There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 841 Spontaneous blocking from Tianjiao! Can't find a trace? Use Tier 5 Disposable Top B

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's face was gloomy.


Never let this guy break through!


He is definitely going to be cold!

Even two tasks can't be completed!

Once the opponent breakthrough extreme combat power.

So who else is the opponent of the Nightmare Alliance?

I am afraid that all the arrogances present will suffer!

At that time, how would he hunt down the three hundred arrogances?

At that time, how can he kill the Nightmare Alliance?

Just as Wang Mang's face was gloomy.

Hua Yunfei also had a heavy heart.

Good guys!

He found that Wang Mang had really offended so many people.

When he sees the other person, he is not good at it!

Luo Tiancheng may not be caught by him yet. To put in one’s eyes.

But the previous Blue Robe Tianjiao had too strong aura.

The same level of combat power, but it can give him a feeling of horror.

What does this prove?

This proves that the opponent is better than him!

Moreover, listen to Luo Tiancheng's words.

This guy is likely to belong to a group.

Once you break through the extreme realm!

He would be hit by Wang Mang and Chi Yu.

Even the masses of Tianjiao here will suffer!

This is the end of my thought.

Hua Yunfei even wanted to give up Wang Mang.

After all, he and Wang Mang are also of interest.

He is really optimistic about Wang Mang, but the problem is.

The enemy is too powerful!

Once the breakthrough point is reached.

He will be threatened!

But after thinking about it, Hua Yunfei still did not choose to abandon Wang Mang.

After all, Wang Mang is also a potential stock and is about to board the mythical Tianjiao!

Such a Tianjiao, reaching the extreme combat power is also a sure thing!

As for his breakthrough extreme combat power?

It's not that Hua Yunfei looked down on himself.

It's that he just broke through the god emperor Ninth Stage's heavenly combat power not long ago.

Therefore, his background and accumulation are far behind.

Obviously, in Hua Yunfei's opinion.

Wang Mang's accumulated background is far stronger than him.

Definitely breakthrough extreme combat power before him!

Therefore, Hua Yunfei also put away other thoughts.

He looked at Wang Mang and asked in a deep voice:

"Brother Wang Mang, are we just watching, this guy breakthrough?"

"If he is really allowed to break through the extreme combat power, then we might be targeted."

"Even the Tianjiao here will suffer! Don't talk about hunting Tianjiao by then! It's not bad if we don't be hunted!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly sneered: "If I don't believe this news, we will know."

"Look, after the six of them left, many Tianjiao left."

"Obviously, this guy wants to break through the extreme combat power, and we will definitely not only choose to interfere."

"The rest of the guys will also choose to stop."

In fact, it is true.

Many Tianjiao quietly followed, and the Nightmare Alliance left.

I even heard many comments from Tianjiao:

"This Nightmare Alliance is really fast enough to accumulate."

"Yes! This guy wants to break through the extreme as soon as possible, to hunt us down!"

"Hehe, good idea, should we really wait for him to be hunted?"

"Just now Daddy saw that there are no fewer than dozens of Tianjiao who follow the Nightmare Alliance."

"Obviously, it's not just that we don't want him to breakthrough, too many people don't want him to breakthrough!"

"Let's go! It's obviously impossible for this guy to break through! Let's stop him together!"

Obviously, many Tianjiao people want to stop someone from breaking through.

Similarly, Wang Mang is no exception.

Therefore, after Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei looked at each other, they also chased in the direction where the Nightmare Alliance had left.

Can not chase after two hours.

In a barren jungle.

Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei found out immediately.

But their breath suddenly broke here.

As if disappeared out of thin air.

at the same time.

Wang Mang also discovered that dozens of Tianjiao were also in the nearby sky, frowning and searching.

Obviously, it was not only Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei who chased and lost the target, these arrogants also chased and lost the target.

"Damn it! Where are the people from the Nightmare Alliance?"

"It's incredible that we lost it! Unless they have treasures that completely cut off their breath!"

"It seems that Wuhou, this guy has been prepared for a long time, and it is expected that we will inevitably stop him."

"What do you do now? Does it really make this guy feel at ease to breakthrough Realm?"

"If it really makes him breakthrough, we don't want to hunt here with peace of mind."

"Yeah! Daddy couldn't catch the Nightmare Alliance even if they used the time to go backwards."

"It's estimated that the Tier 5 top hidden interest talisman paper is used. It seems that we will not be able to find him."

"Unless you have a Tier 5 top tracking rune paper, you really can't find these guys."

Wang Mang furrowed his brows even more after hearing the comments of the arrogances.

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang was relieved again, and this guy was ready to make a breakthrough.

It's impossible for him not to have what he prepared, let alone with the knowledge of many people.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's expression became so gloomy.

Especially when I saw that, after searching for a few hours, this group of Tianjiao was disappointed and gave up.

Wang Mang's heart sank to the bottom, he must have this so-called Wuhou breakthrough extreme!

At this point, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: "System! Is there a way to find this Wuhou?"

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Can spend 5 billion energy value! Buy Tier 5 Top Tracking Symbol, do you want to buy it? 】

After hearing the system's voice, Wang Mang's mouth twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth in his heart:


The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully deducted 5 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully purchased a one-time Tier 5 top tracker! Has been issued to the backpack, please pay attention to check! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was forced to endure the pain and took out the one-time Tier 5 top tracking charm from his backpack!

This is a piece of yellow talisman paper, but it is full of the power of law and powerful Taoist rhyme.

The next moment, accompanied by Wang Mang's activation of the talisman paper, the system's voice followed:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the tracer! Please select a tracking target! 】

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly said silently in his heart: "Nightmare Alliance, Wuhou!"

The next moment, Wang Mang saw the tracking talisman flying in one direction instantly.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang hurriedly said: "Keep up!"

Afterwards, Wang Mang followed the talisman and flew towards the depths of the Great Wilderness.

Upon seeing this, although Hua Yunfei was also a little surprised, he hurriedly followed.

After that, Wang Mang and the other two followed the tracer and flew for an hour.

Wang Mang discovered that the tracking symbol turned into a golden light and rushed into a jungle.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang still doesn't know where, the Nightmare Alliance is in this jungle!

Therefore, Wang Mang immediately urged Hua Yunfei to converge his breath together, and turned into a mosquito to fly towards the jungle.

Sure enough, when entering a jungle.

Wang Mang saw it, outside a cave.

A thick space barrier is arranged.

Moreover, the five Tianjiaos including Luo Tiancheng are guarding the vicinity of the cave.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang knew immediately.

This guy is probably preparing for a breakthrough!

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang suddenly sneered.

Afterwards, he waited patiently.

About a day later.

Wang Mang thinks it should be almost done.

This time.

It is very likely that Wuhou has adjusted his state.

And, ready to start hitting Realm.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

"System! Use Tier 5 top one-time bad luck card!"

"Use target, Nightmare Alliance, Wuhou."

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the one-time Tier 5 top bad luck card! 】

【Ding! The target will fall into extreme bad luck in the next 24 hours, from bad luck to bad luck, to severely injured and fall! 】

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