Seeing Hua Xiaojiu's success, Baiyunlou nodded secretly, and in an instant, he had an insight into the changes in the power of many rules.

Immediately, the Baiyun Building operated the Sword Domain to seal the broken space in the center of the lake for a few breaths. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he passed on the idea to Feng Qimei and Hua Shishi who were watching by the holy lake at the same time.

Informing Hua Xiaojiu that she went to the upper realm smoothly, she also warned the two juniors that they should not try it lightly if they have not practiced the Dzogchen Art of Concentration.

With the calmer Feng Qimei around, she should be able to restrain the rather reckless Hua Shiyi.

Something happened here, Baiyunlou fled into the shattered space, put away the sword field, let the power of teleportation wrap it, and instantly went to the small world of Chumo, which was full of demons and demons.

In the small world of the first demons, the demons first appeared, causing chaos all over the world. The monsters and human races were deeply troubled by it, and the human race was even more precarious.

In a wild place, two figures were sitting and standing, and the aura around them was fluctuating endlessly.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground was Hua Xiaojiu, as if it was difficult for Qi to integrate into this small world, her soul was trembling unceasingly, and this society was running the Concentration Art with all its strength to calm the huge tremor of consciousness.

It was Luo Yu who stood guarding at the side, holding a transformation spear, the tip of the spear was particularly dazzling with a cold light, and not far from him lay the corpses of two monsters who came to provoke him.

In the void not far above the two of them, Baiyun Tower watched quietly for a while, and habitually raised its hand to call out the magic weapon of the sundial.

The magic weapon of the sundial came out in a flash, it was not a phantom, but the body of the magic weapon.

The radiant magic weapon of the soul reveals an intoxicating radiance, and the Baiyun Tower is overjoyed to see it.

Fortunately, the appearance of this magic weapon did not trigger any visions of the void, otherwise Master Linglong would have to be busy for a while.

Fang Yi thought about Linglong, a figure walked out from the void next to the magic weapon of the sundial, and Linglong appeared again.

"What a magic weapon..."

When she appeared this time, Linglong changed her lazy aura just now, and her expression was quite excited. Seeing the aura emanating from the magic weapon of the sundial in front of her, she seemed... a bit greedy.

Baiyun Tower has also noticed that since the sundial magic weapon appeared in this small world, this small world has gradually stabilized, at least it is not so easy to break.

It seemed that Linglong was overjoyed to be able to stabilize the void without consuming divine power. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Linglong fiddled with the void with her two little hands.

After only a moment, Linglong put her hands back and stood there, looking at this small world again, seemingly extremely satisfied.

"Okay, this small world of the first demon is the same as the small world of the tribe, so you can mess around as you like...except Mr. Bai."

After saying that, Linglong clapped her little hands happily, and took another look at the shining sundial magic weapon, before it dissipated into a cloud of smoke.

"Except for exception..." Baiyunlou murmured, recalling the magic weapon of the sundial.

When this small world is stable, Hua Xiaojiu's turmoil is also stable.

Although his spiritual consciousness and aura have not completely integrated into this small world of primordial demons, they have settled down in this small world.

Luo Yuji was concerned about the human world, and sensed that Hua Xiaojiu's aura was stable. After being amazed, he said goodbye and left.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower secretly left an aura in Hua Xiaojiu's spirit, and then also dodged away.

Withdrawing his consciousness, Baiyun Tower took back the Linglong Tower and the Yanyun Barrier by the way, and Luo Yu just woke up.

"Ah Wei..." Luo Yu's consciousness returned to her body, her mind was still in a trance, when she saw the delicate face of Senior Sister Caiwei, she couldn't help but burst out in surprise.

"Ayu, you finally woke up..."

Seeing Luo Yu wake up, Caiwei let out a sigh of relief.

After half a month of continuous cultivation in the small world in the pagoda, once he came back to his senses, it was like a dream. At this time, Luo Yu finally woke up completely.

After answering happily, Luo Yu stepped aside and took out the spiritual weapon spear, and a cold light on the tip of the spear smoothly condensed into shape.

"I really did it, haha... Senior brother, you're here too..." The excited Luo Yu finally realized the existence of the senior brother.

"Senior brother, of course I'm here, you kid just practiced magic skills, you don't see me as a senior brother anymore..." The corners of Bai Yunlou's mouth curved slightly, and he couldn't help joking.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and replied with some surprise: "Brother, you are back again..."

"What does it mean to come back again? Some time ago, the head of the sect only had some insights on the immortal way."

"Senior Brother Sect Leader is amazing..." Luo Yu sighed, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Brother, what happened to Hua Xiaojiu, who can even teleport across the boundary, isn't he a person born from the illusion?"

Hearing this, Baiyunlou said seriously: "Young master Luo, you know too much, be careful not to be targeted by the power of the void, search for your soul and kill your life... in the future, you will practice the art of concentrating your mind to the state of Dzogchen, you I understand."

Seeing Junior Brother Luo's complexion turning pale, Baiyunlou secretly smiled, and said casually: "The Luo family compound is really lively today, General Luo is back, don't think too much, celebrate the festival with peace of mind... let's go..."

While speaking, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and he fled away.

The house was also very lively at the moment, Baiyunlou was too lazy to waste time talking with Luo Yu, and during the escape, he had already taken back several souls, brought delicious food from all over the place, and returned to the small courtyard of the Bai family in a short time.

"Chaoyang, Huo Linger..." After not seeing Xiao Chaoyang for a month, Baiyunlou couldn't help feeling an uncontrollable joy in his mind.

Xia Zhaoyang, who was being questioned by A Niang, hurriedly turned his head when he heard the sound, responded crisply, and couldn't help jumping to the side of the elder brother.

"Brother, sister, my sub-soul is still training with brother in the Fierce Sun Wonderland, hehe..."

Seeing Junior Sister Xia's obedient appearance, Baiyunlou couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed her little Senior Brother..." Huo Ling'er also obediently stepped forward to salute.

"Little Huoling, your elder sister is back, why don't you go to see the ceremony?" Baiyunlou couldn't help smiling and said to Huo Linger without noticing Senior Sister Qingchi's aura.

Huo Ling'er couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly looked around.

Xia Chaoyang also said in surprise, "Elder Sister is here too? Senior Sister, where are you?"

"Every one's cultivation has been improved, and I, the senior sister, is no longer in my eyes..." A lazy voice came from the small bamboo building.

Hearing this, the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth twitched slightly, it seems that the idea of ​​the elder sister also went to Jiangnan mansion just now.

"Sister..." Huo Ling'er jumped up onto the small bamboo building.

"Elder Sister is here!" Xia Chaoyang shouted in surprise, but reached out and hugged Eldest Brother's arm.

A burst of cloud and mist cleared, and Qingchi's graceful figure appeared from the window of the small bamboo building.

It is rare to be so lively, A Niang smiled happily: "It turns out that you are a big girl, come down quickly when you come, let A Niang have a look..."

"Here we come..." Qing Chi responded crisply, pulling Huo Ling'er out of the small bamboo building.


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