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At this moment, Xia Chaoyang seemed to be one with his senior brother, and Xia Zhaoyang could clearly see the spirit in the bamboo shoots, which moved with the wind, but was extremely tenacious.

While thinking about it, Xia Chaoyang stepped out of the sword domain to protect him, walked into the rain curtain, and came to the side of his senior brother.

"Spiritual planting subject, junior sister, I'm top class..." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang raised his hand and sent out pure innate wood energy, which combined with the spiritual meaning derived from his senior, gave birth to bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots burst out of the ground one by one, grow in the wind, branch out and spread their leaves, and finally turn into a small bamboo forest, adding a touch of color to this barren small world.

Half an hour later, the two of Baiyunlou put their hands back and stood, looking at the lush and lush bamboo forest, they were very happy.

"Senior brother, I didn't expect to plant a large bamboo forest. Could it be possible to grow more bamboo to make this small world stable?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously.

The corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he replied with a smile: "Maybe, but there are other uses for planting this bamboo forest..."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, Daodao Gangfeng sword intent drifted out, cut through a small half of the bamboo forest, and engulfed the green bamboos. It didn't take much effort, and a small bamboo building with a clear spirit stood on the top of the small mountain.

For a while, Xia Zhaoyang was dumbfounded, never expecting that the senior brother would spend half a day of time and effort just to build a small two-story bamboo building.

When entering the pagoda before, the senior brother also used his spiritual consciousness to directly evolve a small bamboo house, but this is the first time he has seen a small bamboo house built by planting a bamboo forest in this way in the small world of the pagoda.

"Chaoyang, how about this little bamboo building?" Baiyunlou asked quite calmly, wiping the raindrops off Junior Sister Chaoyang's cheeks.

"I like it..." Xia Zhaoyang smiled blankly and murmured back.

"As long as you like it... then this small building will be given to Junior Sister." While speaking, Baiyun Tower pulled Junior Sister Chaoyang up, and between steps, the mysterious ice water vapor stained on the two of them turned into clouds and mist, and their clothes fluttered Go to the small bamboo building.

Huoyun, who was guarding in the sword domain, carried three monster eggs and entered the small bamboo building together behind the two.

After placing the egg of the demon bird and the fire cloud in a corner of the first floor, Xia Zhaoyang excitedly watched the small bamboo building carefully.

It was still the familiar arrangement, which made Xia Chaoyang seem to have returned to the Tianlingzhu Peak in Qingyun Cave.

In the storm, the small bamboo building became its own world.

Without a magic circle, without the protection of the sword field, the two of them sat on the couch facing each other, looking out the window and listening to the sound of boundless rain.

Not getting tired of being in the arms of the senior brother, not having lingering words, cooking tea and drinking tea with the senior brother, chatting casually, Xia Zhaoyang's mind and heart gave birth to a kind of peace of being together.

Baiyunlou, who was in a complete state of mind, escaped from the ethereal Zhan Fan Nian sword intent.

Although the deep memory sea is still clear and transparent, and the shallow memory sea is still free from distracting thoughts, but once again I can truly feel the emotions in the world, and I can also feel the joy and sorrow in my heart.

Listening to Junior Sister Chaoyang talking about the past, Baiyunlou felt joy in his heart, without any sense of impatience, and would casually talk about the anecdotes of the past six months.

In particular, the trip to explore the fairy world made Xia Zhaoyang extremely curious.

One has forgotten most of the past, and the other has almost slept for half a year, as if there are endless words to say.

After talking for a long time, Xia Chaoyang also learned about the plan of the senior brother to live here, and it turned out that it was to restore this small world.

Although he was confused by the words about the power of rules, the way of mutual generation, and chaotic energy, this time Xia Chaoyang decided to take this opportunity to ask his senior brother for advice, and gradually understand these incomprehensible ways.

After asking for some advice, Xia Zhaoyang realized that he didn't seem to have no talent, but that he hadn't thought about it before.

It's just that it's hard to think about it, and it's inevitable that Feishen will feel sleepy. Unknowingly, Xia Zhaoyang fell into a deep sleep while lying on the desk while thinking.

Seeing Xiao Chaoyang's sleepy and delicate appearance, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but smile knowingly, and stepped forward to gently hug her.

Thinking about putting away the table and tea set, and putting the younger sister on the couch, Baiyunlou secretly thought about a poem that the younger sister just mentioned.

"One thought in the mortal world, spring is warm, summer is hot, autumn and winter are cold. Don't ask where you are going now, sleep on a high bed."

Senior Xing Suanzi recited a few lines of poetry casually, unexpectedly being memorized verbatim by Junior Sister Chaoyang, and she still remembers them to this day.

This poem seems to have been deduced in thought before...

Thinking of this, a long-lost memory emerged in Baiyunlou's mind.

Still thinking about it...

As he recalled this past event, while feeling emotional, and with a clear mind, Baiyun Tower suddenly saw the subtleties that he had overlooked before.

At that time Xing Suanzi Fang escaped from the cave and hurried back to the valley to rest, he had already gone far, it was Xia Shimei's admiration words that made him look back, and left this poem.

Now that I think about it, it must be Xia Shimei's words of admiration that affirmed Xing Suanzi's actions, and Xing Suanzi was therefore recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

Xing Suanzi must have had a feeling in his heart, and when he turned around, he helped Junior Sister Xia deduce it, and then realized that there was no backlash, so he left these four poems with a clear mind.

Under the current state of mind, the true meaning of this poem was also understood by Baiyunlou, as it was thought before, it was related to Zhan Fannian, and it was also closely related to Junior Sister Xia.

Now that all worldly thoughts have been cut off, all the past with Junior Sister Xia has dissipated.

From what Suixing talked about today, it can be seen that these pasts are what Junior Sister Xia cares most about.

Finding these old thoughts can not only restore the heart, but also make Chaoyang happy. Moreover, he once made a three-year agreement with Junior Sister Ziyan. Calculated according to the time in the world, there are still two years left.

According to Xing Suanzi's awakening, if you want to find these original thoughts, you should be able to use the magical powers of dreams to go to the mysterious place where time flows and at the entire human world and fairy world , the mysterious place where time flows, apart from Yunxiao Manor, there is only Ruoshui Tianhe above the nine heavens of the fairy world.

There are several unknown places in Yunxiao Manor. After the small tower is repaired this time, you can directly ask Senior Sister Xiao for a question or two.

However, the human world is still a low-level small world after all, and the way of heaven ravaged by heavenly demons is broken, so it is hard to say that there can be a complete way of time remaining.

But the fairy queen entered the long river of time and realized the law of the avenue of time. After returning, she condensed the weak water Tianhe, thinking that Tianhe might be the opportunity to find her original heart.

The so-called supernatural powers of Meng Dao... have already been prepared, the blue butterfly phantom.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou simply concentrated and calmed down, and directly transformed into a blue butterfly with a wingspan of several feet, floating above the wind aura in the small bamboo building.

Looking at this small world through butterfly eyes, except for Junior Sister Xia's dreams, which are still colorful, the sights that come into my eyes are all black and white.

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