"I heard that the woman was named Fisher Girl. She was originally an ordinary fisher girl from Mingzhou. By chance, she saved Senior Brother Nangong. Later, she even got a chance to enter the door of cultivation."

"Origin and death are really amazing..."

Looking at the gorgeous glow gradually dissipating in the sky, Chen Qingshuang's words carried a bit of nostalgia and a bit of emotion.

"This feeling can be regarded as a memory, but at that time I was at a loss..."

Then Huatou, Baiyunlou chanted a poem with emotion, and casually recited two passages of poems from memory.

"The moon is setting and the sky is covered with black cries and frost, Jiang Feng Yuhuo is facing Mianmian... the sound of apes on both sides of the bank can't stop, the light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains..."

"Ah... Senior Brother Bai, you actually know these two lines." Hearing this line, Chen Qingshuang was stunned on the spot.

"It's more than that, this senior brother knows a lot more..."

Immediately, the Baiyun Building came into being on a whim, starting with Senior Brother Fei Yu going south by boat, being rescued by a fisher girl, traveling together to Xuanshan Mountain, and then returning to Daxia, to Haoranzong.

Hearing this, Chen Qingshuang murmured: "It's so, I've always been a little self-sorrowful, I don't think I'm the one who is superfluous..."

Having said that, there was no trace of lament between his brows, as if he hadn't taken this matter to heart.

"Brother Bai, what happened next?"

"Later..., of course, I met the head of the sect. The master's attack was amazing. The fisher girl stepped into the door of cultivation and fulfilled the lovers. Everyone was happy..."

In Baiyunlou's casual words, there was a bit of complacency unknowingly.

"Everything is happy, it turns out that Senior Brother Bai fulfilled the lover, what should I do about that Junior Sister?" Chen Qingshuang said with a bit of resentment.


Before Senior Brother Bai could reply, Chen Qingshuang went on to say: "In this way, Senior Brother Bai can be regarded as breaking up the fate between me and Senior Brother Nangong. It has come to this point, there is nothing we can do, but we practitioners attach great importance to fate, how can you do it, brother?" You have to find a way to make up for my junior sister."

As if he had never encountered such a scene, Baiyunlou didn't know how to deal with it for a while, his mood suddenly turned like a tide, and the fairy spirit overflowing around him also faded a lot.

After a while, he asked in a low voice: "With such a fate, how should I pay for it?"

"How to pay? Of course, it is to help find a good-looking gentleman who is handsome in Yushu Linfeng, with extraordinary character, and who can share the same interests as my junior sister and me..." Chen Qingshuang replied casually.

After a short pause, he added another sentence: "By the way, your cultivation should not be too weak, at least you must have an Earth Immortal cultivation..."

"Earth Immortal cultivation base? Where can I find this..."

This junior sister's request made Bai Yunlou slightly stunned, and then he thought about it: "Nowadays, in the entire human world, there are people with Earth Immortal cultivation, who still meet the requirements, and who share the same interests as junior sister...Isn't it just me, senior brother?"

Muttering softly, Baiyunlou seemed to understand the intention of the junior sister in front of him, and then he used his celestial eye, and his divine sense also fully sensed it.

He didn't notice anything unusual, so he casually replied: "Qingshuang, why don't senior brothers compensate you..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qingshuang immediately stood on the spot in a daze, her face blushed, her heart pounding like a deer.

Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Bai, who has always been quite happy, would actually say such words. There is always a huge difference between the expected and the real feeling.

When the matter came to an end, Chen Qingshuang was a little at a loss, left a sentence "Brother can figure it out for himself", then flashed out of the small bamboo building, seized his mighty aura, and fled away quickly.

Looking at the figure of Junior Sister Qingshuang, Bai Yunlou muttered to himself, it seemed that he was really moved by such a reaction.

It's just that the last sentence left, what does it mean...


In the Qingyun Cave, after passing through several floating mountains, Chen Qingshuang dodged into a waterfall, and her figure was also hidden.

"Qingshuang, why don't you chat for a while, brother, his mind fluctuated so much just now..." Zi Yan sighed with some surprise.

Chen Qingshuang replied casually: "Talk about me again..., oh, I have experience, junior sister, it's just right to leave at this time, maybe it's better to keep some thoughts..."

"Hey, it's true, Qingshuang, wait a moment, Senior Sister will come as soon as I go."

After saying that, Zi Yan escaped from the portable cave in a flash, and when she reappeared, she had already arrived in the small bamboo building.

"Senior brother, bring your junior sister to have a look together?" Zi Yan said softly with a smile on her eyebrows.

"It turned out that Ziyan and you helped to cause trouble..." Although Bai Yunlou said so, there was no trace of blame in his tone, and he stretched out his breath, and gently pulled a soul of Ziyan Junior Sister, and escaped together. In the sea of ​​consciousness between eyebrows.

The two are connected in spirit and mind, and Baiyunlou knew that Junior Sister Ziyan acted like this, there must be a reason.

He didn't ask much at the moment, and fled straight down the sea of ​​consciousness with Zi Yan's sub-soul, and fled to the deep sea of ​​memory in an instant.

"Ziyan, this is it..." The two of Baiyunlou paused and stopped in a void.

The faint brilliance sprinkled on the sea of ​​memory, even the deep sea of ​​memory did not fall.

A faint cloud of memory appeared in the empty deep sea of ​​memory.

"What's the use of this sliver of vulgar thought?" Bai Yunlou asked with some doubts.

It seems that because of the existence of this sliver of common sense, Baiyunlou's questioning has a little more popularity.

"Sister, I don't know what the use of this common thought is..., but Ziyan knows that the original heart of senior brother is not so empty."

"So that's the case, but it's a pity... this sliver of common sense won't last long."

As soon as Baiyunlou finished speaking, a trace of worldly thoughts floating in the deep sea of ​​memory instantly collapsed.

"Once you know the reason, even the mundane thoughts deep in your memory will inevitably dissipate..." Bai Yunlou Suinian explained ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After that, a thought gently penetrated into the wuxiaspot thoughts, as if trying to stabilize the collapse .

After persisting for a while, it was still in vain in the end, not only the cloud-like vulgar thought, but also that thought, turned into a little bit of fluorescence and dissipated.

Looking at the scene in front of him that seemed to have lost the starlight, Baiyunlou suddenly moved and pointed to the void, and the two characters "willing" that were engraved in the void manifested.

Seeing these two words, Baiyunlou immediately recalled that he was the one who sealed these two words before Slaying the Demon.

Along with the word Shede, there is also a mirror light, which is crystal clear and very aura.

Letting go of a trace of worldly notions, it's not bad to regain the word "willing" and the magical powers of the mind.

While thinking about it, Baiyun Tower looked towards the heart mirror, and as a ray of thought penetrated, a very simple word "love" appeared in the heart mirror.

The word "love" has a shocking charm, and at the same time, a very familiar feeling arose in Baiyunlou's mind.

I seem to have seen it somewhere...

As soon as the thought moved, the body of the soul immediately led Zi Yan's soul, and fled to the middle sea of ​​memory.


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