Indoors, a lamp is as bright as a bean.

The door was locked, there were no windows on the four walls, and there was no wind. The light fell quietly on the bed and the floor.

Outside, there was wind and the bamboo forest rustled.

Nie Wushuang sat on the couch and opened his bulging luggage. Except for a set of clothes, it was filled with food, dozens of cooking cakes, and several strips of bacon cut into small pieces, which he used to buy blood-nourishing pills. The remaining silver was obtained from the cook in the dining hall.

A biscuit contains two or three small pieces of bacon, chewed slowly.

On the side, the martial arts clone planted a tiger-shaped stake, opened the fist, and struck again and again. Each time he gave Nie Wushuang some new insights, and the clone's movements became more and more refined.

Yes, it can be described as exquisite and breathtaking.

On the panel, the data is updated.

Roaring Tigers in the Mountain Forest, Perfection, 33/100

The martial arts avatar is practicing, and Nie Wushuang, who is sitting cross-legged on the step, is eating. His body feels like he is in a furnace. He can faintly hear the sound of blood boiling, flowing along a specific trajectory like a big river.

This place seems to be different from what Gan Yuhe said.

Great fortune?

Is there such a great fortune?

Locked in the house, unable to go anywhere.

Nie Wushuang knew that his cultivation level was low and he did not have the strength to say no to these arrangements.

Just like a tiger lying on a deserted hill, only its lurking minions can endure it.

We can only keep improving ourselves!

This is why he exchanged his silver for food.

Silver is converted into food, which can enhance strength.

One more point counts!

There were footsteps outside the house.

Nie Wushuang calmly put the uneaten food into the bag and packed it into his luggage.

The martial arts clone is still practicing, but the breath of the original body has suddenly dropped, and there are no longer signs of blood boiling.

At this time, he hid his cultivation.

The door lock was unlocked, Wei Zhongnan opened the door and walked in with a bowl of meat.

He put the bowl of meat on the table in front of the couch.

"Boy, you are blessed. This is the monster meat that Master Gu has given you. It can enhance your qi and blood. It is no worse than the blood-nourishing pill, and there is no poisonous problem. The most important thing is that this red mountain blue sheep tastes delicious when riding a horse. Very cool..."

As he spoke, the envy in his eyes was visible to the naked eye.

Monster meat?

Nie Wushuang knew that the apprentices of the East Courtyard could enjoy the monster meat one day every month. However, most of those guys came from wealthy families and spent a lot of money to enter the martial arts gym. It can be said that one East Courtyard supported less than half of the family. A martial arts gym.

Monster meat is different from blood-nourishing pills. You can enjoy it even if you have never stepped into the qi-blood realm. As long as you are not unable to eat it and still forcefully swallow it, there will be no side effects.

There are monsters and monsters in this world.

In the human world, they appear occasionally.

Monster beasts are not monsters, they are just tainted with a trace of monster nature. If they are lucky enough to meet the emperor's liquid, they can be reincarnated into monsters. If they do not have monster nature, even if they meet the emperor's liquid, they will not be able to become monsters.

Nie Wushuang looked at the bowl of meat in front of him.

The bowl is a large coarse porcelain bowl, the meat is stewed meat, the size of a fist, there is no extra seasoning, and even if you get closer, you can't smell the aroma.

Could there be something fishy?

For example, there is a chronic poison in it, the kind of thing where you have to take the antidote every once in a while?

A wicked thing like a life and death talisman that makes you unable to live or die?

The guy next to him didn't leave, just stood there and stared at him.

Are you afraid that you won’t eat it?


He has an immune clone.

Who is afraid of Who!

Nie Wushuang picked up the piece of meat from the bowl, closed his eyes, opened his mouth wide, stuffed it in, and swallowed it without chewing much.

Very slippery!

Very moist!

Kind of like jelly.

The taste is good, but it can't be said to be delicious.


Wei Zhongnan slapped his thigh heavily with a look of regret.

"Boy, this way of eating is a complete waste of the Chishan Blue Sheep! Chew slowly and enjoy it slowly. If you swallow it in one bite, you will waste this delicious food..."

Then, he licked his lips and asked.

"Do you want the soup in it?"

Nie Wushuang summoned the immune clone from the shadow.

He looked at it and saw that there was no messy light shining in the clone.

Everything is business as usual.

In other words, this thing is not poisonous.


He responded.

Pick up the bowl and swallow the soup.

Finally, he stuck out his tongue and licked the bottom of the bowl clean.

"Oh shit!"

Wei Zhongnan couldn't help but curse.

When it was delivered, he didn't dare to steal food in between.

Gu Yang has a bad temper. Regardless of his background in the Central Court, if the other party feels that he has been offended by him and does not obey orders, next time, if the guy in the Taoist temple needs to be fed, he will definitely be thrown in by him.

However, if Nie Wushuang stopped eating, he could enjoy the remaining soup.


This guy is so cruel!

Licking the bottom of the bowl clean!

Wei Zhongnan left with an ugly expression while holding the empty bowl, and the door closed with a particularly loud sound.

After he left, Nie Wushuang continued to eat. After all, the bowl of meat was only the size of a fist, which would probably not fill his stomach.

However, when he picked up the cooking cake, Nie Wushuang had no appetite at all.

If you put it in your mouth and chew it, it tastes like chewing wax.

Moreover, it is difficult to swallow.

Is this related to monster meat?

very good!

Nie Wushuang pulled away the quilt, lay down, and closed his eyes.

After a while he fell asleep.

In front of the bed, the martial arts clone was still fighting over and over again, over and over again, tirelessly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the data on the panel jumped up by one word in about a quarter of an hour.

This is a long underground passage.

There are bluestone slabs under the feet, stone strips on both sides, and green bricks above the head, reinforced by wooden beams. The walls on both sides are hung with evergreen lamps, and the lights are dim.

Wan Xing walked slowly in the passage.

The footsteps were dull and had a faint echo.

After a while, he came to the end of the passage.

There is a stone door at the end. Now, the stone door is closed.

Wan Xing did not open the door. He was the only one who had the key to this door. Neither Gu Yang nor Lu Pingnan had the key.

From behind the door, there was a low roar.

It's like an angry beast.

After a while, it turned into the sound of chewing again.

It's like eating a big bone.

Wan Xing's face was as sinking as water, and he waited in silence.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a soft sigh from behind the door.

"Third brother, you are here..."

"Yes, brother."

The three masters of the Shangyang Martial Arts Hall are sworn brothers. Not only that, the chief master Xu Yue is also the cousin of the third master Wan Xing, and Wan Xing and the second master Gan Yuhe are brothers-in-law.

All in all, the relationship between the three of them is excellent.

Behind the stone gate is Xu Yue, the grand master of Shangyang Martial Arts School.

"How are things going?"

Xu Yue asked.

"The martial arts gym has temporarily recruited a group of apprentices. Most of them come from the street, have no worries, and are under the age of seventeen. Just now, the second brother has sent an apprentice who has tempered his blood. For the time being, there is no problem. "

"Hopefully he can last a little longer."

Behind the door, there was silence for a while before a voice came.

"be quick!"

"I can't hold it anymore!"

"If you can't get that visualization picture, everything is over!"

Wan Xing nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Brother, I can save it!"


A sigh came from behind the stone door.

"There are so many pairs of eyes staring at the martial arts gym in the entire Wei County. It is very difficult to remain unknown and not make any news. Thank you and Lao Er for your hard work!"

"It's not hard work!"

Wan Xing touched the corners of his eyes and said softly.

"Brother, if you can cultivate your divine will, it will be worth all the hard work!"

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