In the past six months, many disciples have entered the Linglong Small Pagoda to practice, and they are very familiar with the Linglong Pagoda, and they are even quite familiar with many tribesmen in the small tribal world.

Seeing the tragic state of the Linglong Tower, everyone said that they would do their part to restore the tower.

The small tower is so dilapidated that the most urgent thing is to stabilize it first.

The magic weapon of the sundial can only temporarily stop the trend of its collapse, and it is not that the time and space around the small tower are completely frozen, but the flow of time and space is extremely slow, and the collapse is delayed countless times.

Under the guidance of the brother in charge, Nangong Xiaojing activated the illusion formation in the Wenxin Pavilion, and quickly nourished the Linglong tower that was about to collapse with the help of the energy of the formation.

With the help of the sundial magic weapon and the Wenxin Pavilion's big burst of energy, the Linglong Tower gradually stabilized, and Baiyun Tower also explored a lot of time and space rules while fully operating the sundial magic weapon.

The sundial magic weapon newly refined by Senior Sister Xiao is extremely powerful, and it is very easy to use, but this time when the law of time and space on it is fully operated, Baiyunlou detected the limit of this magic weapon.

One thousand and eighty times!

As long as there are fluctuations of consciousness in the frozen void, then this piece of time and space cannot be completely frozen by the sundial magic weapon, and it can only slow down the nearby time and space by a thousand times at most.

In other words, one day in the human world is as long as three years for the small world in the tower today.

As the speed of time slowed down, the speed at which the Linglong Tower collapsed and shattered became slower and slower.

In this way, time was bought for the investigation and repair of the small tower.

Looking at the laws of time and space lingering around the small tower, the broken scene of the fairy world suddenly appeared in Baiyunlou's mind.

The Immortal World was backlashed by karma back then, and it also collapsed, and then the laws of time and space in the entire Immortal World also changed instantly.

In the fairy world in ancient times, the flow of time was more than three hundred times that of the human world, but now it is only 30% of the human world.

Calculated, since the fairyland collapsed, the flow of time has also been slowed down by a thousand times.

Now it seems that the Immortal Emperor must have changed the laws of time and space in the Immortal World before its fall in order to keep the Immortal World.

The laws of time and space are very mysterious. Even if Baiyunlou has the magic weapon of the sundial, it has only explored a very small part of the rules so far.

Just like the three-foot space in front of me, there are many small fantasy worlds sealed in the dilapidated Linglong tower. It is extremely difficult to slow down the space-time rules in it to a thousand times the limit.

It can be slowed down by a thousand times not only because of the power of the sundial magic weapon, but also because of the cooperation of the powerful consciousness inside it.

Taling is exquisite!

The small tower collapsed, and Linglong was severely injured, but she survived in the end, and she was still a god-like existence in the small tower.

It is precisely because of Linglong's existence that the remaining small worlds are barely preserved.

By comparing and studying the fairy world and the Linglong Tower in front of it, the mysterious rules of time and space are gradually understood by Baiyun Tower.

After a while, Baiyunlou regained his senses, turned around and looked at the high-spirited Qingyunmen disciples and several fellow practitioners behind him, nodded slightly, and then briefly described the situation inside and outside the small tower.

Although the magic weapon of the sundial and the array of Wenxin Pavilion fixed the small pagoda, it could not last for a long time, at most it could last for a day and night.

One day and night is the limit of Baiyun Tower's current spirit power, and it is also the limit of Wenxin Pavilion's great formation.

In order to maintain the collapse of the small tower, it is necessary for the Wenxin Pavilion formation to continuously send a large amount of phantom energy machines to it, exceeding the limit of a day and night, and the Wenxin Pavilion formation is also difficult to sustain.

However, this day and night in the human world lasted three years for the small world in the tower.

With such a long time, it must be possible to find a way to repair the small tower.

Precisely because of the long time, Baiyun Tower specially reminded everyone that the power of law in the small tower is weak and runs slowly, and cultivation in it will be extremely slow. sleepy.

In addition, the Linglong Tower is about to collapse, and if it cannot be repaired, the consciousness that has escaped into it will also be damaged. Therefore, there are many risks in entering the tower this time, but there are also opportunities hidden in the crisis.

Nowadays, most of the monks in the human world have not cultivated for a long time. In the past few years, with the help of pills and immortal arrays, their cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Especially the younger generation of monks, their strength has improved too fast, and most of their moods have not kept up.

If you can take this opportunity to enter the small pagoda and experience it for several years, most of the hidden dangers of vain state of mind can be eliminated.

Entering the small pagoda to practice is just a spiritual escape, not limited by the physical body, as long as the spiritual consciousness is not exhausted, it is almost an immortal existence.

Originally, Elder Xiaojing was a little worried that the spiritual consciousness of the disciples who entered the pagoda would be in danger of being damaged, but when he heard the elder brother of the sect leader talk about the various benefits, he immediately made a decision. .

In the end, it was Master Bai who spoke, saying that the situation in the small pagoda was unclear, and that they would enter a batch of scouts first, and after the situation was found out, it would not be too late to enter the pagoda in batches to practice.

Hearing this, Xiao Jing responded immediately, and after discussing with the elder brother, he immediately arranged for the first batch of candidates to enter the tower.

The reason why Xiao Jing is so active is because he wants to catch the first batch of people entering the tower, so he will not miss such an opportunity.

Xiao Jing is extremely curious about the broken illusionary small world, and entering the pagoda as a **** at this time, she will definitely be able to appreciate the unusual law of illusion.

Needless to say, Baiyunlou, Xia Chaoyang, and Ziyan, with their strong spiritual senses, have already condensed their soul cores, and they are the main force in the investigation and repair of the small pagoda. At this time, they have already stood at the entrance of the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion, ready to enter the pagoda at any time.

A line of fire escaped, and Huo Ling'er appeared next to the senior brother in charge.

Huo Ling'er was not surprised that Sister Qingchi had withdrawn her consciousness from the human world. She entered the pagoda this time just to meet Linglong.

After all, it was once transformed by sister Qingchi's distraction. Although the self-consciousness was derived, this change will definitely be greatly affected.

After a little Huo Ling'er raised her hand, and a cloud of fire appeared on a floating mountain in the distance.

The fire cloud suddenly retracted, flitting across the mountain, quickly enveloping a figure.

After the fire clouds dissipated, a child full of arrogance appeared. He was extremely handsome, with a vivid imprint of fireworks between his brows.

It was the God Son Huotong who was knocked down by the fairy queen.

Now after this person fell into the human world, the gods were sealed, and his powerful supernatural powers could not be displayed. Apart from the rather extraordinary divine body, there was only a bit of arrogance left.

Two days ago, Huo Ling'er caught him out of nowhere, and was amazed by his divine talent. Afterwards, the message from the elder brother arrived, and Huo Ling'er knew the cause and effect.

According to the elder brother's order, Huo Ling'er brought him into Qingyun Sect and made him the fire-making boy of Qingyun Sect.

Originally, according to the temper of Huotong Godzi, he would never agree, but for Huo Linger's words, Huotong Godzi couldn't bear the slightest thought of resistance, so he agreed in a daze.

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