


Three consecutive bangs!

As soon as the gray-robed Taoist got on top of him, the person he got on top of him would burst apart and explode like a firecracker. Not only the flesh and blood, internal organs, but also the hard bones could not escape this disaster, bursting into powder and splashing everywhere.

In addition to the fact that the aura exuded by the Taoist becomes more and more powerful as time goes by, it is also because these three people are all weak in Qi and blood.

There is no way for the gray-robed Taoist to get up smoothly.

The most critical words could not be said, and it was not until he got on Wei Zhongnan's body, the last one among the eight, that he was temporarily stable.

"Use Taiyi and do your best to hit the big sun in the visualization picture..."


The words fell with a crisp sound.

Wei Zhongnan exploded.

The figure of the gray-robed Taoist appeared.

It was a little different from when he first appeared. At this time, although his figure was still solid, it was completely obscured by the red light like blood mist. In the hall, an ominous aura filled the air, rolling around like a sea tide, drowning Nie Wushuang.

Being immune to clones is like being immersed in a sea of ​​blood.

The sound of squeaking became more and more urgent.

On the front panel, in the damage column, the data keeps rising.




Not one by one, but several points.



There was a sound echoing in the void.

Swipe and pull!

The damage number column rose like a rocket.

Finally, it jumped to 79 before stopping.

At this time, the figure of the gray-robed Taoist had disappeared. In the hall, the purple light slowly dissipated, and the suppressed bonfire burst into flames again.

Nie Wushuang smiled bitterly without saying anything.

Suddenly, he was extremely hungry.

It was as if I had been hungry for several days. I was even hungrier than when I was the hungriest when I was wandering. It was simply outrageous.

He hurriedly took out the porcelain bottle from his arms and took out the Jade Brocade Pill.

Rub out about one-tenth of the powder, stuff it into your mouth, wrap it in saliva and swallow it. In an instant, your lower abdomen is like a volcano erupting, a huge heat surges up, like rolling magma, and quickly spreads throughout your body.


Let out a long breath of contentment.

With enough energy replenishment, the immune clone can slow down the damage and return to normal is just a matter of time.

Nie Wushuang looked around.

The main hall was in a mess, with blood and bones everywhere...

so troublesome!

Sighing, while the immune clone was still recovering, Nie Wushuang rolled up his sleeves, picked up the cleaning tools, and started working.

The body was transported to the front yard and placed with the previous man.

Use clean water and rags to wipe away the blood on the ground. If you have enough strength, these trivial matters will not waste time.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everything was done.

Looked at the panel.

Damage, 33/100

There will still be some time before things can return to normal.

Nie Wushuang closed his eyes.

The martial arts clone flashed out from the shadow, opened the fist, hit Taiyi over and over again, and continued to push up the magical path of fighting. The power of Yujin Pill is very overbearing. Only one-tenth of the amount can Maintain two clones existing for a long time.

Time passed slowly like this.

Not long after, the sky brightened, and the morning light shone through the palace door.

During this period, Nie Wushuang swallowed about one-tenth of the Yujin Pills to maintain the existence of two clones.

After dawn.

On the panel, the damage column finally disappeared.

Taiyi, mastery, 55/100

Afterwards, Nie Wushuang came to the backyard.

Standing in the courtyard, the door of the third quiet room is open, and you can clearly see the visualization picture hanging on the wall.

In the upper right corner of the scroll, the red sun is in the sky.

The morning light penetrates into the house and falls on it. The big sun shines with red light. The red light fills the entire painting. The figure of the gray-robed Taoist in the lower left is bathed in red light, looming, as if he will be red in the next moment. Like being engulfed by light.

Nie Wushuang took a deep breath and lowered his fists.

The martial arts clone returned to the shadow, and insights emerged in his mind.

In the body, Qi and blood are boiling, circulating along the twelve main meridians and eight extra meridians, forming a great circumference.

Then, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, they condensed into one point in the body.

It was an unknown acupuncture point, like a spring in the deep sea. Qi and blood were poured into it, constantly overlapping and compressing...

Don't stop until you reach your limit.

Nie Wushuang stared at the bright sun on the scroll a few feet away. In his sight, it was originally a small dot, but under his induction, it gradually grew bigger and bigger, filling the entire field of vision. At that moment, There was only a blinding red light in his eyes.

It's now!


The Qi and blood compressed in the acupoint completely exploded, like an underground volcano rising into the sky.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Nie Wushuang rushed over like an arrow. Without even taking a breath, he flashed into the quiet house and punched out. A red light jumped out of his fist like a golden crow and hit the visualization diagram accurately. That big day.

It looks like a golden crow throwing itself into the sun.

Inside the hospital, the immune clone flashed red.

The damage column appears again on the panel.

Damage, 18/100

In the Qi and Blood realm, if you haven't tempered your bones and internal organs, your body won't be strong enough. It's still a bit difficult to hit Taiyi with all your strength, and there will be backlash.

If there is no immune clone to bear the damage.

This punch could cause Nie Wushuang internal injuries that would be difficult to recover from.

In his previous life, the Seven Injury Fist mentioned in the martial arts novels he had read was similar to this.

Hurt others before you hurt yourself!

For the time being, Nie Wushuang couldn't care less about these.

He stared at the magical visualization picture.

The scroll was broken into pieces by his fist, but the red light was still there. A big sun was suspended in the void, seemingly close at hand, yet as if far away in the sky, both in this real world and in some magical space...

Then, it rushed towards Nie Wushuang.

It was difficult to dodge.

Before he could even think of anything, the red sun rushed into his ancestral acupoint between his eyebrows.

There was also another red sun in his sea of ​​consciousness.

There was a red dot between his eyebrows.

A round red dot.

At the same time, in front of him, the visualization picture that was originally shattered by his fist magically restored its original state.

It was the first time he saw it.

In the upper right corner, the big sun was hanging high.

In the lower left corner, the gray-robed Taoist turned his back to the picture and looked at the big sun.

Exhaling a breath, Nie Wushuang turned and walked out of the quiet house. There were some things in his mind, as if they were already there.

That is the inheritance of the Great Sun Jinwu Sect.

Now, Nie Wushuang only sensed one technique.

Tempering the body!

It is not a two-step process of forging bones and refining organs.

It is just one step, tempering the body!

The method is very simple, in fact, it is Taiyi.

The only difference from the fighting method is that the explosion is not outside, but inside, allowing the compressed blood to explode in the body, over and over again, in this way, the effect of tempering the body can be achieved.

Of course, this requires a lot of elixir assistance.

After all, this backlash is more severe, and if you are not careful, it will do more harm than good.


Nie Wushuang doesn't have them.

The names of those pills, the raw materials, the steps of how to make them, etc. are in his mind...

Unfortunately, the times are different!


Nie Wushuang glanced at his side.

The immune clone sat cross-legged, the red light flashed and extinguished, and he was recovering from the damage.

On the panel, the data is as follows.

Damage, 15/100

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