There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 674: News from the East China Sea

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Of course, Master Bai, who has refined Qingyu and Kunlun Ling, has no sense of hindrance in entering and exiting these two high-level caves.

From the high-level cave to the top, there is also a top-level cave, such as the Kunlun fairyland.

From Baiyunlou's point of view, although the Kunlun Immortal Realm is called the Immortal Realm, it still has mortal energy, and it can still be regarded as a blessed place in the human world.

Of course, it is the top-level cave.

This kind of cave is derived from the power of the ancient fairy world, and the power of the rules is extremely extraordinary. With the current strength and understanding of the three of them, even with the Kunlun Token, they cannot escape from the boundary wall.

In the final analysis, the realm of cultivation is still not enough. If you want to have great freedom, you still have to improve your strength.

After some emotion, Baiyunlou was about to turn around to discuss the next cultivation with the two junior sisters, but saw a wave of fluctuation at the mountain gate, and the little fat man turned back nervously.

"Feiyang, what happened?" Bai Yunlou flashed his figure, brought the two junior sisters to the little fat man, and asked with some doubts.

"Donghai Pavilion, a secret message came from Wang Fugui, saying that he has something urgent to ask his senior brother, and he must tell his brother face to face."

After a short pause, the fat man continued, "Wang Fugui has arrived at Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce in Jiangnan Mansion."

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and said quite calmly: "Maybe the thing we have been waiting for for many days is about to happen, let's go, let's meet this rich fellow Taoist together."

After saying that, a cloud of smoke wrapped around his feet, and he brought a few people straight to the Jiangnan mansion in a flash.

The matter of waiting for many days mentioned in Baiyunlou's words is actually the secret treasure of the Dragon Clan.

Half a month ago, after returning to the academy, Baiyun Tower had a private conversation with the head of the mountain. The head of the mountain seemed to have received a special message. The planned trip to the East China Sea was temporarily put on hold, and he said that he should wait for the time.

This wait lasted for half a month, and even the poetry class was officially over, but there was no movement from the head of the mountain, and the few tamed sea monsters in the East China Sea did not send back any useful messages.

Unexpectedly, it was Donghai Pavilion who sent the message from the East China Sea first.

Jiangnan Mansion, the main store of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Fugui in the secret room in the backyard couldn't sit still any longer. He just stood up when he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and several figures appeared in the room.

"Brother Bai..." Wang Fugui said in surprise.

"I entered without knocking, Junior Brother Wang forgive me..." Baiyunlou cupped his hands.

"What did Senior Brother Bai say? Wealth and honor are entrusted by the elders. It's a very important matter. Seeing Senior Brother as soon as possible will be reassuring."

While Wang Fugui was talking, there was a knock on the door. It was the deacon of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce who heard the movement in the house and came to inquire.

The little fat man opened the door and explained a few words, then closed the door and walked back.

While thinking about it, Baiyun Tower set up the sword area, nodded to Junior Brother Wang and said: "If there is anything important, Junior Brother can speak with confidence."

Wang Fugui was taken aback by the flashes of several people just now, and then he was captured by Dongfang Ziyan's clean and beautiful face, and he woke up when he heard Senior Brother Bai's question.

Thinking of what the great elder in the clan had told him, Wang Fugui's face tightened, he sorted out his thoughts, and began to talk in a deep voice.

It turned out that this morning, the elder Yan Qi appeared again and said that he had found traces of the demon soul in the East China Sea. Although he did not see where the demon soul was, he sensed a strong aura of the demon soul, which seemed to be sealed in the void.

With the divine soul eroded by the demonic energy, she sensed that the demonic spirit's aura was fluctuating unusually, so Yan Qi didn't dare to act rashly, and then turned back to the East Sea Pavilion to discuss countermeasures with the pavilion master.

Hearing that the aura of the devil soul was far beyond the realm of the devil baby, the master of Donghai Pavilion immediately felt that the matter was of great importance, so he planned to send a message to the head of Xinlu Academy immediately, but was stopped by Yan Qi.

Yan Qiyan said that the demon soul has treacherous methods, and if you want to find a helper, you must first find the most powerful one. The last time Qingyunmen was generous in Xuanyin Temple, if you let the goddess of Qingyunmen do it, you will be safe.

Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Yan Qi also heard rumors from the cultivation world and learned the truth about the battle at Xuanyin Temple.

By now, Baiyun Tower already knew the reason. It seems that it was because Yan Qi's soul was eroded by the devil energy, and thus sensed the hideout of the devil soul.

Finally, Wang Fugui said: "Elder Yan Qi was outspoken about the fact that the demon soul was eroded by demonic energy. He said that if you can't find the goddess from Qingyun Sect, you can come to Senior Brother Bai, and he also asked him to bring four words to Senior Brother. .”

"Those four words are: Sword Immortal Qingyun. Senior Brother Bai, are you the Sword Immortal Qingyun that is widely rumored in the world?"

Baiyunlou couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and said calmly: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yan Qi to be harassed by demonic energy day and night, but he could still remember this matter. It's really extraordinary. It's a long story, I'll talk about it with my junior brother later on the way. "

"Brother Fugui, in this way, Elder Yan passed on the location of the devil soul's hideout to you?"

Wang Fugui said in a low voice: "Exactly, I have the trust of the Pavilion Master, and entrusted this matter to me, a person with a meager cultivation base."

"This is also an opportunity for my junior brother. Low cultivation has its benefits. Let's set off now. Let's talk about it on the way..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou and the three juniors and juniors looked at each other, nodded slightly, and smoke rose from the place where the thoughts moved, leading the people to escape directly out of the Jiangnan Mansion, and fled along the Qianjiang River towards the East China Sea.

At this time, cumulus clouds rolled over the Qianjiang River, thunder and lightning flashed, and heavy raindrops fell like pouring down.

This is not caused by any monster, but it is the thunderstorm season in the Qianjiang River Basin.

The heavy rain was like pouring, and everything was blocked by the smoke and cloud barrier, and the smoke and clouds passed through the thunderclouds without any effect.

Xia Chaoyang seemed to have completely shaken off the shadow of lightning and thunder, standing on the cloud head with his brothers and sisters enjoying the beautiful scenery in the thunderclouds.

At this moment, on the cloud of smoke, three figures flashed out, they were the head of the mountain, Aunt Xia and Uncle Ziyang.

Wang Fugui couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief as all the masters of the academy came out, and followed the academy disciples to salute.

Just now when he escaped from the Jiangnan mansion, the Baiyun Tower had passed on the message to the head of the mountain. Although he didn't know where the head of the mountain got another message from, since the demon soul appeared, he would definitely not stand idly by.

In fact, Senior Sister Qingchi, Baiyunlou also passed on the reading, but Senior Sister...

As soon as Fang thought about it, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart, Baiyunlou turned around and looked back.

In the endlessly churning gray thunderclouds, a dazzling line of fire pierced through layers of rain and arrived in an instant, revealing the figures of Huo Ling'er and A Li.

The elder sister finally released Huo Ling'er, it seems that this time the devil soul... is a bit tricky.

Seeing Huo Linger's arrival, Xia Chaoyang said in surprise, "Little Huoling, Senior Sister is willing to let you out to play, that's great, this time I just went to the East China Sea, last time I was in Yunxiao... It seems that I promised to show Junior Sister to see the sea Come on, this time I can finally fulfill my promise, hehe..."

While talking, Xia Zhaoyang stepped forward and took Huo Ling'er's little hand to help him wipe the rain off his little face.

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