"Pretending to be..." Bai Yunlou let out a soft shout, and another real fire sword slashed out.

If, as Master Bai said in the words, the miserable appearance of this monster is actually pretending. When the real fire sword is about to reach the body, the monster suddenly turns around and swallows the sword. It's nothing serious, even the shattered demon body just now has been fully recovered.

"The ignorant...human race, who dares to attack even the god...beloved, is a mere...untouchable in the lower realm, and his crime...deserves punishment."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang raised his immortal sword and was about to kill it, but his senior brother called him to stop.

At the same time, Zi Yan, who was about to make a move, also stopped.

Seeing several sword gangs and the other two human races stop at the same time, the dog-shaped monster became more and more arrogant.

"Oh... I finally believe that this deity... is a **** race, even if... it's just a god's favor..."

Although fixed in the void by the magic weapon of the sundial, the dog-shaped monster seemed to have a reliance, and its eyes were full of contempt.

At this moment, an invisible sword intent transformed by the wind from the nine heavens fell silently from the top of the sky, instantly piercing through the body of the monster who was about to hide in the void.

The rampant roaring sound came to an abrupt end...

The semi-transparent glazed demon body instantly shattered, and the demon consciousness within it was silently wiped away, leaving only a crystal-clear object the size of a grain of rice in place, and the strange aura on it dissipated completely in an instant.

This thing is a bit like the **** crystal that seals the rules of the gods, but...

As he was thinking about it, the thing that seemed to be a divine crystal suddenly moved, as if being drawn by some kind of regular force, and drifted away towards the sky.

With some doubts, Baiyunlou reached out and caught him, and a familiar energy flowed into his mind, which came from the fairy pond in front of the main hall of the Fairy Queen Palace.

It turned out to be a mysterious method left by the fairy world. After a moment of pondering, Baiyunlou let go of his pinched fingertips, allowing the divine crystal to float up again, and followed the Dao mark of the Gangfeng sword intent that had just crossed the boundary, breaking through the air to the fairy world. go away.

And the Gangfeng sword intent just now was cut by the soul of Baiyunlou who was in the fairy world.

When the elves were reciting spells and performing supernatural powers in the dark, Baiyun Tower suddenly realized that his split soul in the fairy world was refined by the Huafan Immortal Pool, and he was already counted as a high-level creature in the fairy world.

Immediately, under the transmission of the original soul, the body of the split soul woke up from the practice, and came to the fairy pond in front of the main hall together with Zi Yan's split soul.

Ziyan has been learning how to operate the Immortal Pond by taking advantage of her training, and by this time, she has already mastered it.

Although he still can't use any supernatural powers of reward and punishment, he has figured out the function of watching the world.

Seeing through the Immortal Pond, the soul-dividing body really saw the power of the monster's rules, and saw a kind of energy connecting the foreign world and beyond.

After thinking about it, Baiyunlou decided to use the body of the split soul to take action, so that if there is a trace of the gods, it will be difficult to find out the reason.

Immediately, Chuan Nian asked the two junior sisters to stop, and the soul-splitting body used the fairy pond to cut out a wind sword intent, directly erasing the demon consciousness of the alien monster, and quietly cutting off the qi mechanism by the way.

It's just that I didn't expect that the monster really left behind a **** crystal, although it was only the size of a grain of rice, and it didn't even have a tiny god.

It seems that what this monster said is somewhat true, and it may really be the divine favor of a certain protoss.

However, in Baiyun Tower's view, it is just a god's favor. There are not many spiritual creatures taught by Senior Sister Qingchi, not to mention those enlightened by the Liuhua River, there are already a lot of masters in Qingyunmen who are regarded as divine favors.

To be a god's favorite, one must have the consciousness of a god's favor, to wantonly devour and plunder the owner's aura and aura in other worlds, and even speak out wild words in the name of a god's favor.

It would be cheap to kill it...

The Son of God from the God Realm, as well as this divine favorite who claims to be from the God Clan, should have all entered the human world within the past year or several years.

It seems that as long as the strength is strong, it will not be restricted by the opening of the boundary wall once every sixty years.

In terms of strength, this dog-shaped monster is not strong, and it may have used other means to infiltrate the human world.

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Junior Sister Chaoyang ask: "Senior Brother, what other bad things did this evil dog do at Senior Brother Lu's marriage ceremony?"

Now that Xia Chaoyang was holding the Ruyi Immortal Sword, his thoughts became much clearer.

Although he knew that this monster had swallowed up a lot of happiness, but it must not be that simple to make his senior brother move the killing intent.

Baiyunlou turned around slightly, pointed at the statue of Butterfly Immortal hanging in the air dozens of miles away, and said quite calmly: "This monster has been hiding near the statue of Junior Sister Xuecan, taking the opportunity to devour the wishes of the people of Nanzhou. , I had a killing intent just now, and this meeting has calmed down."

"It's so hateful, you still call us the pariahs of the lower world, and you say something that should be punished. I think this vicious dog is the real one to be punished, but it seems to have been beheaded by the senior brother, hehe..."

Hearing that this monster had been secretly devouring Junior Sister Xuecan's wish power, Xia Zhaoyang was immediately furious, but thinking that the evil monster had already executed him, his anger subsided somewhat.

Thinking back to what was left by the evil demon just now, he asked curiously: "Senior brother, what is that remaining bright spot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Could it be that the evil demon still left a remnant soul?"

"That's not true. What's left is only the **** crystal that hides some kind of rule power. It seems to be useful to the fairy world... Let senior brother take a look..."

While speaking, the God Realm the size of a grain of rice was already floating, and it escaped into the Immortal Pond with the help of the Immortal Pond's energy.

The Qi in the Immortal Pond churned, rushing towards the Divine Crystal, and the ownerless Divine Crystal was quickly stamped with the imprint of the Immortal World, turning it into a fairy crystal with ethereal spirit.

Transforming into a fairy crystal is just the beginning. With the influx of celestial energy, a phantom manifests. It has a somewhat similar shape to the previous dog monster, but its breath is completely new.

As the phantom gradually solidified, a slender and agile creature from the fairy world suddenly jumped out of the fairy pond.

The appearance of the final form is somewhat similar to that of a fine dog in the human world, with a long head and calf, a thin waist, black and shiny hair all over the body, and a very conspicuous fairy imprint on the forehead.

This imprint of the fairy clan shone with a vivid blue light, and also revealed the unique charm of the wind in the fairy world.

It turned out that the exterminated dog demon was good at Fengxing supernatural powers, but it happened to be imprisoned by the magic weapon of the sundial in the human world, and then the master Bai used the way of the human world and the fairy world to jointly kill the dog demon .

Now this little dog re-formed in the Immortal Pond has completely become the true spirit of the Immortal Realm, or it is called... an immortal pet.

Because after the small dog jumped out, with a movement of its nose, it immediately dodged to the side of Baiyunlou and Ziyan, and after lightly circled around for two weeks, it bowed its head and lay down beside their feet, looking extremely cute.

As the two thought about it, the information about the fairy dog ​​was immediately understood thoroughly by the two.

As soon as this dog transformed into a form, it immediately became a fairy, and the fairy was named Xiaotian.

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