County Office.


Wei County’s County Magistrate Guo Yutang was over 40 years old at the time. He had a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looked dignified. He was a good official who cared about the people.

He was from Xishan Guo.

Xishan County was not under Qinghe County, but in the neighboring Xindu County. Both belonged to Jizhou. Xishan Guo was not a county magistrate. It was only the seventh rank. It was a giant in Xishan County, but nothing in Xindu County.

Not to mention Jizhou or the world.

Therefore, even if Guo Yutang was in his prime, the seventh rank of county magistrate would be the end of his career. There was no more promotion, even if he had made great achievements.

At most, he would continue to be the county magistrate in a big county.

The rank of the family determined everything.


Unless his cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds, and he was promoted from an internal force martial artist to a divine martial artist. In this way, on the one hand, he could provide some help to the family’s rank determination, and on the other hand, he could also be promoted and serve in the county city.

The seventh rank was promoted to the sixth rank.

But he can't be the chief officer, he can only be the deputy.

Speaking of which, it's better to stay in Wei County.

Wei County is located in a remote area, and the emperor is far away.

Moreover, it is not easy to change from an internal force martial artist to a divine martial artist. Without a visualization map, everything is over.

Moreover, if it is not a visualization map that has been passed down in an orderly manner, it is not safe to get it from a wild way. The strange change that sent most of the internal force martial artists in Wei County into the abyss two days ago was not caused by a wild visualization map?

Guo Yutang has no requirements for himself.

It is enough to retire as a seventh-rank county magistrate.

However, Guo Yutang has not given up on the next generation of the family.

However, the resources of the seventh-rank family are limited, and it is impossible to break through by relying on family resources. Even if the talent and bones are good, the best is to practice boxing like him, and by chance, he will join a nobleman and become a county magistrate.

If it is replaced by other seventh-rank families, the deputy positions such as county magistrate and county lieutenant will be the top.

Therefore, Guo Yutang wanted to get the Twelve-Story Tower Order of Shangyang Martial Arts School, and was ready to send his second son to Shangjing Huafu.

Shangjing Huafu, which dominated Qinghe County, had three Dharma-Appearance True Lords.

In addition, there were Tiangang Zhenren, Disha Zhenren, Shenyi Wushi...

Only those who practiced internal energy could enter the outer gate. The inner gate true disciples were all Shenyi Wushi. In the court, there was a battalion of border troops from Shangjing Huafu, with hundreds of armored internal energy. Even Tiangang Zhenren could only choose to retreat.

If, he could enter Shangjing Huafu to practice.

Even, he could enter the inner gate and become a true disciple.

In the future, he would have a bright future.

Maybe the Xishan Guo family could rely on him to improve their status and advance to the sixth rank.

This was the ambition of Guo Yutang, the magistrate of Guo County.

Master Zhang naturally understood the ambition of the master's family.

He also knew that he had messed up.

Even if the plan to make friends with the Black Dragon Gang of the Luo Family Forging Shop and obtain the Twelve-Story Tower Order through them was from Guo Yutang.

He could only screw it up!

Back to the county government, Zhang Shiye, wearing his wet clothes without changing them, hurried to the backyard with Guo Taizhong and others, wanting to meet Guo Yutang as soon as possible and apologize.

However, when they arrived at the door of the back hall.

They were stopped by Guo Yutang's personal guards.

At this time, Guo Yutang was receiving guests in the back hall and no one was allowed to disturb them.

So, several people had to wait in front of the courtyard gate in wet clothes. Fortunately, at this time of year, the weather was hot, and wet clothes were nothing. After a long time, they might be dried.

After seeing off the guests, Guo Yutang sat on a chair and thought.

At the beginning, the reason why he was able to be promoted to the county magistrate by exception with the origin of the seventh-rank family was that he was taken care of by the nobleman.

In fact, he did not know this guest.

However, he recognized the token in the man's hand. It was the token owned by the noble who appreciated and cared for him. Seeing the object is like seeing the person.

To some extent, he was also a retainer of the noble.

Just like the farmhands of the Guo family could not disobey his orders, he could not disobey the orders of the noble.

Even if it was just a token.

The matter was not troublesome. The reason why he was thinking was to think about why.

The man sent a message, asking him to send the county constables to take in all the vagrants around fifteen or sixteen years old in Wei County, especially those who had just wandered to Wei County recently, which was the top priority.

After collecting them, they had to be carefully checked, and the soles of the feet of those vagrants were checked.

If someone had seven red moles on the soles of their feet.

Like the Big Dipper.

They must be detained immediately, and then reported to the higher-ups. For this reason, the man also left a cage of pigeons. If Guo Yutang could catch the target, the man said on behalf of the noble guest that there would be a big reward.

After explaining this matter, the other party declined his invitation to drink a cup and left soon.

Guo Yutang expressed his understanding of this.

His nobleman disliked collusion among his followers the most, and liked his subordinates to do their own thing, and everyone was a loyal subject with no second thoughts.

The visitor was not familiar with him, so he would not violate this taboo.

However, this request was really strange.


Who was the young man with seven moles on the soles of his feet?

After thinking for a long time, Guo Yutang couldn't figure it out.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he shouldn't think about it.

Guo Yutang also knew that curiosity would kill the cat.

As a retainer, he just had to follow orders.

"Yidao, come in."

Guo Yidao is Guo Yutang's personal bodyguard, and also an internal force martial artist, but he is a son of the Guo family. He can become an internal force martial artist because of the cultivation and large amount of resources provided by the Guo family.

Now, although the Guo family has returned the slave contract to him.

He still serves Guo Yutang as his master.

Guo Yidao entered the house.

Guo Yutang handed the matter to him. After receiving the order, Guo Yidao told Guo Yutang that Master Zhang and others had returned.

"Let them in..."

Guo Yutang frowned.

He did not see any expression of joy on Guo Yidao's face.

Could it be?

Screwed up?


Nie Wushuang dived into the water in one breath, and the sunlight that penetrated the water surface went away and swayed slightly above his head.

Under the water, he swam like a big fish.

Free and easy.

Very happy.

Only in this uninhabited place, without the need to hide, can he unload the burden and get temporary pleasure.

However, he couldn't stay too long.

He needed to go back before Gu Baiyun returned to the martial arts hall, and he couldn't give anyone any chance to suspect him.

After getting out of the water and washing off all the blood stains, Nie Wushuang went ashore.

The black armor and mask were naturally thrown into the river with stones, and there was only a set of gray robes on the shore.

Dry yourself and put on cloth clothes.

Nie Wushuang sat on a large cobblestone, picked up a pair of cloth shoes and prepared to put them on his feet. He stopped halfway through the action.

There were seven red moles on the sole of his left foot that looked like the Big Dipper.

He touched it gently.

A bitter smile flashed across Nie Wushuang's face.

This thing reminded him of a movie he had seen in his previous life, a story that deconstructed Journey to the West and was therefore absurd.

The other person had three moles on his sole,

and he had seven moles on his sole!

It was a perfect treatment for the protagonist!

However, at the end of that movie, the protagonist ended up like a dog, wearing a tight hoop and embarking on the journey to the West.

No freedom!

No liberation!

What about me in this world?

What about me with seven moles?

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