It is also due to the temperament of the human race. When in a foreign and dangerous place or in a deep sleep, without a shelter above the head, Baiyun Tower will feel empty in the heart.

As soon as the ice crystal gazebo was completed, Xia Zhaoyang immediately used his magical powers to create three ivy reclining chairs. The branches and leaves on them were soft, and it seemed that it would be extremely comfortable to be in them.

Xia Zhaoyang couldn't wait to jump into one of the reclining chairs and nestled on it, feeling very comfortable.

The corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he lay on the wicker chair next to his junior sister very relaxedly. By the way, he thought of pulling Chaoyang's reclining chair closer to his own, turning it into a big reclining chair.

After gently embracing Xiao Chaoyang in his arms, he couldn't help sighing: "This is the way to nourish the soul..."

"Sister Qingshuang is here..." Xia Zhaoyang murmured softly, twisted his body, as if he was about to struggle to get up, but then gave up on this thought, and changed to a more comfortable position and nestled in his brother's arms again.

"Tch, it's not like I haven't seen it before..." Chen Qingshuang curled her lips, raised her hand and fiddled with the ivy lounge chair on the other side, tossing it into an ivy futon that can gather spiritual energy by itself, and she was quite satisfied with the place Sit on it, condense and transform into a god.

After all, this person can't stay idle, and he just thinks about exploring the Dao when he has time. It's also because the awe-inspiring aura is too special. It can not only protect the ghost incarnation in the broken world and heaven, but also use it to explore various dangerous places without affecting the original soul. dharmakaya.

Just like the Nether Sea in front of me, although it is extremely dangerous, but Chen Qingshuang only needs to wrap a thought with the awe-inspiring aura and probe into the Nether Sea, he can use the awe-inspiring aura to comprehend the great way hidden in it.

Although his thoughts could not resist the tearing power of the rules, and after escaping into the Nether Sea, they would be torn apart in an instant, but Chen Qingshuang never tired of it, and continued to turn his thoughts into wisps of sword intent to walk along the trend.

Fortunately, this junior sister is quite aware of the seriousness, and the thoughts that come out are very weak, and the loss is not great. With her current level of basic knowledge, it should be no problem to spend ten days and a half months here.

Sighing secretly for a while, Baiyunlou still couldn't help but give him a few words of remembrance, and then said to Xiao Chaoyang in his arms: "Chaoyang, let's play chess."

"Well, senior brother can't use the method of fortune telling..."

"Of course, it's a matter of God, if you can avoid it..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou raised his hand to create a vertical and horizontal chessboard in the void, beckoning Xiao Chaoyang to raise his hands and move his pieces.

Steal half a day of leisure.

During the half-day in the underworld, Baiyun Tower really had a very pleasant time, playing chess, staring in a daze, or taking out the magic weapon, Liu Guang, to accompany Xiao Chaoyang to watch some recent works of the Shadow and Character Department.

If they hadn't been awakened by the movement beside them, the two people nestled in the big recliner were still immersed in the twists and turns of the plot.

Having been idle for half a day, they had a great time, and noticed that the Qi mechanism beside them was abnormal, and the two of them stopped reciting immediately, got up and turned their heads to look at Chen Qingshuang, whose breath was fluctuating.

After a short look, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitched his mouth, this junior sister is really capable of tossing, the basic consciousness and true thoughts that haven't been worn out before counting breaths are only half left in front of her eyes.

Needless to say, this junior sister Qingshuang still couldn't hold back her curiosity in the end, she gave up half of her knowledge and forcibly explored that Nether Sea Eye.

With the double protection of Yan Luoling and the magic weapon of the sundial, his immortal soul is not hindered, but the original thought that penetrated into the sea eye has gone forever...

Now that the matter has come to this point, Baiyun Tower is also speechless, sending out a large amount of innate energy to help him accumulate his original consciousness.

After recovering for a while, Chen Qingshuang suddenly forcibly woke up, opened his eyes, and said in surprise: "Senior Sister Zi Yan seems to be trapped in the sea eyes."

"Oh..." Baiyun Tower turned around when he heard the words, and turned his eyes to look at Ziyan intently.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then comforted him: "It's okay, what Zi Yan probed into was just a thought. During this period of time, the three of us have probed Xiang Hai's eyes thousands of times, but we have also discovered some things. The reality in the eyes of the sea..."

At this point, Baiyunlou's mind suddenly moved, and he said in a deep voice: "Although it was a sudden enlightenment, the fluctuation of Qi just now was not small, but it didn't wake him up... It turned out that he borrowed the method of falling into a dream. Wonderful."

Looking intently at Zi Yan's eyebrows and the Fire Lotus Immortal Seal, Xia Chaoyang nodded and replied: "If it's just a dream, it's easy to do, we just enter the dream and wake it up, but it may miss Zi Yan's chance of enlightenment .”

"Since that's the case, let's take a look into the sea and play by ear."

After saying that, Baiyunlou turned his head and asked Chen Qingshuang about what he saw after he escaped into the sea eye just now.

After carefully sorting out the scattered thoughts, Chen Qingshuang spoke in a deep voice.

"According to what senior brother said, I should have escaped to Haiyan three hours ago. It may be due to the change of time and space. The experience in Haiyan was actually only a moment."

As soon as this remark came out, Baiyunlou couldn't help but feel a chill, but he immediately knew the reason, and then raised his hand to disperse the illusion cloud and mist evolving into the Nether Sea Eye in front of him.

I saw that the clouds turned into a storm and swirled around, pulling the void out of a void passage. This passage started from the Nether Sea Eye, and the other end extended to the endless distance.

As the phantom drew closer, the end of the passage finally converged into a deep black spot.

This black dot looks very familiar, just like the singularity I saw in the chaotic void, but it is very stable.

After a short pause, Baiyun Tower brought the manifested scene back to the vicinity of the entrance of Nether Sea.

Chen Qingshuang closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment, then suddenly raised her hand a little, and drew a flowing light arc at the entrance. This arc of light did not escape to the black spot in the distance, but was pulled to one side by the unknown gravitational force in the space-time storm.

"This is the path followed by the original consciousness after entering the sea eye, and then it dissipated in an instant."

Watching the manifested green arc light, Baiyunlou nodded slightly, and pondered: "For a moment inside, the outside world has already been three hours, which should be caused by the disorder of time and space... Qingshuang, where did Zi Yan appear?"

Chen Qingshuang thought about it for a while, and raised her hand to condense a vague figure on the side of the manifested void passage.

Although her figure was extremely blurred, the two of Baiyunlou recognized her at a glance as Ziyan.

"As long as you restrain your mental, you won't be pulled by the force of time and space, why..." Xia Zhaoyang was a little confused about Senior Sister Ziyan's intentions.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou returned: "Ziyan should have other plans, I'll go inside first."

"Senior brother, I want to go with you too." Xia Chaoyang was a little worried, and then added: "Junior sister, I am lucky like a rainbow."

"Forget it, let's go together..." Baiyunlou smiled, nodded helplessly, and then took out a crystal bead and handed it to Junior Sister Chen: "Qingshuang, take this crystal bead, and I am inside it." A thought, if it hasn't woken up in seven days, you can crush it."

Chen Qingshuang immediately accepted the crystal beads and stood up to protect the three of them.

After getting ready, Baiyunlou led Junior Sister Chaoyang to sit cross-legged and concentrating, separated a wisp of original consciousness, followed Ziyan's aura, and probed towards Nether Sea Eye.

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