There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1106: All kinds of opportunities

According to Yuelao, the difficulty of breaking through from a small fairy to a high fairy is even worse than that of the ninety-nine heavenly calamities in the human world.

Because of this, Baiyun Tower immediately and secretly persuaded several Earth Immortal cultivators who intended to go to the Immortal Realm, but at that time Nangong Feiyang and Chen Qingshuang had already broken through and stepped into the Immortal Gate to the Immortal Realm, and Bai Zhan and Xiao Jing also took over early. Immortal decree.

Things have come to this point, we can only take one step at a time.

In order to let fellow Taoists who have already stepped into the fairy world practice with peace of mind, Baiyun Tower did not spread the matter. Although it appeared calm and calm on the surface, it has been secretly exploring the way to break through the realm.

Until an unexpected occurrence...

Chen Qingshuang broke out with all his strength during an exploration, and killed the sneak attacking monsters, but also hurt his instincts. Baiyun Tower tried to send out Xiantian Qi to help moisten his soul, but unexpectedly, the transformed Haoran Xianqi magically merged with Xiantian Qi. Directly restore the original consciousness.

These changes made Baiyunlou very happy, as if he saw hope, and then made many attempts in secret, and roughly figured out the function of this mutant fairy energy.

The most gratifying thing is that every time the original consciousness is damaged and repaired again, the jade token of the little fairy will fluctuate.

From this point of view, as long as the basic knowledge is condensed to a certain level, the transformation of the immortal position will be a matter of course.

It's just that this mutated immortal energy has the ability to lock energy, so it can't help other immortal friends restore their basic knowledge.

Chaoyang Ziyan's two junior sisters are in harmony with their qi, so they are not considered outsiders. They can use this method to restore their original consciousness, but they have already inherited the position of immortal monarch, and there is no such thing as a day.

Although a little disappointed, there was no despair at all. On the contrary, because he knew the reason, Baiyun Tower was full of hope, and even agreed with Xiaojing and Bai Zhan's breaking into the fairyland.

After all, these two junior brothers and sisters have already accepted the immortal decree, and it is not good for their practice to hinder their ambitions for no reason.

During the period, Baiyunlou thought about hiding his body into the fairy world to share the troubles of the immortals, but Ziyan persuaded him, saying that it was useless.

Moreover, the Immortal Soul has already taken over the position of Immortal Sovereign, if the body of the Immortal Realm enters the Immortal Gate again, it is unknown what kind of situation it will face.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower temporarily let go of this thought.

This time, Junior Sister Chen broke the barrier in one fell swoop, and Baiyun Tower suddenly felt a sense of relief that the clouds opened to see the moonlight.

While sighing, several figures flashed one after another.

Apparently, the news of Xiantaoyuan attracted all the immortals who were investigating in various immortal halls and residences. In just a few breaths, the head of the mountain, Aunt Xia and others all came to watch the ceremony.

Turning to look at fellow friends, Baiyunlou was even more gratified.

It is precisely because of the joint efforts of these fellow daoists that the restoration progress of the fairy world can be greatly advanced.

Although Junior Sister Qingshuang has extraordinary talent, she has made breakthroughs in her immortal position and spirit, and those fellow Taoists around her are also making rapid progress in their cultivation.

In the past few years, more than 20 fairylands have been repaired in succession in the fairyland. Opportunities and dangers coexist.

After Nangong Xiaojing arrived, she not only arranged the exploration of the fairy world in an orderly manner according to her temperament, but also summarized the current strength of the immortals, and reported to the three senior brothers and sisters on a monthly basis.

In this way, Baiyunlou has a detailed understanding of the strength of the monks in the fairy world today.

After several years of practice, Baiyunlou's main body cultivation base has broken through to the early stage of leaving the body, and the dharma body has also been cultivated to the late stage of the earth immortal body.

As for the most powerful soul, it has advanced by leaps and bounds. Within a year after the restoration of the Miaocheng Immortal Realm, the soul broke through repeatedly, and finally transformed directly, attracting fairy thunder to temper.

That fairy thunder was extremely powerful, but fortunately Baiyun Tower was prepared, and with the support of the fairy, finally with a strong will, he finally resisted the most dangerous moment.

After being tempered by Xianlei, the soul was officially promoted to the Sanxian Realm.

According to the inheritance, in ancient times, if the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Realm could survive the ninety-nine days of thunder and calamity, their souls would step into the Sanxian Realm.

As for those monks who failed to survive the catastrophe, some of their souls and bodies were completely destroyed by the lightning strike, and some monks merged their cultivation into their souls and survived the catastrophe.

The monks who survived the ninety-nine catastrophes but only survived the soul are called Sanxian.

Most of the ancient fairy world believed that these loose immortals were not qualified enough, and rarely ordered them to be connected to the fairy court, so most of the above ancient loose immortals stayed in the world to survive.

However, Sanxian Kong, who stayed in the world, had the name of a fairy, but he was not at ease. He was not only bound by the law of heaven, but also had to endure the catastrophe of life and death once every thousand years.

It is said that the great catastrophe became stronger every time. Due to the limited cultivation resources in the world, the strength of most loose immortals improved slowly, and it was difficult to escape the wave after wave of catastrophe.

Only those people who are astonishingly beautiful can survive nine times in a row, directly shattering the void, and becoming true immortals.

In the entire ancient times, there was only one Sanxian who successfully stepped on this fairy road. As soon as Fang set foot in the fairy world, he directly proved the position of the fairy king, which is really extremely powerful.

And this celestial lord is none other than the real martial celestial lord who is well-known in the entire fairy world.

Knowing about the True Martial Immortal Monarch from the inheritance of the Fairy Queen, Baiyunlou admired him immensely, and at the same time became quite interested in the nine thunder disasters.

It's just that now that there is the position of the immortal king, after the immortal soul has been refined by the immortal thunder once, there will be no more calamities caused by heavenly thunder.

Therefore, after being promoted to the Sanxian Realm, Baiyunlou only felt that the immortal soul became more and more condensed and powerful, but he didn't know that his soul was a Sanxian.

In the past four years of experience in the fairyland, Baiyunlou has also had a lot of opportunities besides cultivation, not to mention all kinds of fairy materials and spiritual treasures, but the opportunities obtained from the four great fairylands of the Seventh Heaven have already given Baiyunlou a lot.

In the Seventh Heaven, there are four great immortal domains, namely Qinglong Heaven, Baihu Heaven, Suzaku Heaven and Xuanwu Heaven.

These four great fairy realms are exactly where the four great beasts in the world are located in the fairy world.

These few are old acquaintances. Every time a fairyland is repaired, Immortal Ruyi will come forward, hold the fairy decree, and invite the souls of the gods and beasts into the fairyland of the upper realm, and sit in one of the Qinglong To the Palace Master, he obeys orders. After having this dojo, if he can get out of the prison of the East China Sea, he is also very generous to the Palace Master's Taoist companion Bai Zhang, saying that everything in the Qinglongtian can be taken as he pleases use.

After the restoration, there are many Qinglong Tianshui mansions, countless fairy treasures, and even a dragon pond with extraordinary functions.

From Baiyunlou's point of view, the efficacy of the pool is not important, and being able to occasionally pull the blushing Junior Sister Chaoyang to practice together in the pool is the biggest gain during this period of time.

Then in Baihutian, Baiyun Tower harvested the Gengjin Immortal Stone, which had been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. With this Immortal Stone, the Dragon Scale Sword once again had the opportunity to advance.

After repairing Suzaku Immortal Realm, Ali's soul was also invited to Lihuo Palace in Suzaku Heaven.

With Ah Li in charge, the Lihuo Palace immediately became a frequent practice place in Baiyunlou.

Under the urging of A Li, the hidden Nanming Lihuo in the Lihuo Palace will appear, and its powerful function is very popular with the head of Bai.

Nanming Lihuo is extremely handy whether it is used to forge souls, refine immortal treasures, or even roast immortal ingredients.

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