There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 835 The origin of the three realms of the Supreme, if you can become the Supreme, the old ma

After reading personal information.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

Although the energy value is still increased by 50 billion.

But it’s good to increase the energy value this time!

If the energy value is increased by more than 100 billion.

Wang Mang will have more headaches.

Therefore, after each breakthrough.

Wang Mang hopes that the energy value required for the next breakthrough Realm will not skyrocket too much.

At this moment.

Then the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected! Give the host the following task choices! 】

[Mission first: I have already come to the Mythical Tianjiao, so I naturally want to go hunting in the third city! Hunting is no less than a hundred Tianjiao! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 20 billion energy value! Random lottery chance X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! 】


[Mission 2: Now that you have come to the Mythical Tianjiao, you will naturally go to the third city for hunting! Hunting is no less than two Tianjiao! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 40 billion energy value! Random lottery chance X1! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! 】


[Quest third: I have already come to the myth Tianjiao, so I naturally want to go hunting in the third city! Hunting is no less than three hundred Tianjiao! And be on the emperor list! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 60 billion energy value! Random lottery chance X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang froze for a moment, then fell into thinking.

The system released tasks, which did not surprise him.

After all, basically every time his strength has risen.

No surprises, there will be tasks released.

It's just that the rewards of this task are clear at a glance.

They are all hunting Tianjiao.

One of the tasks is the simplest and the least rewards.

Task two, hunting Tianjiao doubled and rewards more.

Mission 3 is the most rewarding and difficult!

Mainly this so-called emperor list.

Wang Mang didn't even know what it was.

But Wang Mang knew that this should be a list.

As for what this list is.

Wang Mang didn't know.

After a little hesitation.

Wang Mang couldn't hold back his greed in the end.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

"System! I choose task three!"

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

Subsequently, Wang Mang took out the Wang Ling from the storage space.

Since he obtained the title of king, he has not had time to study it.

After taking out the Wang Ling, the token floated around Wang Mang.

Just as Wang Mang was looking at the token.

Calling Wang Ling is an old voice:

"The old man really didn't guess wrong."

"Among so many arrogances, you are the safest and most extraordinary!"

"You are also the most mysterious, always letting the old man not see the way."

After hearing this.

Wang Mang was shocked suddenly.

After reacting, he looked at Wang Ling in front of him with a stunned expression, and asked:

"Are you talking?"

Hearing this, an old and proud voice came from Wang Lingli:

"Yes, it's the old man."

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly looked at the token in front of him with some curiosity, and couldn't help but chuckle:

"You are really smart!"

"I have to say, your vision is pretty good."

"I also feel that I have the supreme capital!"

"Don't be afraid to tell you! Nearly two thousand Tianjiao who were hunted by me will be left, only one in ten."

"Now that this mythical Tianjiao can be achieved, the impact to the supreme can be said to be very close!"

Speaking of which.

Wang Mang's whole person was a little floating.

In the final analysis, the recent combat power did give Wang Mang some proud capital.

After all, not everyone can hunt so many arrogances.

Therefore, Wang Mang is a little swollen, it is inevitable.

After hearing Wang Mang's boast.

Wang Ling once again heard a proud voice:

"Of course, don't look at the old man's vision?"

"Don't be afraid to tell you, after I was born, I followed the Supreme every time."

"The minimum threshold is the Supreme, and even the strongest Supreme has followed once!"

"From here, you can tell how boastful the old man's vision is!"

After hearing the boast of Wang Ling, Wang Mang was stupid.

Good guy, so many arrogances not long ago, he was hunting.

But Wang Mang wanted to inquire about some news from this guy, so he couldn't help asking:

"You are called Wang Ling, how much effect do you have?"

"Also, what is this so-called Emperor Ranking?"

"Also, is the supreme also divided into levels?"

Obviously, Wang Mang caught some information in the old guy's previous opening.

Upon hearing this, the voice calling Wang Ling came again:

"The role of the old man is great."

"With an old man, you can use Spatial Teleportation in the third city, sixth city, ninth city, and twelfth city."

"When you want to hunt down these arrogances, you can hunt down arrogances and become the supreme."

"As for the emperor list you mentioned, this is a list of the road to the heavens and ten thousand realms."

"If you can reach the top of the emperor list, then the probability of becoming the invincible supreme is three levels high."

"In addition, the supreme does have levels."

"After the myth Tianjiao is over."

"It's the little supreme, the big supreme, the invincible supreme."

"Little supreme, can have the power of the Seventh Stage in the extreme realm."

"Big Supreme, can have the ultimate Eighth Stage power."

"Invincible Supreme, you can have the ultimate Eighth Stage power!"

"This is also called the Supreme Three Level!"

"Among them, Xiao Zhizun has many in each era."

"Da Zhizun is as dazzling as a Star in every era."

"Invincible Supreme, in each era, there can only be one of the heavens and the world!"

"Moreover, Invincible Supreme can be recorded in the annals of history, and the years will hardly obliterate his glory."

"Moreover, once Tier 5 reaches Invincible Supreme."

"Then, he must be able to reach supremacy at the sixth level."

"As for whether it can reach Tier 6 Invincible Supreme, it's unclear."

Having said that, Wang Ling paused for a while and sighed:

"Oh! Actually, you can reach the little supreme, basically there is no problem."

"But, if you want to be the Supreme, or even the Invincible Supreme, it's too difficult."

"Because, if you want to become the invincible supreme, you can no longer do well by hunting down the arrogance."

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized that at the same time, he was also a little unhappy.

Because, in the tone of this guy, he is obviously very unoptimistic!

What does it mean to be a little supreme?

Great Supreme? Why don't we do it?

Invincible Supreme? No chance?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said unhappy:

"Didn't you just say that you are optimistic about this seat? Why are you not optimistic about it now?"

Hearing this, Wang Ling said a helpless voice:

"The old man is optimistic that you will become the supreme! You are the little supreme!"

"But Great Supreme, or Invincible Supreme, you really can't."

"Because, in you, the old man really sees no hope at all."

"Invincible faith, invincible momentum, and invincible heart."

"You don't have these three basic qualities to become Invincible Supreme!"

"You're welcome, if you can become the invincible supreme..."

"No! If you want to be a great supreme, the old man will stand upside down and eat shit..."

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