There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 768: floating in the dust

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The green ant was about to speak, but the head master Bai said: "Mother, let the green ant stay at home for a while, the green ant is also kindhearted... After a while, find a time to bring the green ant back together. Biyun Valley, by the way, go to the Great River Kingdom."

"Listen to brother..." Before A Niang could reply, Green Ant hurriedly nodded in response, but this time the reaction was much faster.

Coming out of A Niang's room, a group of young disciples from the Qingyun Sect surrounded him one after another.

"Eldest brother, Wen Sheng's lips are really red and his teeth are white..."

"I don't have any teeth yet, but that chubby little face is really cute."

"It's a pity that Senior Sister Koi stopped her, and she was kicked out after touching it a few times..." Xiao Yutong murmured.

The corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he waved his sleeves and said with a smile: "Okay, don't sigh anymore, when I come back next time when I have time, senior brother, I will use a trick to carry Xiao Ziwen out, let you touch it enough, haha..."

At this moment, Xiao Jing stepped forward and pulled the elder brother to the backyard, saying that he wanted to listen to the policy question in the palace examination, and asked the elder brother in charge to say a few words at will.

A group of young disciples gathered around one after another when they saw that there was excitement to watch.

The corner of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled up, he roughly understood Xiao Jing's intentions, but he didn't refuse.

While thinking about it, Master Bai's master Feng Lingqi was fully activated, he stepped up into the air, and recited a few lines of policy questions at will.

In just a few words, the young disciples were fascinated by it, and they only hoped that the senior brother would say a few more words.

"Brother, I have to take a step ahead..."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower turned into a breeze, fled into the sky, and drifted away.

"Eldest brother seems to be... getting more and more immortal."

"I don't know when I will be able to have such a state of mind, such a cultivation base..."

"When will the head brother be free to come back... Xiao Ziwen..."

"It's getting late, let's all set off separately, in groups of two and two, if you encounter a demon cultivator, don't fight recklessly, safety is the key..."

After a few words of advice from Elder Xiaojing, he greeted and dispersed the disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

Mountains, streams, and grasslands next door, all of which are beautiful scenery pass by.

During this journey, Baiyunlou followed his heart and did not think about releasing the cloud of sapphire smoke.

Ever since the main soul reintegrated into the human world, Baiyunlou completely fell in love with the feeling of running away alone.

The whole figure seems to have really turned into a breeze, floating away.

During the trip, he also made a trip to the Kunlun Immortal Realm, where the Imperial Envoy Kunlun Ling stored a large amount of immortal energy.

I don't know what kind of changes have taken place in the fairy court of the upper realm, but the fairy energy overflowing from the immortal platform has doubled.

Now it is impossible to find out the reason. Baiyun Tower left a soul in the Lieyang Wonderland to refine the soul and realize the Tao, and the main body escaped back to the human world.

When passing by Jiangyuan City, Baiyun Tower sensed the extraordinary popularity, and suddenly remembered that he was still working as a gardener in Yunxiao.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower fled to Yunxiao, cut off most of the luck, and threw it into the beam of luck.

The power of the soul core trembled with all its strength, and the aroused popularity spread around like a tsunami.

Although the popularity of this Jiangyuan City cannot be compared with that of the Imperial City of Kyoto, the popularity is still stirred up for hundreds of miles.

As the tide of popularity passed, the cracks on the Qingqi mask were repaired and dissipated.

Baiyunlou was very satisfied with such results, he tapped his toe lightly on the head of the cloud, and once again his figure broke through the air and fled towards the top of the sky.

Guided by the magic weapon of the sundial, she successfully sensed the location of Sister Xiao's Yunxiao Manor.

Without saying hello to the two sisters, Baiyunlou took up the magic weapon of the sundial and went directly to the fifth courtyard.

Weeding and pruning, the craftsmanship has not dropped in the slightest, and it has become more and more proficient.

"Junior brother is diligent, it doesn't take much time, I'm busy again."

Senior Sister Qingchi's lazy voice came from next to her ear, and Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitched her mouth, and asked casually, "It didn't take much time, how many chess pieces did Senior Sister drop?"

"The sect master underestimates the senior sister too much... It doesn't take much time, the senior sister has already lost two rounds, haha..."

"Senior Sister is amazing, Junior Brother admires it." Baiyunlou was quite speechless for losing chess so happily.

This can be regarded as saying hello to the senior sister, and then Baiyunlou concentrated on it with all its strength, and seriously... started to work.

Pruning and weeding, weeding and pruning... Finally came to the courtyard with a perfect small pond.

The green fruit tree in the courtyard is still full of juicy fruits.

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou concentratingly used the power of rules to form a glazed jade plate, and a sword light cut off seven or eight fruits, and the jade plate was used to catch them.

Holding the jade plate with one hand, Baiyun Tower floated to the winding corridor where the two sisters played chess, and put the fruit plate on the table beside it.

Qing Chi unceremoniously picked up one, eating it with relish, Xiao nodded slightly, also took a fruit, and slowly tasted it.

Today, four courtyards were repaired, and due to the familiarity with the road, the work was completed in less than two hours.

It is said to be weeding and pruning, but in fact, it is constantly comprehending the power of various wonderful rules.

Feeling so far, it was just right, Baiyunlou didn't plan to stay any longer, and immediately bowed to the two sisters and bid farewell.

At this moment, a fruit floated leisurely out of the jade plate and came to Baiyun Tower.

"Thank you, sister Xiao..." Bai Yunlou took the fruit smoothly, waved his sleeves and turned around, tasting the delicious spiritual fruit while walking outside the manor.

First time raw, second time familiar...

While thinking about it, the remaining half of the fruit in his hand suddenly turned into the power of rules and scattered.

Looking back, it turned out that Chang Ran, who was just doing it, had already walked out of the gate of Yunxiao Manor in a moment of thought.

Baiyun Tower couldn't help smiling, and the clothes fluttered down the cloud head, and returned to the vicinity of Jiangyuan City.

Over the snow-capped mountains, across the West Sea, and finally set foot on the mainland of Xizhou again.

Between Baiyun Tower has already found the general location of Aunt Xia and the others, and the southeast of Xizhou is not far away.

Before coming to Xizhou, Baiyunlou already had a general idea of ​​the distribution of the four countries in Xizhou.

Wan Yao Country is located in the southwest, and the other three small countries each occupy one side, and the territory occupied by the third prince is just a small area in the southeast corner, accounting for less than 20% of the entire Western Province.

The eldest prince dominated the northeast of Xizhou, with the largest territory and the most fraternal eggs, so it was the most chaotic among the three small human kingdoms of Xizhou.

Coupled with the connivance of the eldest prince, the monks under him are even more unscrupulous.

The second prince took advantage of the favorable location to occupy the northwest. The northwest is located in a remote area with criss-crossed mountains, and few news came from the northwest.

Without thinking too much, Baiyun Tower floated all the way south.

After walking for a short time, I couldn't help but lament the severity of the monster disaster in Xizhou. Except for the places where human races live together, the wilderness is almost full of monsters.

When encountering alien monsters who dare to step forward to provoke, and who are not pleasing to the eye, they will directly kill them with a sword.

When encountering interesting and handsome foreign monsters, Baiyun Tower will also use the Dao Slashing Sword Intent to cut off the breath of the foreign land.

Without the exotic atmosphere, these little monsters will gradually blend into the human world and truly become creatures of the human world.

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