Turning your hand makes clouds, turning your hand makes rain.

This is a derogatory word.

However, the feeling of being in control of everything is so wonderful. Not to mention Nie Wushuang, most people in this world like it.


There is no complete control in the world.

There are always many accidents that are beyond your control.

For example, now...

Nie Wushuang did not expect the appearance of the Imperial Observatory Demon Suppression Division.

In fact, the original body has an impression of the Imperial Observatory and the Demon Suppression Division in his memory, but this impression is very light.

If you don't pay attention, you can't recall it.

To a certain extent, the original body's memory seems to have been erased or sealed by a powerful person or a special accident, and it is blank. When Nie Wushuang came through, he occupied the magpie's nest and his soul collided.

In this way, some incomplete pictures were just bumped out.

Therefore, his knowledge is not really profound.

It can even be said to be shallow.

Therefore, he did not expect that the appearance of the strange domain would attract the appearance of the Imperial Observatory's Demon Suppression Division.

Some people said, why not leave?

Why must he stay in this place?

After all, he had only been in the martial arts hall for a little over a month. Although he had embarked on the path of martial arts practice, he was also regarded as a resource.

The favors and so on were naturally written off.

In this case, he could just leave.

Even though the household registration management of the Great Yan Dynasty was very strict, and a road permit was required to leave the registered place for dozens of miles, but for a martial artist who could travel high and low, although it was inevitable trouble, it did not constitute a special restriction.

Nie Wushuang naturally thought about this choice.

In the end, he still did not do it.

There were two reasons.

First: Although he could enter and exit the Taoist temple freely, there was a vast white fog outside the backyard of the villa, and the illusion array still existed, so he could not get out.

When could he get out?

It was hard to say.

Besides, with such a big commotion, people outside must be paying attention.

If the white fog dissipates, those people will definitely rush in at the first time. If I flee, I will most likely meet them on the way.

In that case, it is better to stay in the Taoist temple.

Rush out?

This is the second reason why I stay!

A crucial reason!

At that time, the data in the damage column on the panel remained at 87 points. Although there was enough energy to provide and the blood volume was slowly increasing, in this case, Nie Wushuang did not even have the strength to hit Taiyi once.

If he forced it, his blood volume would be at the bottom.

At that time, it is hard to say what will happen.

It is possible that the immune clone will be broken and no longer exist. In the future, there will be no option to transfer damage.

It is also possible that the damage cannot be transferred out and will fall on the main body. In that case, it will cause irreversible damage to the main body and damage the foundation.

No matter which consequence it is, it is serious enough.

After weighing it again and again, Nie Wushuang still felt that it was a bit reckless to do so. It was also a risk. He would rather pretend to be seriously injured and stay in the Taoist temple.

Doing so may be controlled by others.

After all, with so many internal force masters dying and causing such a serious impact, no one would take him, a small martial arts apprentice, seriously.

He must pursue the so-called truth.

Even torture is possible.

It seems a bit scary.


What he needs is actually time.

Time for the immune clone to return to normal, time for Taiyi to practice to perfection, time for tempering the body and practicing strength...

For this, he also made a lot of preparations.

He sealed a few Yujin pills in the gap of his collar, and still had half a pill in his mouth, pressing it under his tongue.

He was fully prepared!

Nie Wushuang thought everything was under his control.

He never thought...

Standing ten feet away from Nie Wushuang, Zhong Chunliang stared at him, observing him blatantly, and did not speak for a while.

Zhong Chunliang, a centurion of the Demon Suppression Division, the person in charge of Wei County, a martial artist with internal force who developed boxing skills.

Unlike Gu Taichong, who was already in decline, Zhong Chunliang was in his prime and had a chance to cultivate his divine will.

He needed a divine will visualization map.

There were naturally many divine will visualization maps in the Demon Suppression Division, but they needed to be exchanged with merit points and a large amount of money, and neither was indispensable.

Zhong Chunliang lacked both.

Being stationed in a remote place like Wei County also had benefits, but they were far from abundant. After accumulating enough merit points and money, it was probably too late. At that time, he was like Gu Taichong, and began to decline.

More than three hours ago, the observatory observed the changes here and sent a pigeon to deliver a letter immediately.

It was Zhong Chunliang who received the message.

The Demon Suppression Division in Wei County was located in the county town, near the dock, in an inn, and Zhong Chunliang was the innkeeper.

The chef and the waiter were his subordinates.

There were two small flags and a dozen strong men.

Xiaoqi is an internal force martial artist.

Li Shi is a martial artist who can refine organs, strengthen bones, and strengthen qi and blood.

After receiving the message, Zhong Chunliang did not go out immediately, but sent people to collect a lot of information.

Although the strange events that the Demon Suppression Division is responsible for are not interested in gang disputes.

However, as long as they are mobilized, a place as large as Wei County, such as Shangyang Martial Arts Hall, which widely sends out invitations to heroes in the name of the Divine Will Visualization Map, naturally fell into Zhong Chunliang's sight.

Divine Will Visualization Diagram?

C-level strange change?

In any case, the Demon Suppression Division must be dispatched when strange changes occur. With the Divine Will Visualization Diagram involved, Zhong Chunliang cannot miss it.

For this reason, it doesn't matter even if his identity is exposed.

So, Zhong Chunliang left a small flag at the station, and he and another small flag led a dozen strong men to the mine of Shangyang Martial Arts Hall outside the city.

In fact, they arrived at 5 p.m.

At that time, the white fog was still spreading, surrounding the backyard of the villa.

The Demon Suppression Division has some magic weapons to target this kind of illusion array, and Zhong Chunliang also carried them with him, but he did not act on his own, but observed secretly.

After working in the Demon Suppression Division for so many years, from a strong man to a centurion, Zhong Chunliang knew that passion was really unreliable.

The faster you act, the faster you die!


That's the way to go!

Only then can you live longer!

So, when the white mist dissipated, the illusion array was broken, and Gu Baiyun and others entered the Taoist temple and found that there was no danger.

Zhong Chunliang rushed in with his men.

Staring at Nie Wushuang for a long time, until Nie Wushuang's expression became cramped and the uneasiness in his eyes accumulated more and more, Zhong Chunliang raised his right hand, raised his thumb, and pointed at himself.

"My last name is Zhong, and my name is Chunliang, Chunliang, who means honest and kind..."

"Young man, if you have dealt with me, you will know what it means to live up to your name!"

This self-introduction?

Nie Wushuang could not comment.

He struggled to get up and bowed.

"Master Zhong, all the best!"

Then, he raised his head, his eyes slightly upward, and fell on Zhong Chunliang's green gauze hat. Looking at this fresh and refined color, his nervousness was slightly reduced.

Zhong Chunliang did not return the greeting.

He paced back and forth in front of Nie Wushuang.

Suddenly stopped and shouted.

"You have a secret!"

"You want to lie to me?"

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