There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 839 Hua Yunfei, who has been humiliated, is my brother enough to be on the emperor list?

"Awesome! The invincible supreme on this supreme list is terrible!"

"Every one is so heaven-defying that it is unimaginable, and it is simply not a human being."

At this moment, Hua Yunfei couldn't help being shocked, and said in a trembling tone.

He naturally also watched the Supreme Ranking, and the invincible Supremes on the list were too powerful.

The glorious past and terrifying record are as dazzling as Star.

In contrast, the invincible supreme of each era is completely different from the invincible supreme on the list.

Hearing this, Wang Mang said silently: "It must be amazing. Didn't you hear what they said? The 188th, 100 eras each."

"Invincible Supreme has been born cumulatively, there are as many as 180,000, and only one hundred may be on the list of Supremes."

"It's almost the same, one hundred invincible supreme, and no one can be born, the invincible supreme on the supreme list!"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Afterwards, Wang Mang's gaze turned to the silver stele on the side.

Mainly the fierce people on this supreme list, simply too heaven-defying sturdy.

It’s easy to get up if you see too much, and it's easy to belch once you get up.

It's like seeing a big guy playing a game, and he's a god of operation.

As a result, I saw it with enthusiasm, too much.

Some operations are as fierce as a tiger, and the last look is 0-5.

Therefore, Wang Mang is very self-aware.

He can't compare with these fierce men.

But whoever is on the top list.

People are really fierce.

Nothing can describe these guys.

It can be said that each is a fierce man who suppressed an era.

And, it's still so fierce as there is no one before and there is no one afterwards!

Moreover, seeing too much of these things will really affect people.

For example, Wang Mang discovered that Hua Yunfei at this moment, with his fists clenched, his eyes firm and high-spirited fighting spirit, muttered to himself:

"In the future on this list, I may not have a place without me!"

After hearing what this guy said.

Wang Mang felt like hehe in his heart.


You guy is even more floating than me!

Daddy can now reach the mythical Tianjiao.

You are still a legendary arrogant!

Daddy is not as floaty as you!


These words were not only heard by Wang Mang.

All the arrogances present heard them one after another.

All of a sudden, all the arrogances gathered their eyes on Hua Yunfei.

Among these eyes, there is no surprise, they are full of joking and mockery.

Many Tianjiao couldn't help but laugh on the spot, and ridiculed loudly:

"You have to be self-aware, so do you still want to be on the top list?"

"Palsy, but anyone with a clear mind can't say this!"

"Cowhide! You want to be on the top list, why are you so cowhide!"

"As long as you drink less, you won't be able to say funny things."

"It's okay, do you always want to have dreams? Go back to sleep and have everything in your dreams!"

"Dude, as long as there are two cephalosporins, they won't drink so much!"

"Is there a big brother? Trouble awaken this kid!"

Hearing the ridicule of all the arrogances, Wang Mang suddenly felt ashamed.

He quickly distanced himself, saying that he and this guy didn't know him.

After hearing the unbridled ridicule of a crowd of Tianjiao.

Hua Yunfei also recovered, his face flushed with ridicule.

But he was speechless, and even more embarrassed.

After taking a deep breath, Hua Yunfei cheeked and said coldly:

"How do you know that you can't be on the top list?"

"How can you ants know the lofty ambitions of this seat?"

After hearing Hua Yunfei, Wang Mang was speechless.

Never thought that this guy has such a thick face.

Hearing that, the Tianjiao present.

They even laughed unscrupulously:

"This family is mad! Is it still on the top list?"

"Let's talk about it when you reach the legendary Tianjiao!"

"Are you still on the top list? How can you be on the God list? Daddy will kneel for you on the spot!"

"Haha! Does he still want to be on the emperor list? It's basically impossible, right!"

"Yes, although there is a Tianjiao of God Emperor Ninth Stage in the emperor list, but with the same level of combat power, priority will be given to those who are high in the rank of Tianjiao."

"Boy, wait for you to be on the emperor list, then come to daydream again!"

"Haha! Don't talk about the top 100, as long as you can be in the 10,000 emperor list, it's not bad."

After hearing the words of a crowd of arrogances.

Hua Yunfei was trembling with anger.

But Wang Mang couldn't help but look at the emperor list that the Tianjiao said.

This so-called Dibang is the silver stele next to the golden stele!

A hundred names are also recorded on it.

But Wang Mang didn't think that he could rank among the top 100 among the arrogance of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

However, listening to a crowd of Tianjiao, this so-called emperor list should be able to accommodate ten thousand Tianjiao?

If one of ten thousand is counted as being on the God list, Wang Mang still has some confidence!

At this time, facing the ridicule of the arrogances, Hua Yunfei was full of anger and gritted his teeth:

"The emperor list is this silver stone stele, right? How to detect the emperor list? Daddy will show it to you now!"

Upon hearing this, one of Tianjiao immediately laughed and said: "Just you still on the emperor list?"

"I want to know if I am qualified or not. This is very simple. Put your hand on the stone pillar for a time of incense sticks."

"If you are qualified enough to be on the emperor list and enter 10,000, the stone pillar will show your ranking and get a mark of the emperor list."

"If you are not qualified to be on the emperor list, this stone pillar will have no response!"

After speaking, the rest of the Tianjiao also looked at Hua Yunfei mockingly, and mocked:

"Go! Let us see if you, a big man who wants to be on the top ranking list, can enter the emperor ranking list!"

"As long as he wants to enter the emperor list, it's impossible!"

"Yes, the emperor list counts the overall strength and background, etc., but you can't climb it if you want to be listed."

"Just like him? Still want to be on the list? Go to sleep!"

Facing the ridicule of the arrogances, Hua Yunfei was very angry and walked up with an angry face.

In front of the crowds of Tianjiao, Hua Yun flew to the stone pillar and slowly raised his hand to stick to the stone pillar.

But as time went by, Hua Yunfei's face became more and more ugly.

Because, this huge stone pillar in front of me has no reaction at all!

Seeing this scene, all the arrogances present laughed unscrupulously, and ridiculed them one after another.

This immediately made De Hua Yunfei extremely embarrassed.

Then, he rolled his eyes and roared:

"Although daddy cannot be on the emperor list for the time being, my brother can be on the emperor list!"

While speaking, Hua Yunfei suddenly pointed his finger at Wang Mang, and said proudly:

"My brother, once outside the gate of the second city, the town killed seven or eight hundred princes!"

"Now he can board the mythical arrogant at any time, and his combat power can break through the extreme at any time!"

"He should always be qualified to be on the emperor list, right?"

"If my brother is not qualified to be on the emperor list."

"How about daddy hit and die here on the spot?"

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