See how you break it?

Can you break it?

Even if the descent method is not used, even if the giant spirit is entangled by the three-legged golden crow and it is difficult to get help, just this breath of the Tianzun Patriarch can make you helpless. In the end, you can only sigh in despair and be frustrated and desperate...

At that moment, Nie Wushuang's eyes intersected with his, and he instantly understood Cui Mingyuan's eyes and understood his smile.

I just like to see your expressions that hate me but make me helpless!

Nothing more than that!

This turtle shell is really unbreakable?

Nie Wushuang didn't believe it.

At that moment, he took a deep breath.

All the energy converged and compressed to a point.


Divine Taiyi!

Unlike the compressed blood and qi burst in the martial artist stage, Nie Wushuang now uses Taiyi to compress the energy of the whole body, condensing the evil spirit into a point. In this infinitely small origin, a wisp of will is generated.

This wisp of will is magnificent and domineering, but also mysterious and gloomy.

Half of it came from the true fire of the sun, and half from the Nine Netherworld.

The properties were opposite, but they condensed together very harmoniously, forming a new life will, and finally, it exploded like the creation of the universe.

Nie Wushuang punched.

Silently, without sound and light, it seemed ordinary.

The fist landed in the protective breath given by the ancestor Cui Mingyuan.


A light sound.

It was like the sound of Nie Wushuang opening the cork of a red wine bottle in his previous life, but not as earth-shattering as the entanglement between the three-legged golden crow and the giant spirit.

This sound gently echoed in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two.


At that moment, Cui Mingyuan was numb!

Not only was his body completely paralyzed as if he had been electrocuted, but even his soul was the same. His thoughts were touched by this sound, and he stiffened instantly, just like being electrocuted, completely numb, and the self-consciousness in his soul seemed to be stripped away.

He had a sense, but he couldn't deal with it.

Just like a bystander.

Watching the old ancestor's aura being shattered by Nie Wushuang's punch, it was as easy as poking through a window paper.

And then...

There was no then, only extinction.

Darkness descended amid the shining stars.


Is this death?

Thoughts swirled and disappeared.

The soul floated in the darkness and flew in a certain direction.

Nie Wushuang smashed Cui Mingyuan's body into pieces with one punch, and a little spiritual light flew out of his body and rushed towards Nie Wushuang.

What the hell?

At the same time, the immune clone on the side was like facing a great enemy, and his hair stood up all over his body.

This feeling affected Nie Wushuang. Although he didn't know what this spiritual light was, he knew that it was not a good thing and it was best not to touch it.

The whole person performed the flowing light leaping method and retreated rapidly.

On the other side, the figure of the giant spirit god dissipated and turned into a ball of golden light.

The three-legged golden crow had no taboos, opened its big mouth and swallowed the golden light in one gulp.

Even in the space controlled by himself, even if Liuguang's body movement is as fast as the flowing light, he can't escape the pursuit of the spiritual light. This is a bond similar to cause and effect. You can only escape it temporarily by relying on body movement, but not forever.

In fact, this is the blood curse of the Cui family.

The royal family Longting and the direct descendants of the four major families all have this curse. Once they are hit, it is difficult to erase it, just like Lu Dansheng.

Of course, Nie Wushuang doesn't know this thing.

He just knows that it's best not to be hit by the spiritual light.

This is the first time that the immune clone has taken the initiative to call the police, which means that if it is contaminated by the spiritual light, it will be very troublesome.

However, Nie Wushuang has a plan for this situation.

Originally, he didn't have the idea of ​​killing Cui Mingyuan.

However, when they separated, Cui Mingyuan asked the accompanying Qinglian magician to leave a mark on him, which means that Cui Mingyuan would not let him go. In this case, it is better to strike first.

For this reason, he prepared many plans and made plans for various situations, including this time.

As he was retreating rapidly, Nie Wushuang had an idea.

Then, a figure appeared between him and the spiritual light.

Lu Dansheng stood there blankly, his eyes dull, looking like a fool who didn't understand what was happening.

He watched the spiritual light rushing towards him.

The spiritual light rushed onto him and penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness. Next, normally, the spiritual light would pass through Lu Dansheng and continue to chase Nie Wushuang.

After all, it was not Nie Wushuang who killed Cui Mingyuan.

The target of the blood curse could only be him.

However, at the moment when the spiritual light was trapped in Lu Dansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, Nie Wushuang made a move, pinched a spell, and invited the will of Huangquan to descend and cast a projection.

It did not descend on himself, but on Lu Dansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, the will of Huangquan enveloped Lu Dansheng's sea of ​​consciousness and swallowed his soul in one gulp.

At the same time that Lu Dansheng's self-will was completely annihilated, the spiritual light that broke into his sea of ​​consciousness was also frozen by Huangquan's will.

At this moment, Lu Dansheng turned into an evil spirit.

The blood curse was useless.

Of course, if the Huangquan will in Lu Dansheng's sea of ​​consciousness dissipated and he became a human again, the blood curse would rush out and continue to pounce on Nie Wushuang. Even if he was thousands of miles away, it would reach him in an instant. This kind of causal bond is difficult to break.

Become a human again?

Well, Lu Dansheng can forget about it in this life.

Nie Wushuang used the will of Huangquan to destroy his self-consciousness. Even if the will of Huangquan was separated and the projection was scattered, he could not recover. Even if his body was still there, he would be nothing but a walking corpse and become a ghost.

Therefore, this blood curse could only fall on Lu Dansheng and become a part of him.

If the people of Boling Cui followed this curse to find him, even if they broke the ghost domain and found Lu Dansheng, it would be useless.

They would only think that Lu Dansheng borrowed the power of the evil god in Huangquan to kill Cui Mingyuan, but he suffered backlash and ended up like this.

This was Nie Wushuang's plan.

Now, it has been perfectly realized.

Then, the space began to collapse.

The sun above his head fell, from big to small, and fell into Nie Wushuang's sea of ​​consciousness. The seven-star hibiscus flowers on the wasteland and the looming incense burner all sank into Nie Wushuang's sea of ​​consciousness with the flying three-legged golden crow and were collected by him.

The energy that maintained the space dissipated, and the space naturally began to collapse.

The reason why it has not collapsed completely is nothing more than because of the existence of Huangquan's will. As long as Lu Dan was born here, this space can barely be maintained.

Of course, it will not be like this now.

The next moment, Nie Wushuang's figure disappeared.

The space continued to collapse, and it would no longer change after collapsing to a certain extent. In the end, it was incomplete, as if it had been chewed by a dog.

At the same time, energy invaded this space.

Cui Mingyuan's followers, together with Gu Yibai and Mu Yuanzhang, finally broke through the barrier of the space and broke in.

However, it was too late.

Nie Wushuang had no intention of killing these people.

He still needed these people as witnesses to prove that Cui Mingyuan's death had nothing to do with him. After all, he was still too weak now and could not withstand the special targeting of a behemoth like Bo Ling Cui.

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