There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 831 There are only a hundred left over a thousand gods? Finally do something that hurts othe

Originally so arrogant and extremely arrogant Zhan Tian.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, his face turned green.

His remarks actually wanted Wang Mang to hunt down Tianjiao quickly.

There is no need to have trouble with him!

But Wang Mang actually said this kind of tiger-wolf term?

Is this guy a fucking man?

Target him alone?

If Wang Mang really did this.

He will indeed lose a lot, and even Realm will fall.

If it was specifically targeted by Wang Mang, his fate would not be much better.

But he and Wang Mang have no deep hatred!

In Zhantian's view.

Since you can't stop it.

If you have money, everyone can make it together.

There are Tianjiao everyone to kill together.

good for everyone.

Isn't this happy for everyone?

Is it necessary to target him like this?

They don't have any deep hatred!

Therefore, I saw Wang Mang's cruel and cold look.

Zhan Tian was really scared, Wang Mang went mad against him.

Therefore, his face is full of depression:

"Fellow daoist, you and I have no deep hatred, why bother?"

"Everyone hunts Tianjiao together, and the water in the well does not offend the river, is it okay?"

"Besides, I'm not alone, I won't let you eat alone!"

"At this moment, fellow daoist you can't eat alone."

"Unless fellow daoist your strength, you can reach the extreme First Stage days."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's face eased slightly.

He also knew that it was indeed the case.

But the problem is, this guy's attitude is very important!

Being so arrogant, Wang Mang really wanted to target him specifically.

However, with the current interests, Wang Mang didn't want to spend it with this guy.

Therefore, Wang Mang glanced at the sky coldly, and threatened coldly:

"Be careful with me. If you dare to be so mad, I will specifically target you in the future."

After that, Wang Mang turned into a giant python and rushed to the Tianjiao group again.

It was Zhan Tian, ​​facing Wang Mang's threat, his face was not pretty, but he dared not say anything.

After all, he also knew that if Wang Mang specifically targeted him, it would be really uncomfortable.

Afterwards, he no longer hesitated, and immediately joined the hunt for Tianjiao.

At this moment, if someone observes, they will find that the demons dance in the enchantment.

Tianjiao scattered and fled, but there are fifteen gods who are hunting.

Yes, there are six more Tianjiao, they force the strength of Ascension and join the hunting team.

Among them, there are even members of the alliance such as Wang Mang!

Hua Yunfei, Lu Han, and Zhang Jie were among them.

Compared to the hunting speed of these arrogances.

Wang Mang was a bit fast.

Because the target group that Wang Mang hunted was the first to consider the weak Tianjiao.

The five hundred tianjiao hunted by Wang Mang in the front were basically the middle stage tianjiao of the god emperor.

Therefore, after Wang Mang successfully culled close to two hundred Tianjiao again.

Now there are very few Tianjiao left on the court.

After all, Wang Mang hunted and killed seven hundred arrogances alone!

It can be said.

He basically hunted down the weaker god emperor middle stage battle strength Tianjiao.

Among the remaining Tianjiao, only three hundred are left!

In other words, the other hundreds of Tianjiao.

Almost divided by these fifteen gods.

This led to the fact that the number of Tianjiao remaining in the entire enchantment was very small.

Therefore, in addition to the hunted Tianjiao, some Tianjiao escaped.

Among the last more than three hundred gods.

Wang Mang is also not very demanding, and if he kills more than a hundred more, it will be almost the same.

However, the current Wang Mang, every time he culled Tianjiao, it was not so easy.

In total, there were more than 300 Tianjiao, and there were 15 Tianjiao with the same combat strength, who were also participating in the hunt.

Therefore, every time Wang Mang makes a shot, it would be nice to be able to get five!

But in fact, every time Wang Mang culled the Tianjiao group, he did gain something.

But it can't do it at all, every hunting can swallow dozens of Tianjiao.

The most is that he can swallow every time he hunts, the appearance of a few Tianjiao.

Because these arrogant talents will not gather together on a large scale at all, they are very scattered.

In the end, whether it was Wang Mang, or the other princes who hunted.

All can only be hunted and killed one by one.

Moreover, the remaining Tianjiao are very powerful.

All without exception, are the arrogances of the late stage combat power of the god emperor.

Because of this, this group of Tianjiao is really not so easy to kill.

After all, Tianjiao, who can live to the present, has a lot of abilities.

That's it, in a blink of an eye.

Several more hours passed.

At this moment, the Tianjiao in the present.

There are only more than 100 pieces left.

But whether it was Wang Mang or the rest of Tianjiao, they didn't continue their hands, but stopped instead.

Because, the remaining more than a hundred tianjiao, all of them are tianjiao whose combat power has reached the eighth stage of the god emperor.

Moreover, these arrogances are all methods of possessing, forcibly Ascension's strength, or methods of possessing supernatural powers of the flesh.

If they continue to shoot, these hundreds of arrogances, they will definitely force Ascension's strength to fight.

For a while, more than a dozen Tianjiao hunting princes turned their gazes to Wang Mang.

If Wang Mang continues to shoot, they will obviously continue to shoot.

Although it is difficult to kill the remaining Tianjiao, but forcing them to force Ascension is also good!

Obviously, they are still very happy to do this kind of self-interest.

At the same time, Wang Mang hesitated for a while before he decided to continue his shot.

These guys.

It is very difficult for him to hunt.

But if it can consume them.

Or, forcing them to Ascension strength.

Even let their Realm fall.

This kind of thing is simply self-interested.

Wang Mang was still very happy to see it.

At this point, under countless Tianjiao's stunned eyes.

Wang Mang once again turned into a giant python and rushed towards the group of arrogances.

Similarly, seeing Wang Mang shot.

The remaining fifteen hunting arrogances have also taken action.

Seeing this scene, the remaining Bailai Zun Tianjiao were furious.

Suddenly, this group of Tianjiao became even more completely angry, and roared at Wang Mang:

"Too much deceiving! Really we are afraid that you will not succeed?"

"Damn! These guys want to force us to force the Ascension strength, deliberately consume us, and make us suffer a great loss!"

"This group of dogs is really shameless. We will simply Ascension together, we will kill them all!"

"Kill this guy! I don't want us to get better, everyone don't think about getting better! To die and die together!"

Obviously, this group of Tianjiao were completely angry.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

The tyrannical aura of Tianjiao surged.

This arrogant god has chosen to force the strength of Ascension!

All these breaths have reached the heavenly combat power of the God Emperor Ninth Stage!

Moreover, the number of Tianjiao who choose Ascension's strength is still skyrocketing!

Ten gods fighting power Ninth Stage days!


Thirty gods fighting power Ninth Stage days!


Fifty gods fighting power Ninth Stage days!


Seventy gods fighting power Ninth Stage days!

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