Back then, when Huo Ling'er exhausted her soul and was reborn from Nirvana, this **** was like a thing without an owner, but for some reason, this thing traveled through the heavens and found the fairy world.

Senior Sister Qing Chi once said that Huo Ling'er has now cut off her breath from the God Realm, which is a rare opportunity.

In contrast, instead of merging into the gods and becoming a daughter of the gods, it is better to re-understand the way of fire and gain great freedom.

Now under Huo Linger's chance, the Fire of Nirvana has been born, and he has a more thorough understanding of the Dao of Fire, but this **** is no longer of great use to Huo Linger.

Judging from the posture of Cai Shenze when he escaped from the predicament just now, this Taoist God seemed to be quite familiar with the aura of the two of them.

Inspired by the divine sense, Baiyunlou preliminarily guessed the reason. It should be the breath of Huo Ling'er left on the body of the two souls, which attracted the attention of Shen Ze.

When Huo Ling'er re-formed back then, Baiyunlou sent out innate aura, Ziyan sent out divine aura, and several people were connected with each other by their own aura.

It should be due to this that when Baiyunlou touched the divine law, it was not burned by the true meaning of the divine fire contained in it, and also got the opportunity to refine the soul with the divine fire.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen souls were fully integrated into the body of the divided soul, and the divine fire that entered the body recovered the divine crystal by itself.

Waiting for the souls of Baiyun Tower to regain their senses, meditating on themselves, they couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Not to mention the true meaning of the divine fire, the soul-splitting body that was only refined by the divine fire actually showed the appearance of glazed glass.

After a little investigation, the strength of this soul-splitting soul has been greatly improved, and it can already be integrated into ten soul-splitting souls at the same time.

In this way, the strength of the souls walking in the fairy world will be greatly increased, and they will be able to deal with danger more calmly.

As soon as Fang thought about it, a shocking shock wave suddenly came from the side of the magic tree. The ring-shaped shock wave seemed to shatter the void directly, and spread outward rapidly.

In an instant, Baiyunlou backed Ziyan while protecting Ziyan.

As soon as the shock wave started, Baiyunlou and Ziyan habitually stretched out their minds, and found out the location and intensity of the source of the earthquake.

The source of the shock came from a void between the branches of the magic tree, and along with the shock wave, there were endless pink auras.

Presumably, the magic tree sealed an unknown powerful existence in a void by using the peach blossoms of the fairy peach tree itself and the magic power.

It should be the gods that vibrated, awakening the sealed unknown existence, which caused a shocking shock wave.

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, followed by the shock wave that shattered the void. In such a familiar scene, Baiyunlou habitually stepped out of the sword gang and launched the sword field.

The figures of the two retreated violently, and the sword field fluctuated with the shock wave, and then dissipated, but they also resisted most of the force of the shattering void. With the support of the sun, moon and golden wheel, the two finally retreated completely in the shock wave.

After the sub-soul was refined by Shenhuo Zhenyi, it has the strength to run the sword field in the fairy world.

Baiyunlou held the manifested Dragon Scale Sword, his left hand held the God-Promoting Principle, and several swords shielded his body. The Sword Domain was laid down again with thoughts, and the Wind Spirit Qi machine in the Dzogchen Realm was running, and he looked indifferently at the source of the shock wave.

The demon tree has been completely shattered, and the demon soul and energy have not escaped.

As the scattered fragments of the magic tree turned into dust and fell, a tall figure appeared in the same place.

Son of God!

Standing nearly ten feet tall, with a slender body, his divine light is flowing, and his bearing is impressive. He does have the demeanor of a god's son in the God Realm.

With such a figure and appearance, Senior Sister Qingchi had evolved before, so Fang was recognized by Baiyunlou as soon as she appeared.

A few months ago, Senior Sister Qing Chi said that the gods she stayed in the God Realm were completely awakened and were on their way to escape, so they temporarily left the human world and went to meet them, so as not to cause trouble to the human world.

In the end, the trouble found itself at the door of the house.

Senior Sister Qingchi was not there, and Shenzi appeared in the fairy world, so Baiyun Tower couldn't help but not care.

Although Baiyunlou's current state of mind is quite calm, but the wonderful tree in his mind will eventually be complete.

If this Son of God is allowed to harm the human world and cause chaos in the world, Miao Shu will definitely be affected...

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou looked carefully at the Shenzi who had appeared.

I saw that the son of God had just escaped from the seal, and he seemed to be a little dazed, and his figure was still a little erratic.

All of a sudden, the divine light subsided, and the aura around his body became fixed. The eyes of Shenzi in the distance opened, revealing two divine lights.

Two divine lights swept across a void, and seemed to have noticed something abnormal. The son of God raised his hand and grabbed it, and a group of dark demon souls hidden in the void was forcibly taken out, and the divine fire flashed, instantly burning it into nothingness.

Immediately, the divine light continued to look around, saw two figures standing in the air, and also glanced at the imaginary divine code in Baiyunlou's hand, but did not stop.

After waiting for a week to look around, a piece of divine light came out from the body, and a faint pink mist suddenly rose from the scattered ashes below.

The mist condensed and gradually turned into peach blossoms, finally showing the figure of a female fairy.

The face is like a peach blossom, the temperament is absolutely dusty, and the fairy clothes are fluttering, just like a peach blossom fairy.

There is no problem with the body and temperament of the derived female fairy, but the eyes are always a little blank, which makes the manifested female fairy less agile and less lively.

The Son of God seemed quite disappointed, raised his hand to disperse the manifested female fairy with his thoughts, and then jumped up.

Watching this kid make a strong move, Baiyunlou did not show the slightest fear, neither humble nor overbearing, this is the demeanor of a true immortal.

Moreover, under the insight of the pure mind, he can see the reality of this child.

Powerful, jealous, conceited, extremely selfish, from a distant and mysterious God Realm, it's normal to have these temperaments.

Needless to say, the strength is so powerful that even the well-established Demon Tree regards it as a demon and is extremely afraid of it. It can be seen from the subsequent shots that the absolute supernatural power suppresses it and instantly crushes the Demon ~Hate evil like hatred, this point was clearly sensed by Baiyun Tower when he burned the demon soul.

What's more interesting is that the flashing divine fire is actually in the same line as the divine fire in Baiyunlou's palm.

In other words, this son is the new master of this divine rule.

A child of God who has not fully integrated the gods, dares to travel to the small worlds of the heavens, is really conceited.

Therefore, after escaping to the ruined fairyland, he was calculated by the demon tree, and trapped his body in the illusion with the help of the magical powers of immortality and magic, and the **** was also suppressed by the demon tree alone through the demon realm.

Fortunately, the original soul of the demon has been exterminated, and the demon soul hiding in the fairy tree cannot be supported alone. Even if he has accumulated a lot of foundation by swallowing wandering spirits, he still cannot get a hold of the gods, let alone the gods of the way of divine fire.

In the eyes of Baiyunlou, this son is not only conceited, but also extremely proud.

Even though he was once trapped in a place by a monster, he still chose to ignore the two of Baiyunlou without the slightest thought of introspection.

Two people from the lower realms, even if they hold the rules of the gods, they should not be able to get their hands on them. This is the innate self-confidence of the gods.

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