This tree is called Jianmu, and its body is extremely huge, forming a world of its own, standing in the small world of the heavens.

The roots of Jianmu directly plunged into the void of chaos, absorbing the mysterious energy in the chaos, and among its branches, spirits full of spirituality were bred.

These spirits have their own language, but they are not resistant to the language of the human race. With their extremely intelligent spirituality, they can speak the language of the human race fluently within a few days.

This group of alien demons call themselves the elves, and they are the wood elves bred by the condensed mysterious energy of the sacred wood.

According to this group of wood elves, their giant wooden home was invaded by demons thousands of years ago.

After hundreds of years of struggle, it finally fell completely. All the wood elves on the giant Jianmu tree were possessed by demons, but a small half-elf retained a trace of clarity with their transparent mind.

This time, catching up with the remnants of the Heavenly Demon's demonic powers to operate on their own, opened the void passage through the realm, and countless enchanted elves escaped into the human world, and only then did they have the opportunity to be refined and refined.

Having to get rid of the trap of demonic thoughts, apart from being grateful to the human race, these elves still never forget the plight of their own race.

Thinking about it this time, Baiyun Tower is powerless, after all, the bone altar is broken, not to mention helping the elves, and even the small world of Jianmu has no idea where it is outside the human world.

He could only comfort him by saying that the true soul of the demonic thoughts inside had been killed by Senior Sister Qingchi, and that he would help him return to his small world when he found a chance in the future.

Xia Chaoyang was grateful for the spirituality and loyalty of the foreign elves, and secretly put away most of the supernatural powers of Dragon Roar.

Now in the depths of these elves' minds, apart from the idea of ​​not being an enemy of the human race, there are no other restrictions on supernatural powers, and the elves in Qingyunmen have completely recovered their original temperament.

Peace-loving and freedom-loving.

This is quite compatible with the human race in the human world, and it has also been recognized by the disciples of Qingyunmen.

The mysterious aura exuded by these elves successfully attracted the attention of Head Master Bai, and after some deduction and comprehension, he accurately judged the rank of Jianmu's small world.

It is higher than the human world, but not as good as the fairy world in its heyday.

From a certain point of view, the way of wood spirits in Jianmu Small World is closer than the way of immortality, and it can be said that it is the darling of the way.

These wood elves were originally bred by the Dao Qi, and when they were derived, they were born with one or two mysterious talents and supernatural powers. Coupled with their extraordinary spirituality, generations of elves have also explored the method of meditation and practice.

Although this kind of talent is not as powerful as the innate knowledge of the protoss, the road to practice is much smoother than that of the human race.

What makes Baiyunlou most emotional is that these wood elves have an extremely long lifespan. Even those elves who don't like to meditate and practice are born with a lifespan of a thousand years.

The elf who was personally captured by Master Bai actually has the status of a royal family in Jianmu's small world.

The three pairs of willow-like slender wings are the symbol of the status of the elf royal family and the display of strength.

The slender wings not only have the ability to fly away, but the number of three pairs is also the number of innate magical powers of these elf royal families.

Born with three kinds of innate supernatural powers, he has some advantages over ordinary elves.

Living in another world, this royal elf was immediately surrounded by a group of elves and became the elf queen of the human world.

In this way, although the elves could not return to their own clan temporarily, they gradually felt at ease.

Baiyunlou is very interested in the innate supernatural powers of the elves, because they are the manifestation of the power of rules in that small world. Watching the operation of these innate supernatural powers is of great help to comprehend and deduce the avenue, especially the avenue of wood.

Under the austerity, Baiyun Tower derived a large tree more than a hundred feet high in Qingyun Cave according to the memories of these wood elves.

Although this tree is far from being able to compare with Jianmu, those familiar branches and the extremely pure wood spirit made all the elves very happy and felt the kindness of Master Qingyun.

Over the past six months, these elves who have drifted to the human world have gradually adapted to the living habits of the human race.

Although most elves still like to meditate and practice on the big tree, they do not resist the invitation of Qingyun disciples to practice together.

According to Master Bai, the aura of these elves still has the aura of insignificant construction, which is very beneficial to the stability of the human world.

Take these elves out for a walk more, let them have a sense of identity with the human world, and the integration of the power of those rules will be faster.

For this trip to Donglai, Elder Xiaojing invited more than a dozen elves. After hearing that Master Bai and Senior Sister Chaoyang would also go with them, it was rare for the elf queen to accept the invitation.

The elf queen's name is Dark Night, but she is good at the magical power of light, which is quite interesting.

An Ye quickly adapted to the human world. Apart from being grateful to Master Bai, she also felt very kind to Senior Sister Chaoyang, whom she hadn't met a few times.

Especially not long ago, I ran into Xiaohualing who was familiar with the ventilation of Haihua Palace, and my interest in this senior sister Chaoyang increased greatly, so I took the initiative to accept this trip to Donglai.

Sensing the breath of the dark night, Xia Chaoyang specially called him to the flying shuttle, and took out the spirit wine and fairy dew to entertain the queen.

An Ye really likes the casual atmosphere in Qingyunmen, no matter the monster clan or the elf clan can coexist harmoniously.

Knowing that Senior Sister Chaoyang will not have to sleep for a long time in the future, An Ye is also very happy for it.

The phantom flying shuttle leisurely escaped in the East China Sea, Xia Chaoyang, who had no sense of urgency, was not in a hurry at all.

The middle part of the Fei Shuo was very lively, talking all the way, but the tail was extremely quiet, only Zi Yan sat cross-legged in it.

This trip to Donglai was purely for a cup of wedding All the young disciples lost interest in cultivation, Ziyan went to the back cabin not for cultivation, but to continue to interpret the fairy queen thought.

The fairy consciousness of the fairy queen is extremely complicated. Although the senior brother shared his interested thoughts with Zi Yan, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the fairy consciousness, waiting for Zi Yan to observe attentively.

The sub-souls in the fairy world are busy refining their souls in the glazed hall with the big brother, and this matter of observing the immortal knowledge can only be left to the relatively leisurely body of the lower world.

Concentrating and calming down, Zi Yan thought deeply into the depths of her mind, and continued to observe the fairy consciousness thoughts left by the fairy queen with the help of the connected air mechanism.

After some observation, Ziyan had a clearer understanding of the arrangement of the fairy queen.

Perhaps considering that the senior brother cut off Fan Nian, the idea passed by the fairy queen to the senior brother was more biased towards the will of the immortal emperor, and the thoughts left for herself were more detailed, not only including the details of restoring the fairy world, but also emphasizing a powerful Xianjun.

Immortal Guanghan!

This immortal has a great reputation in the fairy world, and he has already achieved perfection on the road of ice, and even touched the edge of the extreme realm.

To Ziyan's surprise, this fairy actually had a close relationship with her.

The former Lord of West Kunlun, the Immortal of Yaochi, turned out to be a clone of Immortal Guanghan.


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