"This branch is for playing chess with junior sister, this one is for painting, this one is feeding a small plate of pastries, this one is good, hehe..."

"Hey, take Junior Sister Chaoyang back to the small courtyard of the Bai Family to meet Auntie. This branch didn't exist last time... Brother, will these branches change?" Xia Zhaoyang asked in surprise after investigating.

Baiyunlou nodded and replied: "This re-evolved wonderful tree has grown a bit, and it seems to be related to what I saw and heard a few days ago. If it feels boring, the corresponding branches will dissipate..."

In the middle of the conversation, Xia Zhaoyang took over the conversation and said: "If there is something moving, next time there will be more branches. Last time when I was about to fall asleep, I seem to have told my senior sister that I want to see A Niang. Haha, that's great. It's..."

"Let me think about something fun to do next time..."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou said helplessly: "Chaoyang, if you don't play a game of chess first, your time to wake up is quite limited."

Xia Chaoyang was taken aback for a moment, and replied sullenly: "Oh..., it seems so, senior brother, help junior sister see how long she can last."

Baiyunlou raised his hand to hold out the magic weapon of the sundial, and his thoughts evolved.

"Half a stick of incense..., wait a moment." In the middle of the sentence, an idea flashed out, and the magic weapon of the sundial in Baiyun Tower was deduced again.

"It's not impossible to break and then stand."

With a soft whisper, Baiyunlou moved the magic weapon of the sundial into the void.

"Broken... how to break it?" Xia Zhaoyang seemed to understand what his brother said, and hurriedly asked.

The corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he replied quite calmly: "You don't need to do anything, my brother has some ideas, and I plan to use my sister's spiritual consciousness to refine my soul, which should wake me up for two hours."

"You can help senior brother refine his soul, that's great..., huh? Two hours of refreshment?" Halfway through the conversation, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but burst out in surprise.

Bai Yunlou nodded and replied: "Preliminary deduction, it should be able to last for two hours, as long as Junior Sister..."

"Hey, brother, don't worry, junior sister won't mess around this time... If that's the case, I have to plan carefully for these two hours..."

After extravagantly tossing a cup of tea, Xia Zhaoyang dragged his senior brother to set off.

According to Princess Chaoyang's plan, the two went directly to the small courtyard of the Bai family to meet Auntie, and they could do anything like playing chess and painting by the way.

While fleeing, Xia Chaoyang still didn't forget to ask his senior brother about his trip to the fairy world.

Traveling... It is estimated that Junior Sister Zi Yan never mentioned the dangers of the fairyland to Chaoyang, so much so that this junior sister thought that the two of them went to the fairyland as if they were traveling.

After a moment of emotion, Baiyun Tower gave a rough account of this trip to the Immortal World.

The words were short, but they sounded thrilling. Only then did Xia Chaoyang realize the dangers of the fairy world, and also the reason why Senior Sister Zi Yan went to the fairy world countless times without hesitation.

"Senior brother, where is sister Ziyan?" Xia Zhaoyang asked weakly after thinking of senior sister Ziyan for a while.

"It's in the fairyland of Yaochi, I should have some feeling and fell into a deep stillness." Baiyunlou replied casually.

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang replied sullenly: "Hey, sister Ziyan has realized again, when will I be able to realize it, junior sister, I sleep every day, how can I improve my cultivation..."

"Chaoyang, haven't you been improving your cultivation in a deep sleep? Now you are in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and your soul has shown signs of conjoining your soul." Bai Yunlou turned his head and took a look, before casually replying.

"What, I'm in harmony with my soul, I can't feel it. Also, I'm in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul seems to be a bit older..." Xia Zhaoyang muttered while sensing it.

As soon as the voice fell, a small figure escaped from the void, and Xiao Hualing was resting on Xiao Xiaoyun's bed with a tired face.

"Sister Chaoyang, you won't forget me, will you..."

"Little...Hua Ling, why did my sister forget you? I've slept too much lately, so I'm still a little confused now." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang stretched out his left hand to hold Xiao Hua Ling.

There is no way, the right hand has been holding tightly with the senior brother, and I heard the senior brother said that only in this way can we share the shock wave of spiritual consciousness together.

Seeing Xiaohualing's exhausted appearance, Baiyunlou habitually sent a stream of pure innate qi.

"Little Hualing, why are you exhausting yourself like this again? It's really not good, so let's take a good rest. Sister, I don't really care about my cultivation," Xia Chaoyang said very distressed.

Nourished by the innate qi of the elder brother, the little flower spirit was refreshed, spread its wings, and said in a crisp voice: "It's okay, you can't let your cultivation level drop, go to the fairy world with your soul as soon as possible, maybe you can see the old master again."

It turned out that Xiao Hualing had this idea, and Xia Zhaoyang couldn't say anything, so he nodded in response.

Xiaohualing appeared in a hurry and fled back in a hurry, and the two happened to fall into the clouds in the backyard of Bai's house.

It was warm spring in March, and the bamboos in the backyard were green, full of flowers, and colorful butterflies were flying.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Xia Chaoyang laughed happily and held his senior brother tightly, but couldn't help jumping up.

In Xia Zhaoyang's eyes, although Yaochi Wonderland is beautiful, it is still not as friendly as the backyard of the senior brother's house.

The silver bell-like laughter made the backyard more lively, and also attracted A Niang who was busy in the front yard.

"Xiao Chaoyang..." A Niang walked forward quickly with a smile on her face, and shouted in surprise.

"But I haven't seen you for a few days. I heard that you are retreating in some fairyland. Are you okay?" A Niang carefully looked up and down Xiao Chaoyang, as if guessing that the so-called retreat is definitely not easy.

"Aniang, Chaoyang, I'm fine, this time I can have a meal with Aniang at ease..." Xia Zhaoyang replied with a smile.

"It's fine to have a meal..." A Niang watched the two holding hands, her eyes were full of smiles.

As soon as the voice fell, the two branches on the virtual shadow of the wonderful tree in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness changed at the same time, showing the shape of glazed glass, revealing a bright fairy light.

The idea of ​​bringing Chaoyang to see A Niang came true, and A Niang's wish to see Xiao Chaoyang was also fulfilled at the same time.

Baiyunlou's mind also became complete for a moment, and he couldn't help but smile at each other in a very tacit understanding with Junior Sister Chaoyang.

Looking at this scene in A Niang's eyes, she was even more delighted, secretly thinking that with Ziyan and Chaoyang by her side, her eldest son would definitely return to normal completely.

After a while, the small courtyard became lively, the koi came forward to pay respects, and the green ants also rushed back from Qingyunmen.

After hearing about the excitement at home, the old man left the proofreading of the post newspaper and hurried back to the White House.

Elder Xiaojing, who has been following the movement of the senior brother in charge, also followed Green Ant to the White Courtyard.

Half a stick of incense time had passed, and at that moment, Xia Chaoyang's consciousness still felt a strong tremor.

But at the same time, shock waves came from the elder brother's palm, and it seemed that the two shock waves gradually counteracted, and within a few breaths, Xia Zhaoyang's consciousness regained calm again.

After carefully looking at the elder brother from left to right, Xia Zhaoyang felt relieved when he didn't notice anything unusual.


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