There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 927: Immortal emperor plan

However, although the fairy queen failed to deduce the name of the mysterious existence, she deduced nine out of ten of that person's temperament and actions.

The fairy queen's deduction not only surprised Baiyunlou and Ziyan, but also opened their minds and horizons.

According to the guess and deduction of the fairy queen, the unknown power should not be the domain master of a small world, but a higher level existence.

The Fairy Empress also started to pay attention to the activities of Qingyu and Baiyun Tower when the Great Qingyu was activated in Baiyun Tower and the Qingyun Gate was reopened.

The ancient sect of comprehension was re-established, and it was related to Qing Yunzi, so the fairy queen couldn't help but pay attention.

To the surprise of the fairy queen, the sapphire was nothing in Qingyunzi's hands, but it showed extraordinary functions in Baiyunlou's hands.

The existence of Qing Chi and Da Qingyu had already been known to Xianting for a long time. After preliminary explorations, they found out the root of it. It involved the gods of the God Realm, and Xianting had been watching the changes.

Thousands of years have passed in the human world, but the divine object has remained silent. Even if the demons attacked, there was no slight change in it. Even the fairy queen almost forgot about Fang Qingyu.

It wasn't until Baiyun Tower shined brilliantly in Xuanyin Temple that the fairy queen really paid attention to Qingyu.

Later, in the Kunlun Cave, Baiyun Tower was trapped in the fairy formation, Qingyu not only did not help, but also secretly escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness to watch Ziyan accept the Kunlun inheritance, which happened to be clearly seen by the fairy queen who supervised the world.

The unknown mysterious existence behind the sapphire seems to be just watching the movement of heaven in secret.

And in the change of that sapphire, the fairy queen saw the temperament of the powerful person behind her.

Very close to the Dao, even the incarnation of the Dao, impartial and selfless, without hatred or love, even Baiyun Tower, which refines sapphire, is just a predestined person by chance.

During the ensuing Demon Slaying War, he showed his temperament to the fullest.

The weak human race can refine sapphire, and the heavenly demon, who is causing trouble in the heavens and worlds, can also refine it.

The fairy queen has no doubt that if the sapphire is really acquired by the heavenly demon and has the ability to truly crush the heavens and worlds, that powerful person will even be happy to see it happen.

Fortunately, several sons of the Dao of Heaven who were born in response to the catastrophe grew up in the human world, and the goddesses of the God Realm also helped, and the Dao of Heaven in the human world made a son in secret, and finally exterminated the Heavenly Demon.

In the meantime, the fairy queen also shot with all her strength, helping to kill the demon body, but she also paid a huge price.

Zhan Fannian's sword intent wiped out the fairy queen's love for the human world and her love for Xiao Chaoyang, just like the current Baiyun Tower.

No thinking, no thinking, just watch the origin and extinction.

That powerful sword intent also consumed most of the fairy queen's magic power, and in the end she couldn't even maintain her fairy body, so she turned into a giant dragon and wandered in the nine heavens of the fairy world in a daze.

Without the restraint of the fairy queen's basic knowledge, the fairyland began to continue to collapse.

But in the dark, there is God's will.

Back then, the fairy queen sealed a ray of Samadhi real fire in the fairy furnace, intending to leave a legacy for the human world. I didn't want that tiny ray of real fire to be nurtured by Baiyun Tower with the help of the mysterious sea of ​​consciousness. It feeds back on itself.

The samadhi true fire already contained a fairy consciousness of the fairy queen back then, not only did Baiyun tower not erase it, but instead put it into the cultivation of innate energy and turned it into a fierce sun.

With the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness in Baiyun Building, this real fire has gained a lot and transformed several times.

With the return of this true fire to the body, it not only brought back the main consciousness of the fairy queen, but also restored some of her former temperament, and even her cultivation strength recovered a lot, at least her fairy body shape was restored.

The same sword intent was used to kill all thoughts, but the fairy queen easily recovered her original heart with a wisp of samadhi true fire left in the past, which made Zi Yan very happy, and she also roughly saw the rules of the immortal way.

True fairy, as long as he breaks into the real fairyland, the senior brother can rely on the rules of the fairy way to find the original heart that was cut off.

Now that the fairy queen's original consciousness has returned, the fairyland can be restored to stability, the fairyland stops collapsing, and Chaoyang can return to normal.

Eldest brother's original heart is also hopeful, and Zi Yan's mind, which has been tense for more than half a year, finally relaxes.

"Fairy Queen Empress..." After checking the fairy consciousness passed down by the fairy queen halfway, Zi Yan couldn't help but regain her senses, but found that there was no one in the glazed throne on the jade platform of the main hall.

"The Immortal World, I leave it to you..." As if responding to Zi Yan's call, an ethereal fairy voice lingered in the hall.

What the fairy queen means...

At this time, Baiyunlou also came to his senses, and sighed leisurely: "The fairy empress melts her soul into the fairy world, but there is a time limit, the human calendar, within three years, the fairy garden will be re-established..."

"Brother, have you checked all the thoughts of immortal consciousness?" Zi Yan asked in surprise.

Bai Yunlou nodded casually in response: "That's right, senior brother, I've sorted out my thoughts, and I have quite a lot of experience..."

After a short pause, he continued: "The matter of re-establishing the fairy court is quite complicated, but it is one of the ideas left by the fairy queen... It is very interesting."

It can make the current senior brother arouse interest, and even the eyes that have always been indifferent are full of spirits. It seems that this idea must be extraordinary.

I don't know when it started, Zi Yan has become accustomed to holding hands with her senior brother to pass on the message. For the two of them, this method is the most quick and transparent, no matter how complicated the thoughts are, they can be understood instantly.

During the thought, Zi Yan immediately understood what the brother was talking about, and was instantly shocked by the thought.

It is related to the mystery of the collapse of the fairy court. The fall of the fairy emperor and the collapse of the fairy court are not as simple as the disaster of the heavenly demon.

This top-secret matter, the fairy queen actually told the two of them...

Seeing her senior nod in response, Zi Yan suddenly realized that such a top-secret matter could only be told to two people, otherwise the Immortal Court might have no hope of being reestablished, and might even repeat the mistakes of the Immortal The collapse of the fairy world is actually closely related to the unknown existence behind the sapphire.

When killing demons, she cut her heart, and the fairy queen saw the truth in the chaos, and found a trace of the unknown Dao in the absence of self and thought.

When she woke up this time, the fairy queen fully realized that the phantom of the long river of time that traversed the fairy world was the supreme means of the unknown existence.

Although the phantom of Changhe exuded the aura of Dao, it also helped the demon out of trouble, and even attracted boundless karma because of it.

It seems to be a supreme opportunity, but in fact it is also the source of disaster.

Da Neng, who had always stayed out of the matter, actually acted in person, possibly for the purpose of destroying the immortal world and plotting against the immortal emperor.

And there is only one reason for him to have this thought, the plan of the Immortal Emperor.

What shocked Ziyan the most was the plan of the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor had the ambition to separate the Immortal World from the small worlds of the heavens and form a world of its own.

Although Zi Yan didn't know why the Immortal Emperor had such a plan, but thinking about it, it must be a big picture, maybe he accidentally got into an unknown existence, so he ended up dying.

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