There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 776 Thank you very much Ancestral Dragon fellow daoist! I would like to worship you as broth

Why did Wang Mang know he couldn't beat it?

Because Wang Mang had already realized a key issue.

Which is the strongest Tianjiao hunter, obviously very powerful.

But the combat power still hasn't crossed to Tier VI!

Moreover, Wang Mang guessed that this guy's Realm had reached the peak of the god emperor.

Counting his legendary Tianjiao, the combat effectiveness has almost reached the top peak.

Normally, if you use Tianjiao's combat power stacking method to calculate.

The strongest Tianjiao hunter, the strength should be at the sixth rank!

But it still couldn't cross to the sixth order, which proved a problem.

The superposition of Tier 5 Tianjiao will not allow him to reach Tier 6 in combat power!

what does this mean?

It means Wang Mang wants to fight these guys.

He needs at least a dozen small Realms in Ascension!

Moreover, Ascension has more than a dozen small Realm, he still can't beat these guys!

Unless he heaven-defying will Ascension the strength to the sixth order!

But the price paid is too great!

He is only the middle stage of the Holy Emperor now!

Once he heaven-defying Ascension to the sixth order.

The price paid is simply unimaginable.

It is estimated that once back before liberation!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt bitter.

There is no escape now, there is no escape.

He had to wait honestly for the outcome of the battle between the ancient emperor and the strongest Tianjiao hunter.

Of course, Wang Mang still hoped that the ancient emperor would win.

Because this strongest Tianjiao hunter kills too much.

All right! The ancient emperor's intention to kill was also very serious, but Wang Mang was now also racking his brains to find a way.

Therefore, it is best for the two to play as long as possible.

Moreover, the battle between the two is a collision of law and power.

Therefore, Wang Mang couldn't see the clearest situation at all.

The only thing he understood was that the ancient emperor was crushed and beaten by the strongest Tianjiao hunter.

Anyway, the cowhide is over.

Wang Mang couldn't understand the battle between the two of them.

From here, we can know how far Wang Mang is from them.

Wang Mang, who was in direct combat, also gave up the idea of ​​running away.

This was forced to give up running, otherwise he would have run away early.

Watching the scene where the two people are fighting against the mountain collapsed, the world changed, and the space was distorted.

Wang Mang couldn't help sighing, and secretly said in his heart:

"If these guys can kill both, let me miss it."

At this moment.

Wang Mang found out inadvertently.

The Dragon Emperor not far away, his eyes rolled, quietly looking around.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved.

Does this guy want to run away too?

After quietly observing for a while.

Wang Mang discovered that this guy might really want to escape.

Because, Zu Long is indeed invincible to Wang Mang.

But in front of the ancient emperor and the strongest Tianjiao hunter, it was not enough.

Moreover, Wang Mang knew that this guy's means of forcing Ascension's strength would definitely pay a great price.

At this point, Wang Mang immediately spread his voice: "Zulong fellow daoist, when you will run away, remember to take me!"

Hearing this, he was looking quietly, and the ancestor dragon around the enchantment was startled.

But after discovering that it was Wang Mang's voice transmission, he only breathed a sigh of relief.

But what made him a little bit irritated was how did Wang Mang find out that he wanted to escape?

Inadvertently, he looked sideways and saw Wang Mang looking at him from time to time.

Ancestral Dragon, whose eyes were flickering, finally decided to take Wang Mang with him.

As long as he gets what Wang Mang said, Ascension a Realm's Medicine Pill, he can minimize the loss.

Moreover, at this moment Zulong finally knew why the sense of crisis in Saint Emperor Continent was so strong.

First of all, the appearance of the ancient emperor made him unable to breathe.

Then came the strongest Tianjiao hunter again!

to be honest.

If it wasn't for Wang Mang to come here.

He felt that he would not end up in this situation.

Thinking of this, Zu Long gritted his teeth bitterly at Wang Mang.

This dog thing is really harmful!

After taking a deep breath, Zulong came back to his senses and continued to search for the surrounding space barrier.

He also wants to leave here soon.

Once the battle between the ancient emperor and the strongest Tianjiao hunter is over.

It is even more difficult for him to escape.

Don't look at him for bringing the battle power Ascension to the peak of the god emperor.

But the gap between him and the ancient emperor and the strongest Tianjiao hunter is nearly ten realm gaps!

His own Realm is only the Holy Emperor Eighth Stage.

The legendary Tianjiao blessed him with 4 heavenly combat power (Geshi Tianjiao does not increase combat power).

The immortal emperor mask and god emperor mask blessed him with 3 levels of combat power.

Forcibly Ascension has three small Realm combat power.

Only then has the combat power of the god emperor peak.

That's how the fighting power under Zulong's eyes was gained.

One's own Saint Emperor Eighth Stage + (Legendary Tianjiao 4 Heavenly combat power) + (God Emperor Demon Emperor Mask 3 Heavenly combat power) + (Forced Ascension 3 Heavenly combat power).


But where's Gudi?

Ancient Emperor himself Realm God Emperor Seventh Stage + (Legendary Tianjiao 4 Heavy Heaven) = Directly reached the peak power of God Emperor!

This is not the case of the remaining Tier 5 Arcana, Ascension combat power!

As for that, this guy does not have the fifth-order treasure of Ascension's combat power.

Wang Mang absolutely didn't believe it.

Because this guy is the inheritor of the Supreme Cemetery.


As for the strongest Tianjiao hunter, it is even more perverted.

Oneself Realm God Emperor Eighth Stage + (Legendary Tianjiao 4 Heavy Heaven) = God Emperor peak combat power!

As for this guy does not have a Tier 5 treasure?

Which Wang Mang is even more unbelief!

People don't even look down on the inheritors of the Supreme Cemetery!


It can be said that it can be distinguished at a glance.

There is no doubt that the strongest should be the strongest Tianjiao hunter.

Followed by the heirs of the Supreme Cemetery.

Finally, the dragon emperor and the ancestor emperor.

Of course.

As for myself.

Wang Mang felt.

He personally thinks that he should barely make it to fifth place, right?

After all, he is now the Saint Emperor Sixth Stage Cultivation Base!

The gap is not very big either.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly heard the voice of Longdi:

"You will move closer to me later."

"Wait for me to find the weak point of the space barrier."

"After blasting the barrier, I will take you out together."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

He quickly turned his head to look at Zu Long, and saw Zu Long look unconscious.

Suddenly, Wang Mang looked at Zulong's gaze, and the more he looked at it, the more pleasing he became.

Why didn't you find out before, this guy is actually pretty good?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang sent a message to Zulong and said in gratitude:

"In that case, thank you Zulong fellow daoist!"

"As long as the Zulong fellow daoist can take me out."

"I would like to worship fellow daoist as brothers with different surnames!"

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