There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 153: Sea of ​​Consciousness Divides Yin and Yang

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Slightly sensing Dongfang Junior Sister's aura, Baiyunlou asked: "Just now I sensed that Junior Sister broke through in the Wood Vein Cave, and now it should be in the middle stage of foundation establishment, right?"

"I had some insights for a while, so I took advantage of the situation to break through." Dongfang Ziyan said indifferently.

Bai Yunlou thought for a while and then said: "The last time I saw my junior sister refining her soul with the sound of the zither in Qingyun Cave, it was really extraordinary. Looking from a distance, my junior sister's spirit should be far beyond that of an ordinary golden core monk."

"Brother, there are quite a few supernatural powers of the Qingyun sect that are suitable for junior sisters to practice. Would you like to pick a few and try to practice them?"

After a little thought, Dongfang Ziyan nodded in response.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower roughly explained the supernatural powers that can be cultivated in the fairyland.

In the end, Dongfang Ziyan chose the Transformation Technique and Wanjianjue, and briefly explained the reason to Baiyunlou.

Now that demon cultivators are rampant and causing troubles in the world, Dongfang Ziyan's cultivation base has greatly increased, and she also wants to accept some tasks from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to eliminate demons.

When eliminating demons, changing the identity of Qingyunmen can not only protect the tranquility of the academy, but also allow the cultivation world and the human world to see the rise of Qingyunmen, and bring hope to those in despair.

Transfiguration can also manifest demon energy, allowing innocent people blinded by demon cultivators to see their true nature, which can be said to be very useful.

Dongfang Ziyan used the real water sent by senior sister Qingchi to condense the ice crystal sword during the stage of breaking the realm and building the foundation. The ice crystal sword can transform into countless swords.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, using the power of the primordial spirit to drive two supernatural powers into a thought, raised his hand and fingers together, and sent this thought into the eyebrows of Junior Sister Dongfang.

The two chatted leisurely all the way, and unknowingly returned to the small courtyard, the two nodded their goodbyes, and turned to go to their respective houses.

Spiritual thoughts swept across the room on one side, Xiao Xiyue was sleeping soundly in it, Baiyunlou smiled slightly, walked into her own room, and went to meditate.

The consciousness has entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul, which looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, is sitting cross-legged on the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Today's Sea of ​​Consciousness Enchantment, through the refinement of the immortal fire, and a stream of real water sent by Senior Sister Qingchi, has expanded to a radius of ten feet, and a lot of things have been put into it in an orderly manner by Baiyun Tower, but it still looks quite empty .

Hanging in the middle of the enchantment of the sea of ​​consciousness is the Lingbao sapphire, and this sapphire is sending the fragments of the soul that were included today directly into the sea of ​​consciousness one by one.

Yuanshen grabbed the wisps of blue fluorescent dots that floated over, kneaded them with both hands, condensed them into a brighter blue fluorescent group, and stuffed them into the small mouth.

In a flash, the divine consciousness merged into the primordial spirit, and the efficiency of the devouring was greatly increased. The sapphire continuously sent out fragments of the soul, which were swallowed by the primordial spirit into the belly for refining.

The primordial spirit is actually the autonomous consciousness of Baiyunlou. Without the control of the main consciousness of the divine consciousness, it is like walking or eating in daily life. The food brought to the mouth can be grasped by conditioned reflex without thinking.

With the combined control of the divine consciousness, the power of the primordial spirit can be shown. When first entering the cultivation, the divine consciousness devoured a few fragments of the divine consciousness and then became so full that it could not continue to swallow it. Now there is no limit at all.

The fragments of divine consciousness scattered in the original sea of ​​consciousness have already been swallowed up by the primordial spirit.

After countless times of devouring, Baiyunlou's understanding of his own sea of ​​consciousness became more and more thorough.

Since my sea of ​​consciousness was opened up to chaos by the power of good fortune contained in the sapphire, it is actually divided into yin and yang. With the sea of ​​memory as the boundary, the upper part is filled with yang energy, and the lower part is bred with yin energy.

Before, the fragments of consciousness hanging above the sea of ​​memory would be stained with a trace of yang energy, swallowing these fragments of consciousness could increase the strength of consciousness.

Swallowing the fragments of consciousness scattered in the sea of ​​memory can refine some yin energy into the soul, which not only has the effect of reconciling yin and yang, but also greatly improves the toughness of the soul.

Today, the strength and toughness of Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness far exceeds that of the Jindan cultivator, so his magical power of broken thoughts is very effective in dealing with the damage of magical thoughts.

Although there are no scattered fragments of consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness now, since the cultivation of the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit has become like the main body, and can breathe smoothly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Cultivating above the sea of ​​memory, one can absorb yang energy to refine the strength of the primordial spirit, and sinking into the sea of ​​memory can absorb yin energy to refine the strength of the primordial spirit.

Ever since Baiyun Tower manipulated the Primordial Spirit to practice several times, the Primordial Spirit has been able to walk freely in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and practice on its own.

This time it took half an hour to completely devour the demon soul's shattered consciousness.

After devouring it for a while, Baiyunlou realized that he had underestimated the power of this demon soul. The body of the primordial spirit has grown a bit taller, and it has expanded the entire sea of ​​consciousness from four miles to five miles.

With the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness this time, the innate energy of daily intake of sapphire can skyrocket again.

The time was too early, after the primordial spirit was refined, Baiyunlou directly absorbed a large amount of innate qi from the sapphire to practice.

Practice in the middle of the night and sleep in the middle of the night, and Baiyun Tower sleeps until the sky is bright.

When he opened the door and went out, the two junior sisters and the little fat man were already sitting at the stone table waiting.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help being startled, and asked jokingly: "Sitting so neatly, what's the matter, but there's not even breakfast, the three of you won't wait for senior brother, eat first?"

The sleepy-eyed Junior Sister Xia yelled at the little fat man: "Okay, Xiao Feiyang, the seniors are up, don't hide, hurry up and get something to eat, you're almost starving."

"Second Senior Sister, you have reached the middle stage of Foundation You won't be hungry, you will be full after taking two mouthfuls of spiritual energy." The little fat man said boldly.

"I want to fight again, don't hesitate, I'm calling Xiaohualing, her big lotus seeds are not vegetarian." Junior Sister Xia pretended to beckon.

But the little flower spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness muttered: "I am a vegetarian, of course the big lotus seed is also a vegetarian, this little master is just a little confused."

But the little fat man still insisted on this, and quickly took out a two-foot-sized stone plate from behind, which was the small teleportation circle carved by Baiyun Tower.

While Baiyunlou was wondering, the little fat man asked, "Senior brother and sister, what do you all want to eat?"

Junior sister Xia hurriedly said, "Crystal osmanthus cake, peach gum syrup from the shop in Zhuangyuan Lane, and a plate of spring rolls."

Seeing the senior brother who still half understood, Junior Sister Xia went on to say, "Let's cut half a catty of scallion pancake for senior brother, and a big bowl of hot and sour soup."

The little fat man said, "Okay." As he spoke, he wrote with an ink pen on the stone slab of the teleportation circle.

While writing, he asked Senior Sister Dongfang: "Sister Senior, what would you like to have for breakfast?"

"As good as Chaoyang." Dongfang Ziyan said softly.

The little fat man said while writing: "Then it will be easy to handle, and my brother and I are the same, it will be faster this way."

After finishing writing soon, the little fat man skillfully cast the spell and spread the ink on the slate.

Baiyunlou had a little understanding of the little fat man's operations, and it seemed that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was getting stronger and stronger. With this convenient function, no one except the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce could handle the errand business in the entire comprehension world.

If these cultivators who are diligent in cultivation are used to this teleportation circle, they probably won't be bothered in the cave.

In a blink of an eye, the delicacies ordered just now were sent over by the small teleportation array one after another.

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