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After some testing, although the three demon eggs were happy, their food intake was very limited, and swallowing a wisp of it would feel like they were full.

After a brief stop in the Shenshi Basin, the three of them set off again, crossing the rainstorm belt, and continued to escape to the place from Huohaiyan.

As he escaped, the rainstorm gradually subsided, and the feeling of dryness and heat became more and more intense. The true meaning of Lihuo seemed to be real, and the red clouds reflected in the sky could be seen from a distance.

Lihuo's true meaning gradually became stronger, and Huo Ling'er had already fallen into the state of epiphany, the divine fire, real fire, and Lihuo's qi mechanism scattered around her body, which was very mysterious.

The situation of Huo Ling'er was quite clear from the Baiyun Tower.

The remnants left behind by Senior Sister Qingchi after she took away her original knowledge perfectly matched Huo Linger's aura.

Huo Ling'er did not directly devour Li Huo, but devoured the remnant aura on Li Huo. The true meaning of Li Huo that had been refined by her was incomparably pure, and instantly became much more stable.

This operation seems to be quite similar to the method used to disperse the ice sculptures of monsters and birds in the Northern Territory, and it was performed by Huo Linger, who was in an epiphany, and he was worthy of being the former Lord Zihuo.

Huo Ling'er entered the state of epiphany, but Xia Chaoyang was curiously looking at the unrecognizable scenery of the Southern Region.

Along the way, what I saw was even more tragic than that in the Northern Territory. Under the ravages of the true meaning of Lihuo, not only were there no monsters, but the once extremely tough tall trees were also burnt into black ashes on the yellow earth.

The ground was scorched and cracked, and white smoke rose from the rolling stones.

"This imprint is... a leopard demon?" Passing by a wilderness, Xia Chaoyang asked doubtfully, pointing to the rather familiar black imprint below.

Although there have been fewer and fewer monsters in this wild and small world in the past two years, apart from the big demon tiger, Xia Chaoyang is most familiar with the leopard demon who once used it to practice the mountain-breaking sword move.

"Looking at the body shape, it should be..." Baiyunlou made a preliminary judgment after observing it.

"Brother... can they be reborn?"


Before the senior brother could continue to respond, Xia Chaoyang answered, "Actually, my junior sister also knows that they are all formed by the power of rules in this small world. The reason why I was close to me in the past was mostly because of my supernatural power, my junior sister, but I think of the past. , still can’t help but miss them.”

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang sat cross-legged on top of the fire cloud, cupped his chin with his hands, and looked at the scorched earth passing by below with a serious expression, as if he was recognizing and remembering.

It is estimated that even Xia Zhaoyang did not expect that the words of emotion just now caused Master Bai to think deeply.

Since Zhumo cut off his original mind, most of the time, Baiyunlou's mind is extremely clear, without thoughts, even if he meditates quietly, he is deriving the Dao.

Then by chance, the god-seed sealed in the sea of ​​memory merged into the mirror of the heart, and a wonderful tree was derived, and only then did he have some thoughts of concern.

However, once the thoughts derived from these wonderful trees are fulfilled, they will soon stop worrying about them, let alone thinking about the past.

Maybe it's because I gradually got to know Junior Sister Chaoyang, and it's rare to see her contemplative appearance. Seeing her today, Baiyunlou couldn't help but feel trembling, thinking about the word 'past' secretly.

Unknowingly, Baiyunlou imitated Junior Sister Chaoyang, sitting cross-legged beside her, looking at the black marks passing by below, thinking deeply.

These huge monsters seem to disappear in smoke, but their aura has merged into this small world, and they are still cared about by a sentimental junior sister...

Maybe these giant monsters still exist, but in a different way, at least they still live in Junior Sister Chaoyang's idea of ​​the past.

Thinking about my past, everything I think about is calm...

In an instant, Baiyun Tower realized something.

The original mind that I have cut off is my past, and those pasts seem to disappear, but they are actually integrated into the sea of ​​consciousness.

You can't see it, you can't touch it, but it definitely exists...

Integrating into the sea of ​​consciousness is merging into the soul. Although the original heart was cut off, it...has not been annihilated!

When you understand your original mind without seeing your original mind, in an instant, Baiyunlou's mind is like a mirror, and you can see through all the thoughts in your mind immediately.

The divine tree itself is a manifestation of the original mind, but in a different way...

The gray branches related to Ziyan on the wonderful tree were left behind because of the tacit understanding between him and Junior Sister Ziyan.

The three-day Miaoshu existed for a while, and the two always tacitly let him stay for a while.

If you keep the wonderful tree, your mind will not be empty, and occasionally you will have some thoughts of immortality...

The Way of Immortals! It is also where the heart is.

Another gray branch, the thought of guarding this small world, has a more real understanding because of this.

Ziyan is suitable for controlling Xuanbingyan, Huo Linger is suitable for controlling Lihuohaiyan, and she is the one in the middle.

The ice-fire torrential rain in the Shenshi Basin is just the appearance of disharmony between air and energy. Starting from the most basic ice and fire breath, the fusion and harmony of the air in this small world is the foundation of stabilizing this small world.

After some contemplation and comprehension, the thoughts of the past that were missing in the state of mind were fulfilled.

When he regained his senses, the aura around Baiyunlou's body didn't seem to change, but it seemed to be completely reborn.

Without any further hesitation, the wind picked up in his thoughts, pushing the cloud heads of the three of them to flee towards the southern sea area.

"Senior brother..." Xia Chaoyang couldn't help calling out when he saw his senior brother suddenly stand up.

Just now when he was in a daze with emotion, he suddenly saw his senior brother sitting cross-legged, staring blankly at the scorched earth below, Xia Zhaoyang was immediately amazed.

Because it's been a long time since I saw my brother in a dazed state of contemplation...

so charming...handsome...

While peeking at him, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but blushed a little, and his heart swayed with the fluctuation of his senior's eyes.

Eldest brother, do you remember the past...

Thinking of this, Xia Chaoyang's heart beat violently.

Just when he was full of anticipation, he saw his senior brother suddenly get up and lead the three of them to flee towards the sea. Seeing his senior brother's unusually clear eyes, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help calling out weakly.

Hearing the sound, Baiyunlou turned his head, looked at Junior Sister Chaoyang's eyes full of expectation, sensed her beating heart, couldn't help but smiled slightly, raised his hand to caress Junior Sister's hair, and said ethereal voice:

"All the Senior brother has forgotten, and mundane worldly thoughts are hard to keep in mind, but senior brother feels my sister's heart, and I am very happy..."

"Ah..., this..." Xia Zhaoyang was momentarily at a loss when he heard his senior brother's words, as if he was about to boil when he was caressed by that warm big hand.

At this time, a trace of coolness leaked from the jade on Hao's wrist, calming down the turbulent mind in an instant, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly regained consciousness, and found the true meaning of what his brother said from the complicated thoughts.

The senior brother who cut off his original heart and thoughts actually communicated with himself. Is this the second time to fall in love...

What a novel feeling...

Xia Zhaoyang gently held the big hand extended by his senior brother, and his floating mind was at peace again at this moment.

The expectations of countless days and nights will come true once they come true, and the thoughts that are always cared about will be fulfilled in an instant.

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