At midnight, the sun shines brightly.

Ding Yi, who was dressed in ragged clothes, pushed the wheelbarrow forward against the western sun. The cart was filled with ore residues, which was very heavy. Ding was breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

He is a miner.

He is not a native of Wei County, but a refugee from Changping County next door.

As mentioned before, the mine was snatched away from the Blacksmith Shop by Shangyang Martial Arts School. Mines and blacksmith shops have always been within the Blacksmith Shop’s sphere of influence. Shangyang Martial Arts School stepped in forcefully. , which naturally caused disputes.

It is simply impossible to recruit skilled miners or blacksmiths locally.

The only way is to spend money to recruit at high prices from other places.

However, the forging shop will not turn a blind eye.

There have been several actions in private.

Last year, Shangyang Martial Arts School packed a blacksmith shop from hundreds of miles away. That blacksmith shop had a blacksmith who could be called a master craftsman. You know, even the blacksmith shop only had one master craftsman.

If the blacksmith shop had not offended the local powerful, it would not have been possible for him to leave his hometown and come to Wei County to attach himself to Shangyang Martial Arts School.

The team successfully entered Wei County and came to the mine.

That night, a team of thieves and cavalry raided the mine.

The elite backbone of the blacksmith shop were killed, and the master craftsman also died unexpectedly. One of the two Nei Jin martial arts masters from the Shangyang Martial Arts School stationed here was killed and the other was injured.

Shangyang Martial Arts School originally had eight internal martial arts masters.

Now, there are only six.

After that, Xu Yue came,

He killed a Neijing martial artist and drove away the thieves.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Since then, he has been in charge of the mines.

The mine is peaceful, but there is almost no output, only input and very little harvest.

In technical work, there is no way to mess around.

Because of the chaos and forced mounting, the mine collapsed and some people died.

The knock-on effect is that it becomes more difficult to recruit people.

It's just that misfortune brings blessing.

The Taoist temple appeared.

Xu Yue discovered the Divine Will Visualization Chart.

After that, the mine became a cover and was no longer the focus of the martial arts gym.

Since, it is difficult to recruit local people.

Some refugees were recruited from outside.

They do not need to create much economic benefits, they only need to protect the existence of Taoist temples.

This is how Ding Yi came to the mine.

He pushed the wheelbarrow to a cliff.

There are piles of slag under the cliff.

He dumped the slag in the car, pushed the wheelbarrow aside, looked around, and found that no one was there, he held his stomach and got into the forest on the side.

If anyone sees him, they will definitely think that he is hungry.

After entering the forest, he straightened up.

With his toes just a little bit on the ground, he was walking through the forest like the wind. His speed was extremely fast, and he was several feet away in the blink of an eye.

Ding Yi is indeed from Changping County.

But he was not a refugee, but Anzi, a warrior at the Zang-Refining Realm who was invited by the Blacksmithing Shop from the Yiqi Hall of Changping County.

On the branch of a banyan tree, Lu Qianjun, the third shopkeeper of the forging shop, squatted like a big toad.

Seeing Ding Yi running over, he jumped down from the banyan tree.

"Third shopkeeper!"

Ding Yi cupped his fists and bowed.

Lu Qianjun nodded.

"I won't say any more nonsense. I have to go back in a hurry. This mine does have problems as the shopkeepers suspected. Shangyang Martial Arts Hall is not interested in the management of the mine. Although there are three martial arts masters, they only come here occasionally. "Mine round."

"The villa, the villa in the bamboo forest is their top priority."

"Wan Xing, the owner of the third hall, rarely comes to the mine. He always stays in the villa. Miners like us are not allowed to come near the villa. A few days ago, I encouraged a person to sneak into the villa to steal things. Now, that guy has disappeared. !”

Ding Yi said softly.

Lu Qianjun frowned.

"There is a problem in the villa. What is the specific problem? Can you figure it out?"

Ding Yi pursed his lips.

"Third shopkeeper, there are three Nei Jin martial arts masters living in the villa. I heard that Xu Yue, the master of the villa, is also retreating here. Those are the four Nei Jin martial arts masters. If they want me to sneak in, they are trying to kill me, Ding. unless……"

Lu Qianjun glanced at him.

"Unless what?"

"Unless you add more money!"

Ding Yi grinned and said.

"With a bottle of Qi Qi Powder, I will risk my life and sneak in..."

Entrain qi and disperse.

Items that are infinitely more expensive than Blood Nourishing Pills and Bone Forging Pills will be swept away quickly once they appear on the black market.

It is the best auxiliary elixir for Zang-Refining realm warriors when tempering their inner energy.

Many Zang-Refining Realm warriors are stuck at this level. Without the help of Qi-Yin Powder, they are unable to temper their Qi and waste their time.

Once you are thirty years old, you cannot break through.

Basically, this is the only way in this life.

Ding Yi is now twenty-eight years old and has been stuck in Zang Refining Realm for two years, unable to break through and hone his inner strength on his own.

He needs to draw energy away.

In this way, there is just one more possibility.

Although Qi-Yin Powder is expensive, the Forging Shop cannot afford it.

Just get your money's worth!

"As long as you sneak into the villa and find the real secret hidden in Shangyang Martial Arts School, I'll make the decision on a bottle of Qi-Qing Powder, so why not give it to you?"

"Okay, feel free!"

Ding Yi laughed.

"It's refreshing to do business with a blacksmith, and it's not that complicated. Third shopkeeper, please don't worry. I'll have good news when you wait for it..."

After that, he turned and left.

Lu Qianjun squinted his eyes and watched Ding Yi's back disappear from sight.

At this stage, the alliance between their forging shop and the Shangyang martial arts school is already at a stage of life and death, and they can only advance and not retreat.

If they advance, they will dominate Wei County, and if they retreat, they will be defeated.

There is no room for slackness.


It was getting dark.

This time, Nie Wushuang did not fall asleep.

He meditated and rested for a while in the afternoon, and he was full of energy.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, and beside him, the martial arts clone was still tirelessly fighting.

A moment ago, he swallowed a blood-nourishing pill, and the energy was enough.

I don’t know how long it took, but in the Taoist temple, purple light rose, dispersing the darkness outside the temple.

A group of evil spirits lined up in a column and walked in from the door of the temple, with the same number as yesterday.

They turned their heads in unison and stared at Nie Wushuang, their eyes full of malice, but they couldn’t pounce on him due to some rules.

The immune clone walked out of the shadow.

There was a purple light on his body.

The panel was summoned, and the data was as follows.

Realm, Qi and Blood Realm

Da Ri Jin Wu Yang Xue Chapter [Twelve Boxing Postures before the Earthly Evil Realm], Great Accomplishment, 12/100

Damage, 1/100

The realm has already surpassed the mastery and advanced to the Great Accomplishment.

If I work hard tonight, as long as I have enough energy, there will be no problem in advancing from the Great Accomplishment to the Perfection tomorrow night.

I will definitely pass the first level assessment.

At this time, Nie Wushuang could feel that the Qi and blood in his body flowed much faster than yesterday.

If there was a stone lock in front of him, it would be no problem to throw and catch the two hundred jin stone lock with one hand.

The Qi and blood are more abundant than before, and the ability of the immune clone has also been enhanced.

Although, with the evil spirits around, it is still inevitable to be polluted and damaged.

However, in the damage column, the time interval between each data jump is slower than yesterday.

That is to say, the blood volume has become thicker.

Suddenly, the immune clone glowed red.

The panel, the data has changed.

Damage, 2/100

On the shrine, the gray-robed Taoist appeared.

Last night, when it appeared, the damage was two points, but now it only jumped one point.

This is progress!

Indeed, the Taoist temple is weird and terrifying, and there are dangers everywhere.

For me, isn't it an opportunity?

Good fortune!

It may really be my good fortune!

"Assessment, start!"

A voice echoed in the void.

Please read it later

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