There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 865 The first fierce battle with the myth Tianjiao! One trick determines the outcome of life

"Also, you don't really think that there are more than 2,800 on the emperor list. We are leaving you?"

"Don't look at the three of us. Which one is not higher than you? This is the reason for killing you!"

After hearing the unscrupulous laughter of the three.

Wang Mang looked over the heads of the three of them.

The headed young man in black robe, Tianjiao, has his name written in small letters on the top of his head:

[Peony inserts cow dung] Ranked 2666 on the Emperor List!

The other young Tianjiao also have small gold names written on their heads.

They are:

[Sunset to enjoy the red glow] Ranked 2774 in the Emperor Ranking!

[One person is drunk and drunk] Ranked 2701 in the Emperor Ranking!

No wonder these three guys are so confident that they can suppress him.

In the case of a single fight, the rankings are close, and you will know which one is stronger and weaker.

However, the ranking of the emperor's rankings will not be too disparity, Wang Mang also knows this.

But to deal with these three guys, to be honest, Wang Mang still had some confidence.

Even if there is a gap in combat power at the same level, Wang Mang firmly believes that the gap will never be too great.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang is confident!

At this point, Wang Mang suddenly sneered and said: "If that's the case, why bother to say more, wait for you to come here!"

While speaking, a big silver gun appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Wang Mang even raised his hand and pointed his gun at the three of them, his expression cold and indifferent.

Seeing this scene, the young man named Peony, who was headed by the name of Peony, smiled lightly at a young man: "Wu Sunset, you go try this kid's ability!"

Hearing this, Wu Luori immediately smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I am confident that this kid can eat him, and you don't need to act."

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Luori had an extraordinarily extraordinary scimitar in his hand, and then immediately rushed towards Wang Mang.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Wang Mang, and the big knife in his hand slashed at Wang Mang's head!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered, and the big gun in his hand blocked it again, accompanied by a loud bang.

The opponent's broadsword was easily blocked by Wang Mang, and at the same time, Wang Mang swept his spear and stab the opposite door.

Seeing this scene, Wu Luori was shocked, and quickly leaned back to avoid the spear that Wang Mang stabbed.

But The next moment, Wu Luori suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, and when he looked down, he found that Wang Mang's spear had picked a piece of flesh from his shoulder, and the blood was flowing.

Wu Luori, who was full of pain, was furious, his complexion distorted and shouted: "Little bastard, daddy wants your life!"

After speaking, Wu Luori raised his broadsword angrily and began to slash at Wang Mang frantically, faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, he swung his knife and chopped thousands of times, but Wang Mang was able to easily fend off all of them.

The fighting speed between the two is getting faster and faster, and the speed has become incapable of being caught by the naked eye.

But in fact, the two attacked each other and did not get much advantage.

But in the battle of weapons and weapons, Wang Mang always held the opponent's head!

There is no doubt about this.


Wu Luori basically didn't make much money with Wang Mang.

On the contrary, he suffered serious injuries in many parts of his body.

Moreover, Wang Mang was found out.

The injury left by this fake Tier 6 Divine Armament.

Even if he had the Ancient Demon Overlord's body, it was still difficult to heal.

Judging from the slow rate of healing, it doesn't take a few days to get better.

Because, the power of law carried by Divine Armament will crazily destroy the body's healing, devour vitality and so on.

As for why Wang Mang knows?

Because he was also stabbed in the arm!

Fortunately, this wound is not on the face, otherwise even with the Supreme Mask in front, I am afraid that a hideous wound will be left in the past few days.

At this time, Wu Luori, with an extremely ugly expression, immediately distanced himself from Wang Mang.

Since he couldn't find any advantage in weapons, he naturally wouldn't choose to continue fighting with Wang Mang with weapons.

I saw that the big knife in his hand disappeared out of thin air, and then hand seals with both hands, and the power of the surrounding laws swarmed.

At the same time, Wu Luori shouted angrily: "Five Elements Dashanyin!"

As soon as the voice fell, a miniature mountain appeared in his palm.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was also unwilling to show weakness, and wanted to detect his Nine Heavens Thunderprint.

Therefore, Wang Mang faced the sky with one hand, and the power of the laws was condensed, and most of them were the power of the laws of thunder and lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Mang's entire arm was already enveloped by the Law of Thunder and the Law of Thunder, and thunder coiled around Wang Mang's arm.

"Xuantian Thunder Seal!"

Accompanied by Wang Mang's angry shout, he raised his arms above his head and slapped Wu Luori with a palm.

I saw that a horrible lightning flashed into a thunder mark in an instant, whizzing away.

There are three kinds of Thunder Seals in this Nine Heavens Thunder Seal.

Distinguishing Stones: Xuantian Thunder Seal, Thunder Punishment Seal, Nine Heavens Thunder Seal!

Among them, Nine Heavens Thunder Seal is also called Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation!

Eighty-one times the size of Xuantian Thunder Seal!

It is also the nirvana of Nine Heavens Thunder Python.

At this moment, I saw the Xuantian Thunder Seal from Wang Mang.

Wu Luori's face was cold, and he said indifferently: "Go! Jinshanyin!"

As soon as the voice fell, he shook the mini-mountain in his hand.

This pocket-sized mountain rises in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it has swelled into a mountain.

In the end, it was bombarded with the Xuantian Thunder Seal that covered the sky and the sun.



After the two terrifying supernatural powers collided.

A terrible Yu Wei suddenly swept away.

The terrifying picture is like an atomic bomb burst.

Where the terrible hurricane swept, it turned into rubble.

Seeing this scene, the young Tianjiao, who was not far away from Peony planting cow dung, looked slightly solemn.

Similarly, the Tianjiao young man [drunk alone] beside him was also surprised.

He could see that this guy really had a fight against them.

Regardless of life or death, he could be separated from Wu Luori five to five.

Then, naturally, it will not be any weaker than them.

at the same time.

At this moment, after the sky has cleared the smoke and dust.

The two looked at each other, looking at each other.

In comparison, Wu Luori, whose face was extremely gloomy.

At this moment, Wang Mang stood with his hand holding his hand, his expression indifferent:

"Aren't you going to kill this seat? You have something to come up with!"

"If there is only this kind of ability, you would still be far away from killing this one!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Wu Luori's face was full of ferocity, and his tone was cold and gloomy:

"Okay! It's just one move to decide the outcome of life and death!"

After speaking, Wu Luori stretched out his hands, and the surrounding Magic power swarmed.

Seeing this scene, the headed Peony Youth Tianjiao suddenly changed his face and shouted angrily:

"Wu Luori! You are crazy! What are you doing?"

"We can kill him together! There is no need to fight him hard!"

After that, the young Peony headed and the youth beside him already had an extra dark spear in their hands.

This spear is also extremely extraordinary. Judging from the flow of the spear, it is obviously also a pseudo Tier VI Divine Armament.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang became vigilant secretly.

If you just fight for life and death with Wu Luori.

To be honest, although Wang Mang was not 100% sure.

But Wang Mang admitted that he was also more than half sure of suppressing Wu Luori.

But if these two guys shoot together.

Wang Mang absolutely flees without saying a word!

Because one Wu sunset is enough for him to have a headache.

What's more, the three of them shot together?

If it is said that before the fight, Wang Mang hadn't taken them seriously.

But after the fight, Wang Mang knew.

These three guys are really not ostentatious.

They all have the strength that is 50-50 with him.

At this moment.

But Wu Luori shouted with a ferocious face:

"You all go away! None of you are allowed to interfere!"

"Today, this seat is going to fight him, split life and death!"

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