The blood moon was in the sky, and the ground was covered with scarlet.

In the clearing in the forest, Nie Wushuang's figure suddenly flashed.

This was the place where Zi Ri Zhenren fell, and it was the place where they parted ways with Cui Mingyuan and his party.

Nie Wushuang came to a bush.

He reached out and grabbed a substitute doll from the bush.

This substitute doll had his breath on it, and also had the mark left by the Qinglian Mage.

The Qingsi Wrapping technique would only show its power if the person who was hit was ignorant and unaware. However, if someone had a sense of it in advance and knew when and where he was hit, this technique would not be difficult to crack.

A substitute doll is enough!

If your cultivation level is slightly higher than that of the caster, it is not difficult to remove the mark from yourself and transfer it to the substitute doll without being noticed by the caster.

Especially at Nie Wushuang's level.

When setting out for the deserted village and strange area selected by Lu Dansheng, Nie Wushuang made all the preparations, peeled off the mark of the green hair from himself, transferred it to the substitute doll, and then left the substitute doll in place.

In this way, it can be regarded as a disguised evidence of alibi at the time of the crime.

Now, the plan has been successfully completed.

At the same time, it also bought himself some time. During this period of time, other people's attention will be focused on Cui Mingyuan's death.

During this period of time, he can completely develop in a wretched manner.

At the level of Tiangang Zhenren, the cultivation is still a little low. If you want to live transparently and freely, you must at least be at the level of Faxiang Zhenjun. Only when you reach the level of Zhenjun can you get the real freedom and freedom.

This is also the reason why he can't abandon Shangyang Tower and leave.

This is the old site of Dayi Jinwumen. Although the mountains and rivers have changed, the place is still the same place. Only here can you have the opportunity to be promoted to Faxiang Zhenjun. If you change to another place, it’s hard to say...

What is a person’s destiny? Choice is very important!

At the beginning, he obtained the true meaning of the Great Sun Jinwu Sect in the Taoist temple. If he chose to escape instead of staying in the Taoist temple, or chose to fake his death to escape for his own safety in the Yunlai Inn, then he would not be able to enter Shangjing Huafu.

If he missed Shangjing Huafu, he would also miss the secret realm.

He would not be able to touch the incense burner.

In that case...

Sixteen-year-old Tiangang?

It is impossible. Now, most of them are still at the level of Shenyi martial artist.

Even if he has the Disha from Huangquan, he lacks the matching Sun True Fire. Without the help of the secret realm incense burner, it is unknown when he can obtain the Sun True Fire.

Admittedly, he can go to the endless void to practice Gang through other secret realms or strange domains.

However, this road is not only dangerous, but also requires a lot of time on the road. If you are lucky, you may be able to successfully practice Gangsha in your thirties or forties. If you are unlucky, you may be seventy or eighty years old.

So, choice is very important!

Just like now, even if Nie Wushuang racked his brains and completed his plan perfectly, there are still hidden dangers.

After all, the superiors will not reason with you!

Do you have an alibi?

Are you just a divine martial artist?

You can't be the mastermind?

Who cares about you so much? It's better to kill three thousand people by mistake than to let one go!

This is the way the superiors act.

To those high-ranking aristocratic clans, these guys at the bottom are just ants, and they can be crushed at will!

If the people of Boling Cui use their power to target Nie Wushuang, it will be difficult to hide everything about him. Most of the things will be found out. Everything he has experienced from birth to now is difficult to cover up.

He will be in danger!

Not to mention the entanglement with the Wang family of Langya, he can't get away with just being able to help the divine martial artist who is haunted by the inner demon to successfully dispel the evil.

Most likely, he would be put under house arrest by Bo Ling Cui, tortured, soul-searched, and questioned.

If he was a little more merciful, he would also be put under house arrest and become a tool to help the divine martial artist to dispel evil spirits, and it would be difficult for him to improve his cultivation.

No more freedom!

Nie Wushuang has considered all these.

If it is for safety, Nie Wushuang should choose to escape and stay away from Shangjing Huafu at this time, so as to avoid danger, but, just like the previous choices, this time, Nie Wushuang chose to stay.

Fortune is sought in danger!

Now, he is still one step away from the great perfection of Gangsha Helian.

Although he can now suppress Tiangang Zhenren like Cui Mingyuan, and most of the other ordinary Tiangang Zhenren are not opponents, but if he leaves, he will be stuck in this realm for a long time.

No matter what, he must stay.

At least, he must wait until the great perfection of Gangsha Helian.

In this way, he can obtain the next inheritance information of the Great Sun Jinwu Sect, and decide what to do next based on the inheritance information obtained.

Standing under the blood moon, Nie Wushuang was silent for a moment.

Afterwards, he transferred the logo on the substitute doll to his body, and his figure flashed, instantly disappearing dozens of feet away, teleporting towards the direction of Shangjing Huafu.

The sun shone on Shangjing Huafu, and the pavilions and towers were majestic and solemn.

Nie Wushuang did not return to Shangyang Tower. When he entered the range of the magic circle of Shangjing Huafu, he was intercepted by the people sent by Su Yuquan.

Then, he was taken to the main hall.

Demon Suppression Tower!

This is the Punishment Hall, a place where sect rebels are detained.

Nie Wushuang was brought here not because he was considered a rebel, but because Su Yuquan happened to be here. He wanted to see Nie Wushuang as soon as possible and understand the situation, so he asked someone to bring him here.

Of course, maybe it was also because he wanted to give him a warning.

The sun shone into the courtyard of the Demon Suppression Building, and the originally bright light seemed to become gloomy, revealing a hint of ominousness.

There were no other idle people in the courtyard.

Su Yuquan sat upright on a chair, and in front of him, Nie Wushuang lowered his head and stood solemnly.

Previously, he had told the whole story, including how he parted ways with Cui Mingyuan and others, and how Zi Ri Zhenren fell and finally turned into nothingness in the flames...

There was no concealment!

After that, Su Yuquan fell into deep thought.

To be honest, he didn't know what to do.

If everything Nie Wushuang said was true, it meant that Cui Mingyuan temporarily gave up his plan to target Nie Wushuang.

Logically, I should put Nie Wushuang back to Shangyang Tower.

But what if that guy returns to Shangjing Huafu and remembers this matter?

Will he put pressure on Shangyang Tower again?

That's not how things should be done!

Detain Nie Wushuang in Zhenmo Tower?

In what name?

At this time, there was a noise outside the courtyard.

There were hurried footsteps coming this way.

Su Yuquan raised his head.

A group of people rushed in.

The leader was Chixia Zhenren, who was holding the hilt of the sword tightly.

"Zhenren Yuquan, I heard that my Shangyang Tower's people are back. If it's convenient, I, Chixia, will take him home..."

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