After a careful observation by Head Master Bai, the three big bird eggs did not have any abnormal aura, but were derivatives of this broken small world.

Hearing these words, Xia Zhaoyang smiled happily, and he lost the thought of looking for other frozen monster birds, and began to think about how to hatch the eggs of these three monster birds.

In the end, it was found that Huo Linger's condensed Huoyun was the most suitable, it was very warm, and he could control the heat with his thoughts.

After a lot of tossing, Xia Chaoyang simply coiled the transformed green vines and made a very comfortable bird's nest for the three big bird eggs.

With the fire cloud slowly providing warmth, and the green vines exuding the breath of life, these two big bird eggs gradually recovered from the extremely cold hibernation, and the original subtle fluctuations in the air mechanism became more and more serious. Stablize.

After the windfall, Xia Chaoyang didn't bother to search for other frozen objects, and sat cross-legged on the comfortable and warm fire cloud, concentrating on picking up the three demon eggs.

According to Princess Chaoyang's words, the matter of hatching should not be taken lightly, one must master the heat and have great patience.

But it didn't take long, perhaps because the fire cloud was too warm and comfortable, and Her Royal Highness, who wanted to hatch the demon eggs, gradually fell into the cloud and slept very soundly.

But it seems that he is still worried about the demon egg, even in a deep sleep, he still does not stop sending the breath of birth.

Baiyunlou seemed to be very curious about the three demon eggs, so he walked over to the bird's nest and watched for a while.

Whether it's the remnants of life energy in the broken small world, or the method of self-operation of the remaining thoughts left by Junior Sister Chaoyang before she fell asleep, it is worth observing and deducing carefully.

Zi Yan also watched intently for a while, and then sat cross-legged in a cloud of ice crystals, with immeasurable light falling, and at the same time following everyone forward, she became aware of this mutated mysterious way of ice.

Along the way, the closer to the Xuanbing eyes, the stronger the condensed Xuanbing. Due to the suppression of strength, even Ziyan felt the effort when breaking the Xuanbing.

After all, these mysterious ices contain the remaining thoughts and will of Senior Sister Qingchi.

Anyway, there is plenty of time to enter the tower this time, instead of pushing forward, it is better to calmly understand the way of changing the rules, but if you have something to gain, whether it is melting the Xuanbing or suppressing the Xuanbingyan, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

The other disciples of the Qingyun Sect were also quite excited to see that Senior Sister Chaoyang had gained so much, and they immediately became more careful when they attacked.

After busying for a long time, I found many frozen monster birds, but I didn't see any living eggs.

The disciples of the Qingyun sect were busy with their own work. Although the always arrogant God Son Huotong was still extremely arrogant on the surface, he was a little discouraged in secret.

Because of this journey, he has become the weakest one.

Huo Tong thinks that Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Dongfang are incomparable.

When he was in the Immortal World, Huo Tong saw how powerful these two were. After all, he could hold a divine rule, his supernatural powers were extraordinary, and he had a close relationship with Xuanshui Shenjun and that powerful fairy queen...

Especially that Senior Brother Bai, who seems to be involved in all kinds of supernatural powers, the charm and demeanor exuding from his body is even better than that of the son of God who is fused with the rules of God.

In just a few days, Huo Tong saw several extremely mysterious Dao Dao marks from Senior Brother Bai's supernatural powers, and felt inferior to him.

The most powerful one should be a certain kind of wind aggregate, which reveals the true meaning of birth and death.

Although I have seen a more powerful Dao of Wind in the God Realm, but Senior Brother Bai's display is equally extraordinary, at least Huo Tong can understand the mystery of it.

The supernatural power of turning the false into the real, removing the false and keeping the true, which I saw in the fairy world, can even accumulate the divine seed in the **** crystal, and Taoyao's little true spirit also comes from this.

How can a supernatural power that can be recognized by the gods be commonplace?

What made Huotong Shenzi even more amazed was the mysterious law of time and space. Even in the low-level small world, the mysterious time confinement method was not something that ordinary Shenzi could perform.

Besides Senior Brother Bai, Senior Sister Dongfang also convinced Huo Tong very much.

In the eyes of Shenzi Huotong, Senior Sister Dongfang has a very clear understanding of the Dao, but the simple and easy-to-understand words reveal the aura of truth, and even the gods are transformed by this.

But this time when they entered the small world of the pagoda together, the spiritual incarnation of Senior Sister Dongfang was extremely cold, and her whole body exuded the charm of indifference to everything.

In a daze, Huo Tong seemed to have seen the goddesses of the God Realm, those goddesses cannot be offended...

Needless to say, Senior Sister Huo Ling'er, when meeting for the first time, Huo Tong felt that this senior sister was very kind, and her aura was extremely miraculous, and she should be a **** derived from this small world.

Moreover, Senior Sister Huo Ling took good care of herself, and even gave her careful guidance on the path of Huo Zhi.

The magical powers of the Dao of Fire that he uses at will are very miraculous, and the magical powers that he knows, this senior sister seems to be more proficient and proficient.

What made Shenzi Huotong even more amazed was that Senior Sister Huo Linger's control over the temperature of the fire was as wonderful as a thought.

The delicacies baked with real fire are so delicious that I have never tasted such delicious things in hundreds of small worlds.

In fact, what Shenzi Huotong still doesn’t know is that was knocked out of the mortal world by the fairy queen from the fairy pond, and the **** was banned. Gradually synchronize with the human race.

These three senior brothers and sisters were already powerful, but Huotong Shenzi was still proud, and even secretly thought that these were all arranged by Xuanshui Shenjun.

The three senior brothers and sisters are like this, and so is the fairy queen. After all, they have found the imprint of Xuanshui Shenjun in this world.

According to the records of the temple, the two goddesses, Xuanshui Shenjun and Zihuo Shenjun, often travel together and have a great relationship.

The son of Huotong inherited the Zihuo god, and was guided by the **** to find the fairy world and the human world. Not only did he find the aura of the Xuanshui God Realm, but he also encountered many opportunities, so he would inevitably make guesses.

Such thoughts of pride have been lingering in Huo Tong's mind until he saw the shining senior sister Chaoyang.

As soon as Fang met, Huo Tong took a look at it and immediately understood that this senior sister Chaoyang was the real arrogance, and she was also a celestial goddess with good luck.

The manifestation of his body was described in the teachings of the seminary. The specific details are not remembered by Huo Tong Shenzi, but one thing is remembered. When encountering a **** or creature with this appearance, the ordinary Shenzi must not provoke it. provoke…

Huo Tong naturally engraved the teachings of the Lord God King in his heart, so when he saw Senior Sister Chaoyang, he was immediately intimidated by the atmosphere around her, and most of his arrogance was restrained immediately.

After entering the small and medium world of the pagoda, Huo Tong saw its extraordinary features. Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Dongfang doted on this Senior Sister Chaoyang very much, and even Senior Sister Huo Linger was quite attached to her.

Taoyao's little maid, who was derived by herself, feels close to her when she first meets her.

With just one or two casual moves, he found three monster eggs full of vitality. This kind of luck was already expected by Huo Tong. On the contrary, the magic method that can operate supernatural powers while sleeping is extremely amazing, making Huo Tong envious.

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