was certainly extraordinary.

It wasn’t the first time I had come across the research books of necromancers scattered across the continent. However, the magic books circulating near Rodentz Island were of a different quality compared to those researched by amateurs.

The author’s name was written as ‘Sinia,’ but it was obviously a pseudonym.

This author was someone whom Kohella had been desperately trying to track down, but not even a trace had been found over the long years.

Even the 6-star search-type mage Drest couldn’t completely escape Kohella’s pursuit.

It wasn’t just a matter of hiding well; it was to the point where it seemed fundamentally impossible to find this person. I was curious if they even existed.

Still, over the long years, by tracing the research books of the necromancer named Sinia, I could roughly read her intentions.

She was exerting influence over necromancers spread across the continent, including Rodentz Island, and what she was researching was corpse resurrection.

‘If it were simply about making a corpse move, it wouldn’t be difficult with the current level of necromancy. But a necromancer of this level wouldn’t be researching such simple magic.’

What Sinia was researching was the power to fully utilize a corpse, making it exhibit its abilities as it did in life.

This too was possible to some extent with the current level of necromancy. However, if the corpse’s abilities exceeded a certain level, it couldn’t fully exhibit its power with the magic power of an ordinary necromancer.

The necromancer under the pseudonym Sinia was researching a forbidden art that could revive any corpse with its full power, by compiling all sorts of research books and practical data.

So, who exactly was she planning to revive?

Looking at her research books, they were filled with reflections on the traces of the great demon ‘Noir’ who had overturned the north.

In that case, it wasn’t hard to draw a conclusion.

‘There was a great mage who died while subjugating the great demon Noir in the north.’

The 6-star combat-type mage, Kalimford, who was said to summon meteors and change the map.

Among the 6-star mages, who were jokingly said to have no sane person, he was one of the few who could be considered good and knowledgeable.

He had already disappeared into the annals of history, resting in his grave.

‘Is she planning to revive Kalimford?’

The mere existence of a 6-star necromancer was a harbinger of a great disaster, and if she were to revive a 6-star combat-type mage and use him as her puppet… who knows what terrible things could happen.

Kohella took a deep breath and fell into thought.

People still joked that there were no sane 6-star mages.

Unfortunately, Kohella, the person in question, agreed.

In the chief magic advisor’s research room at the Gremfort Palace in the central continent, the shadows flickered as the candle on the desk wavered.

The old mage, engrossed in reading magic books among the splendid magical tools, was Kohella, a 6-star transformation-type mage.

In the northern Rochester Duchy, snow was gently falling.

In the office, resting her chin on her hand and crossing her legs, quietly gazing at the snowy landscape, was Melverot, a 6-star combat-type mage.

In the eastern grasslands, a warm wind swept across the land.

The hem of a shabby robe fluttered. Climbing a serene hill, then suddenly turning around to look at the open landscape, was Drest, a 6-star search-type mage.

And in the southeastern continent, in the Tigris Barony, where barley fields and mountain ridges spread wide.

Above the bright blue sky, there is a girl shielding her eyes from the glaring sun with her hand. She is sitting on a large rock.

On one arm, she carries a basket filled with flowers she picked from the mountain ridge early in the morning.

With her other hand, she stretches out towards the sun to block its light, but soon blinks as the brightness overwhelms her.

“Leonard must have been caught too. It was bound to happen.”

She murmurs quietly, brushing her hair back.

The ends of her hair, parted and wavy, seem to wrap around her waist.

Her hair is basically silver-gray, but under the sunlight, it has a mysterious hue of purple and blue from within. Her eyes also appear to be a mix of blue and purple, a color that anyone would find fascinating.

– ‘Fine! You can stop picking flowers now and come down! Father has something important to tell you!’

From below the hill, the voice of Baroness Tigris calls out to her. As a rural noblewoman of a weak power, the baroness, with her sleeves rolled up, also exudes a strong sense of livelihood.

The girl, who was called, responds cheerfully with a kind smile and swiftly descends the hill path with light steps.

The azaleas she picked from the mountain ridge are fragrant.

The scent lingered in the places she passed by.


To my esteemed teacher Katia,

Autumn is in full swing now. I seem to have resolved to inform you of my whereabouts once every season, but living a hectic life, this too feels quite frequent.

Being busy is a good thing, so I should be cheerful. However, if you ask if everything is going well, I can’t say it is.

Starting a letter with gloomy words is not good, so let me first share the good news.

The construction of the Ravenclaw Training Center is complete, and it seems we will soon be able to properly accommodate noble ladies in the mansion.

The scale is larger than expected, so it seems we will be quite busy.

Of course, we have hired assistant teachers and renowned magic teachers at great expense, but many come because of my name, so I can’t just ignore them.

I’ve been playing the role of a teacher, which was not in my destiny, for quite some time now, and when I come to my senses, I find myself with many students, feeling like I’ve deviated quite a bit from the life path I had planned.

Whatever the case, I just wanted to become a higher-level magician. Anyway, teaching others is like teaching myself, so it helps in my magic training as well.

When I came to my senses, Lady Aislin had expanded the work, and we now have six proper administrative staff and nine teaching staff.

For tea ceremony, ancient continental language, and string instruments, Lady Aislin seems to have hired external instructors as it was difficult for her to teach these subjects herself. For magic, we have hired a few magic teachers from commoner backgrounds who seem capable of mastering the basics, so I am relieved.

The situation is a bit burdensome, but considering the incoming income, I am also quite satisfied. High-ranking nobles seem to open their wallets easily.

After the grand opening ceremony in four days, it seems there will be quite a few people here. This period can be considered my last rest period.

That was the good news, and now I should tell you the bad news.

Recently, Lady Ellente has been acting very awkwardly towards me.

I wondered if she liked me too, but I couldn’t bring myself to test it, fearing it would make me look like a delusional patient.

She is a lady of Belmiord who can choose to meet any outstanding young man from a decent family. She wouldn’t be swayed by a mere baron, so I reflected on whether I had been rude.

Upon careful reflection, I realize that during the commotion at the Belmiard mansion, I committed various acts of rudeness in my own way.

The urgent situation often made me forget to show proper respect to the authority of the Belmiard family, and I thought that from now on, I must strictly adhere to the hierarchical etiquette.

Although I have formed a bond of teacher and student with Lady Ellente, I cannot ignore secular authority… From now on, I must not mistakenly think we are close and informal, but strictly maintain the hierarchy and respond formally.

The culture of the nobility is indeed something that is hard to understand.

I must always be vigilant and reflect on myself a lot.

And, I have personal concerns about my magical achievements. In fact, this is the biggest issue.

I feel like I can almost master the magic of the 3-star level, but I have no idea how to step into the 4-star level.

Of course, my master would say that being at the 3-star level at my age is an incredible achievement and that I should be humble, but from my perspective, I always want to go higher, and it makes me restless.

If you know someone who can teach 4-star level magic, could you write me a letter of recommendation?

The high-level magicians I personally know are not the kind of people who would teach someone, so it’s quite a difficult situation. If you have any connections in mind, please connect me with them.

The story has become longer than I expected.

I am not usually talkative, but when I write a letter to Master Katia, my quill never seems to stop.

Is everything well with the Count of Elvester?

If the opportunity arises, I look forward to the day we can meet.

From the Baron of Ravenclaw, Derek Lydorf Ravenclaw.


Derek was pondering if there was anything more to add as he put down his quill.

– Creak

“Oh, Derek. Are you busy?”

“No. I was just writing a personal letter.”

“A personal letter… It’s the first time I’ve seen you so focused on writing something.”

Derek nodded in greeting, and Aiseline gestured with her hands that it was okay.

Anyway, Aiseline was defining her identity as a fallen noblewoman and was actually staying at the Ravenclaw barony.

Considering the value of the work she was doing… the expression “staying” was not quite appropriate.

“I was writing a letter to my master in the eastern continent. When I write to Master Katia, the content always ends up being longer than expected.”

“I see. Master Katia must be very precious to you.”

“Yes, indeed. I received a lot of help during my weak days.”

Derek said as he folded the letter that was appropriately finished.

Since returning urgently from the Belmiard mansion, there were indeed many things to handle, and he was very busy.

It was understandable why Aiseline had come to fetch Derek so urgently. Of course, Aiseline’s urgency was not just because of the piled-up work at the mansion, but from Derek’s perspective, it was not a matter of great importance.

“In fact, the list of young ladies who will attend the upcoming opening ceremony has been finalized. Since Mr. Derek has been busy and hasn’t had a chance to check it, I organized it for you to review in advance.”

“Such paperwork could be handled by administrative staff or servants…”

“These are people I have to teach directly, right? I need to start memorizing their names diligently from now on! Ahem!”

Saying so, she rolled up her sleeves again and took a vigorous breath, looking truly energetic.

Watching Iselin quietly, Derek felt a strange pressure to muster up some strength as well.

Derek accepted the list and scanned through the names.

“Viscount Rointel, Viscount Sidmer, Count Pluder, Baron Caldeorn, Baron Lodtek, Viscount Bleton…”

“…The list is quite intimidating, isn’t it? But they are all kind-hearted and good people…”

“Do you know them?”

“Half of them are people I’ve seen while socializing, and I’ve heard of the other half to some extent. Of course, I don’t know all the young ladies from the small, remote families…”

Anyway, Derek also needed to memorize those names.

As Derek was scanning through the names of various families,

One familiar family name caught Derek’s eye.


Derek’s eyes widened momentarily, and he took a deep breath.

He didn’t make a loud noise or show great surprise. However, it was rare for Derek to show such a strong reaction.

He was a person who maintained his composure even in the midst of the collapsing Duplain mansion.

Seeing such a reaction from Derek was not easy, so Iselin also shuddered and trembled in surprise.

“Mr. Derek?”

Iselin called out to Derek, but he didn’t respond.

Derek leaned back in his chair, touching his chin with his palm, lost in deep thought.

Could there really be something in this world that could fluster this man, who was second to none in cold-bloodedness?

Even Iselin, dumbfounded, had no choice but to wait for Derek’s answer.

Derek had to look at the list Iselin brought again to make sure he hadn’t seen it wrong.

– ‘Baron Tigris’

The name of that family on the list was one he had heard before.

The Tigris family was a typical rural border family. It meant they were insignificant.

The territory itself was vast but mostly barren, and the remaining land was mostly wheat fields. There were no large cities or towns in the baron’s territory, so he was more like a village head than a lord.

The head of the family, Leopold Oswin Tigris, was just an old soldier who had risen to prominence by luck… a former quartermaster.

It was a family that could be called the epitome of lower nobility. Anyone would wonder why this family was so surprising.

However, the important thing is not the name of the head of the family.

– ‘Lady Fine Raffaella Tigris, Baroness’

Derek brushed his lips and fell into deep contemplation.

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