There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 826 The two thousand arrogances are completely crazy! Go crazy chasing Wang Ling?

"Wang Ling? Fuck! It really is Wang Ling!"

"How could this thing appear here?"

"Yeah! It's called Wang Ling! It is said that with this token, you can directly and arbitrarily pass through the four major barriers."

"Even if you have this token, you can directly participate in the battle of the heavens and worlds in the fifth level!"

"Fuck! So that's it, this is called Wang Ling, basically you can directly participate in the last level?"

"Yes, the last city of every level has a portal. If you have a king order, except for the fifth level, you can run at any time and you can advance and retreat freely."

"Ahaha! It seems that God is taking care of daddy! This is the rhythm for daddy to directly enshrine the gods!"

"Don't fight with daddy! This king token belongs to daddy!"

Suddenly, countless Tianjiao people went crazy one after another.

Especially when they learned about the role of Wang Ling.

One by one is like a madman.

Because this is called Wang Ling's effect is too great.

Once you have the kingship order, you can freely enter and exit, the first four hurdles of the road to the heavens and ten thousand realms.

This means that the risk is greatly reduced, and you can participate when the road to the heavens and the world is opened.

Moreover, if the high-level combat power Tianjiao were given the kingship order, they could even turn around to hunt down these weaker Tianjiao and accumulate capital.

Calculating the total benefits, one can imagine how attractive Wang Ling is to Tianjiao.

Other Tianjiao participating in the battle of the heavens and the world can only advance but not retreat.

But with this thing, let alone retreated, you can leave at any time.

Suddenly countless arrogances.

At the same time, they rushed out of the city.

Attempting to capture the sky is called Wang Ling.

Similarly, after Wang Mang heard the words of a group of Tianjiao.

He immediately had an idea about this title.

It's a pity that Wang Mang's reaction was slow in the end.

His speed is not as fast as these arrogances.

What surprised Wang Mang was.

It is said that Wang Ling could run!

He seemed to fly toward the depths of the wild jungle with his long feet.

The speed is so fast that all Tianjiao people are dumbfounded.

"Fuck? It is said that Wang Ling will run? Can a fellow daoist explain it?"

"Yes! It's the first time daddy came here to fight the road of the heavens and the world, and I don't know what's going on!"

"After chasing it, it's over, saying that Wang Ling will not stop running! It is the city spirit born of the fifteen cities in the heavens and ten thousand realms."

"Naturally, I will run away, but once I get it, it's basically unimpeded, which is of great benefit to the Ascension Tianjiao level and hunting Tianjiao."

"Yes, now the mythical God of War in the fourth level, it is said that it has received the kingship order."

"As a result, this guy ran to the number one level in the world to hunt, and he gained an unknown amount of talent!"

"Yeah! How many levels are there in the first level? The first level is simply uncountable!"

"In the top ten worlds, a first level can be born nearby. How many first levels do you say?"

"So how many top-notch worlds are there in the entire heavens and myriad worlds? It's simply innumerable!"

"But the king's order is only 12 yuan, and only 12 yuan can be born on the entire road to the heavens and ten thousand realms!"

For a while, the arrogances who didn't understand why Wang Ling would run became even more boiling.

Similarly, Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

He hadn't paid too much attention to this stuff.

Because he also thought that this thing was just convenient transportation.

But after listening to these arrogant discussions, Wang Mang knew how precious this thing was.

No wonder many god emperor Ninth Stage heavenly arrogant talents seem to be crazy.

Because, with this title of king, you can simply not be too heaven-defying, you can wander in many first cities.

Then, continue to hunt down Tianjiao to accumulate capital heritage, and have a great opportunity to attack the mythical Tianjiao!

It's a pity that this token makes Tianjiao crazy.

The tokens were chased frantically one by one, but the speed of the tokens was too fast.

No one can easily catch up with the token, let alone get this golden token.

Therefore, Wang Mang simply stared at this group of Tianjiao who were completely jealous.

After all, you can imagine how terrifying the number of Tianjiao who have almost come out of their nests!

Well, he also pursued this as Wang Ling, but he must not forget the business!

The next moment, Wang Mang began to shoot at the crowds of arrogances beside him!

Moreover, Wang Mang's shot was too sudden!

I saw that Wang Mang turned into a giant python body and swallowed more than a dozen heavenly arrogances.

The next moment, the system sound also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed the God Emperor Second Stage Sky, the world's arrogant! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 200 million energy points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed the God Emperor's Third Stage Sky, the world's arrogant! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 300 million energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 3 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed the God Emperor Second Stage, the legendary Tianjiao! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 200 million energy points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully get 10 talent points! 】


Accompanied by the continuous sound of the system.

Wang Mang's whole body was exasperated.

Cool! That's so damn cool!

This is so cool to swallow!

Take a group of Tianjiao in one bite!

It's so crooked!

Of course.

Wang Mang's behavior.

Naturally, it also caused a lot of riots in Tianjiao.

Many Tianjiao became even more confused, and quickly distanced themselves from Wang Mang.

However, they are still unwilling to give up chasing the king's order.

Because, to call Wang Ling, the temptation is too great for them!

Moreover, coupled with Wang Mang's transformation into a human form, he was once again mixed in the Tianjiao group, and he did not appear to make a move.

This also caused the panicked Tianjiao group to breathe a sigh of relief again and continue to immerse themselves in chasing the king's order.

It is a pity that when these arrogant people relax their vigilance again.

Wang Mang seized the opportunity again and turned into a giant python that covered the sky and opened his mouth.

Under this bite, he swallowed more than 20 Tianjiao who hadn't reacted, including the God Emperor Eighth Stage Tianjiao Tianjiao!

Suddenly, the voice of the system was even more densely ringing like raindrops:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed a god emperor Third Stage Heaven, the legendary Tianjiao! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 300 million energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully get 10 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed a god emperor Fourth Stage sky, the world's arrogant! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 400 million energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 talent points! 】


This constantly ringing system sound.

It made Wang Mang really excited.

This is the best time he has hunted and killed Tianjiao in history!

These guys are like dumplings, waiting for him to devour them one by one!

And, where is this!

There are more than two thousand arrogances present!

He can't eat half of it too much, right?

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