There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 936: Miscellaneous branches

Not to mention, Baiyunlou's mind was really moved a little bit by being tormented by Princess Chaoyang, and he smiled at Zi Yan, and casually replied: "Chaoyang has said so, of course I will do my best, brother... "

While speaking, without delay, he raised his hand to resist the magic weapon of the sundial, and tried his best to deduce it.

Light and shadow flowed on the magic weapon of the sundial, and within a short while, Baiyun Tower had deduced several possibilities.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou said: "The way of the elves is quite different from the way of immortality and humanity. It is the way of the spirit body. There is no so-called physical body. This spirit body is like the soul of the human race, an aggregate of energy."

"I was born with a spirit body, and has natural advantages in practice, but with the current level of spirit body condensing, I can't bear the pressure of the fairy sect..."

"I don't know if there is a more pure clone in the dark night. If it's just a clone, there is no fear of loss."

An Ye thought about it carefully and replied: "Avatar... God-level avatar technique is impossible to practice with the current cultivation base, but there is a supernatural power of splitting light and transforming shadows, but this supernatural power is time-sensitive, at most... half an hour .”

"Splitting light and transforming shadows... let's show it." When talking about magical powers, Baiyunlou was really interested.

An Ye nodded in response, chanted a mantra lightly, and a translucent figure appeared in the dim light.

"So it's the way of the Dao of Light..." Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and a breeze condensed from his fingertips, and it popped out gently, blowing away towards the figure.

The seemingly harmless breeze, while wandering, turned into a powerful gangster in an instant.

The Huaying avatar only persisted for half a breath before it turned into aura and dissipated.

"If you can persist for more than five breaths, you will have a chance to break through the fairy gate..."

Speaking of the matter of the fairy gate, an idea suddenly flashed in Baiyunlou's mind. If this supernatural power of splitting light and transforming shadows really passes through the fairy gate, if it is allowed to escape into the Huafan Immortal Pond for training, will it be possible to wash out a stable immortal avatar? ?

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower then asked: "An Ye, in order to return home, would you mind stepping on the road of immortality?"

"As long as I can return to the small world of Jianmu, what's the point of rebuilding the immortal way?" An Ye resolutely replied.

Sensing An Ye's firm determination, Baiyun Tower nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Zi Yan and said, "Zi Yan, you should take An Ye to the Fierce Sun Wonderland to practice first, the way of Lie Yang and the Dao of Light should have something in common. "

Zi Yan nodded in response, but Xia Chaoyang who was beside him asked doubtfully, "Senior Brother, aren't we going back to the Kunlun Immortal Realm to practice?"

"Cultivation is not in a hurry, Junior Sister Chaoyang, do you still remember the thoughts that you focused on when you woke up last time?" A wonderful tree, one of which has a large branch that is quite complicated, and it looks like it is airtight.

"That... Senior brother, last time... I was a little greedy. Junior sister will definitely change this time, definitely change..." Xia Zhaoyang replied a little grumpily.

"What to change? These ideas seem to be very interesting, let's go, let's finish it slowly with the senior brother, anyway, this time there is plenty of time." Bai Yunlou replied casually.

"Uh..., alright." Xia Zhaoyang was a little dazed, and stepped up to his brother's cloud head. At this moment, Senior Sister Zi Yan heard a voice transmission.

Don't be too playful and forget to go back to Lieyang Wonderland to refine your soul...

The senior sister's reminder was very effective, coupled with learning about Jianmu's small world today, Princess Chaoyang, who has always been enthusiastic, truly realized the importance of practice.

For a while, Xia Chaoyang just wanted to finish those wonderful ideas on the branches of the tree with his senior as soon as possible, and then concentrate on practicing.

In thought, Zi Yan stepped forward to say goodbye, and led the elf An Ye to flee towards Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Baiyunlou watched Junior Sister Ziyan go away, suddenly remembered something in his mind, and turned his head to look at the fiery red sycamore tree in Nanzhou.

Everything was as usual, except that there was an extra white wolf under the tree.

The last time he walked eagerly, the white wolf couldn't keep up, and unexpectedly he was still crouching under the tree.

Xia Zhaoyang followed his senior brother's gaze and saw that it was the white wolf, so he muttered casually: "This white wolf sleeps comfortably, eating and drinking..."

"It's also what Junior Sister said, the first stop..." Bai Yunlou was very casual, and immediately put aside the matter of the white wolf.

"Kyoto Imperial City... Forget it, it will be midnight, brother, let's finish our work first, hehe..."

Baiyunlou nodded slightly, tapped his toes, and the cloud and mist rose, carrying the two of them towards Qingyunmen.

Under the fiery red sycamore tree, the white wolf suddenly woke up from his sleep, looked up and looked around, but saw nothing unusual, then crouched down under the big warm tree, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Lingzhu Peak, Xiaozhulou, the morning light penetrates through the window lattice, and shines on the figures cuddling together.

Xia Chaoyang gently leaned against his senior brother, streams of purple energy flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them like the confluence of thousands of rivers.

"It's been a long time since I swallowed Ziqi so happily..."

"Last night was good. The cultivation and the branches of junior sisters are all complete." When Baiyunlou raised his hand, the phantom of Miaoshu manifested.

"That's right, it's almost half done..." UU Reading Xia Zhaoyang lazily replied after not being so leisurely with his senior for a long time.

"It just so happens that the younger brothers and younger sisters are all here, these two branches..."

"Brother, don't worry, let's have a peaceful breakfast first."

"There is no such idea on the wonderful tree..."

"Uh... Brother, try it carefully and see if you can make it grow a branch?"

"This..., hey! It's really grown!"

"Junior Sister is amazing, haha..."

The imperial city of Kyoto, the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, and the spacious imperial garden seemed a bit small at the moment.

The three princes and five princesses, although they are not yet one year old, under the nourishment of the royal atmosphere, all of them are smart, lively and active.

They can speak in August and run in October. Except for the youngest Jiumei who is still a little unsteady when walking, the others have already run all over the garden.

Everything is novel, if there are not a few light and healthy maids to follow, it is estimated that they will be able to fish in the pond this time.

It is conceivable that in a few years, this imperial palace will hardly be able to accommodate the curiosity of these little dolls.

The two of Baiyunlou were playing with the princes and daughters at the moment, Xia Chaoyang held Jiumei in his arms and was reluctant to let go, and had already forgotten about the matter of cultivation.

The eldest princess returned to the palace, and the visit of headmaster Bai made the palace very lively.

Knowing that Xiao Chaoyang no longer needs to sleep and rest his mind, the queen and several concubines were all overjoyed, and Emperor Xia secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Especially when seeing Baiyunlou's occasional doting eyes on Xiao Chaoyang, the concubines secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it.

A few times before, when I saw the Shen Yun of the Master Bai's family, I thought that this person had already cultivated into a real immortal and saw through the mortal world. After seeing him today, I felt relieved.


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