There are tens of millions of Dharma bodies, and you call this entry-level?

Chapter 91 Blood Master (later changed to 3,000 words per chapter, two chapters of 6,000 words per d


Nie Wushuang didn't expect to see this arrogant family boy in the martial arts hall!

At the beginning, after punching the internal force martial artist sent by this family boy in the head, Nie Wushuang did think about turning around and looking for trouble with the family boy.

However, it is not easy to hide in broad daylight.

Family boys like this, after beating the younger ones, the older ones will usually come out. At that time, it is inevitable to face waves of trouble.

So, we have to deal with this kid.

Two conditions, at least one of them must be met.

The first condition is very simple.

As long as your strength is strong enough to crush everything, you can kill him. His relatives and elders may even smile and salute you, saying repeatedly, "Well done, well done..."

Family bastard, if you don't kill us, we will do it ourselves.

The second condition is a little more complicated.

If your strength is not enough to crush everything, you must make a complete plan, and you won't get into trouble after killing this guy.

The kind that can't prove death!

At that time, neither condition was met.

So, Nie Wushuang did not act rashly, but chose to destroy the body and smash the body of the follower warrior with another punch, completely blowing it up, and dug a pit to bury the tattered clothes and flesh and blood.

Time was short, so this was the only way to do it for the time being.

Then, he returned to the martial arts hall as if nothing had happened.

At this time, he unexpectedly met the son of the noble family again in the martial arts hall.

Nie Wushuang still looked at Sun Yu'an with innocent and clear eyes as if nothing had happened.

The same eyes as when he was in the Sihai Piaoxiang Hall.

A little surprise, a little envy...


Also unexpected!

Sun Yu'an did not expect to meet the boy here.

At the beginning, he arranged for his men to gouge out the boy's eyes.

Because, the other party dared to look at him directly and even look into his eyes?

A mere pariah!

So bold!

Need to be punished!

Unexpectedly, the entourage had been gone for a long time and had not returned. Just when he was getting impatient, someone from Shangjing Huafu came to his door and said that the patrol envoy, the divine martial artist Mo Bai, had something to invite him.

The divine martial artist was very powerful...

However, he was born in a fifth-grade family. There was not only a divine martial artist in his family, but also a secluded Disha Zhenren elder.

He was qualified to say no to the divine martial artist!

However, this divine martial artist came from Shangjing Huafu and had the position of patrol envoy.

He did not dare to disobey.

Not to mention a fifth-grade family, even if it was a fourth-grade family, it was impossible to say no to Shangjing Huafu at this time.

Only the powerful third-grade county-level family was qualified to compete with it.

I never thought that the boy who should have lost his eyes was standing here, facing him, more than ten feet away.

Just like that time, he was still staring at me.

No respect at all!

Sun Ping, this dog!

You can't even handle a small matter!

If you come back, you must be punished!

Although his anger was rising to his head, Sun Yu'an still suppressed it and didn't lose his temper on the spot.

He was arrogant, but not stupid.

He also knew that in some occasions and in front of some people, he couldn't act recklessly.

He forced a smile and bowed to Mo Bai in the hall. He didn't bow long like others, and didn't bend 90 degrees, but just bowed his head slightly to show respect.

"Senior Mo, Wanan!"

Mo Bai didn't sit on the chair like he did to others, but bowed slightly, his butt left the chair, and said softly.

"Mr. Sun, please sit down."

Sun Yu'an walked over.

Guo Yutang didn't say hello to him, as if the two had never met before.

Sun Yu'an did the same, walked over without looking sideways, sat down in the first seat on the left, and then closed his eyes to rest.

It was a bit impolite, but he could do so with his status.

He didn't come here willingly, so it's normal for him to have a little temper as a young master of a noble family!

Mo Bai glanced at him and said nothing.

He looked around at everyone and said loudly.

"Everyone, Mo came here with only one mission, which was to recruit talented disciples and take them into the mountain gate..."

"However, there is an additional mission."

"This mission requires everyone to work together."

After the voice fell, Mo Bai fell silent, his eyes wandering on everyone's faces.

County Magistrate Guo Yutang was the first to stand up and express his determination.

"Don't worry, Patrol Envoy, I am here on behalf of all my colleagues in Wei County. We will contribute money and strength. As long as the Patrol Envoy has an order, we will do our best to do it, and there will be no slackness..."

Below him, County Magistrate Xie Fanglin and County Lieutenant Ding Ping'an stood up and bowed to Mo Bai to show their determination.

Mo Bai looked at Zhong Chunliang.

As for Gu Baiyun and Nie Wushuang standing aside, he subconsciously ignored them. They were not even internal force martial artists, and were basically ants. They were allowed to stand here only because they were from the martial arts school.

Zhong Chunliang stood up with a smile and clasped his fists.

"Senior Mo, as long as it is not against the laws of heaven and the country, our Demon Suppression Division will definitely help Shangjing Huafu and will not be sneaky..."

Mo Bai nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, his eyes turned to Sun Yu'an.

Sun Yu'an sat upright on the chair, but his attitude was okay, not too arrogant. At least he didn't raise his chin and point his big nose at Mo Bai.

However, his statement was not as straightforward as others.

He spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Senior Mo, I just came to Qinghe County with a few family members on a whim, and came to Wei County without realizing it. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you. Please tell me the task first, and then I will know if I can help."

Mo Bai glanced at him and said meaningfully.

"Mr. Sun, don't worry, you can definitely help!"

After that, he coughed twice.

Then, he got to the point.

"Everyone, on the way to Wei County, I received intelligence temporarily and found the trace of Master Xue. He was lurking in Wei County."

Master Xue?

Except for Nie Wushuang, everyone else was surprised.

"The county city has a wanted list on the black list, and the thirteenth Blood Master?"

Xie Fanglin, the county magistrate, was the most impatient and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, it's him!"

Mo Bai nodded solemnly.

Gu Baiyun saw Nie Wushuang's bewildered face and whispered to him about Blood Master.

Black list!

This is the county city's wanted list.

The people on the list are all extremely vicious.

The thirteenth Blood Master, his real name is unknown, and it is only known that he is a divine martial artist. The reason he is on the list is that he once wiped out a seventh-grade family, killing all the family members and blood flowing like a river.

So, this guy who usually likes to wear a Taoist robe is called Blood Master.

The reason why he, a divine martial artist, is called a master is because the head of the seventh-grade family is a divine martial artist.

A divine martial artist who can kill a divine martial artist can be called a half-step master.

What Gu Baiyun knew was just common stuff, some stories that were circulated in public, and many of them were just rumors.

Mo Bai knew much more.

Of course, it was also more true.

The reason why Master Xue had this nickname was not only because he killed people like crazy and blood flowed like a river when he exterminated his family.

There was another reason.

At the beginning, the reason why this guy killed so many people was just to grab half of the treasure map, and this half of the treasure map originally belonged to that guy, and because of this map, his family was exterminated.

The one who did it was that seventh-rank family.

The noble family exterminated the poor family.

Well, this actually violated the Dayan law.

But if there is no clear evidence?

This incident would be regarded as never happening.

However, this family did not do it carefully and only grabbed half of the treasure map.

And there are still fish that slipped through the net.

It just so happened that this fish that escaped the net learned a lot of skills from nowhere and became a divine martial artist. Many years later, he suddenly appeared, wiped out the family, and snatched back the half of the treasure map.

Treasure map!

Everyone thought it was a treasure map!

In fact, that thing was not a treasure map!

In fact, it was a map of the sea of ​​blood and yakshas.

It sealed a wisp of blood sea evil spirit.

After that, Xue Zhenren disappeared for a while.

In fact, he was just hiding to practice and prepare to transform evil spirits. Once he became a real person of earthly evil spirits, it would be more difficult to deal with him.

At least, those seventh-grade families could do nothing to him.

The reason why the seventh-grade family is the seventh grade is that there are only martial artists in the family, but no real people.

However, transforming evil spirits is not a simple matter.

Even in a large sect like Shangjing Huafu, even if there are people who pass on the law to protect the law, there are very few successful divine martial artists in the process of transforming evil spirits. Among ten divine martial artists, only one or two can successfully transform evil spirits.

True Man Xue did not succeed.

He is still stuck at a certain stage.

There is even a possibility of failure.

Once he fails, he will be swallowed by the blood sea evil spirit, lose himself, and become a terrifying evil spirit, that is, a weird existence.

Shangjing Huafu, who is in charge of Qinghe County, naturally cannot allow such a thing to happen.

For the sake of justice, True Man Xue must not be alienated.

Of course, that wisp of blood sea evil spirit is also useful to Mo Bai.

He practices Shangyang Zhenfa, and his divine will is a wisp of sun true fire. Others who melt the blood sea evil spirit are easily contaminated by the evil spirit, but those who have the sun true fire are not afraid of this pollution. Using this to dispel evil will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

The inner door is too daring!

They want to use the resources of the sect to dispel evil.

In addition to having enough merit points, they have to queue up, first come first served, and during this period, it is inevitable that there are all kinds of tricks.

Shangyang Tower has fallen.

Not only is there no Dharma Real Lord, but there is no Tiangang Real Man.

Among the twelve towers in Shangjing Huafu, Shangyang Tower is the only one without Tiangang Zhenren.

Rely on the resources of the sect to dispel evil?

It may take forever to wait until the end of time.

Therefore, Mo Bai has been sending people to track down the whereabouts of Xue Zhenren. After finally finding his trace, how could he miss it?

Report to the sect?

Forget it!

However, this guy is difficult to deal with.

So, he invited these people.

Next, his plan requires a lot of manpower.

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