Hearing Xiaojing's words, Baiyunlou heard some meaning, flicked his sleeves, and said with a smile: "The master of the book is just sitting back and enjoying it today?"

"Even if you sit back and enjoy the success, today you, the head of the sect, are the protagonists..." Xiao Jing smiled, and invited the head of Bai Da to the table next to the window.

"I won't be the protagonist one day..." Baiyunlou Suinian muttered, and raised his hand to touch the teapot beside him.

At this time, a slender hand picked up the teapot first and poured a cup of tea for Baiyunlou.

Looking at Junior Sister Chaoyang's pretty face through the hot mist of tea fragrance, Baiyunlou said with a smile, "It seems that we both are the protagonists today, let's just sit back and enjoy it, haha..."

"Actually, junior sister, I still want to practice my hands. I haven't cooked food for a long time."


"Then tomorrow, hehe..."

"Idle is also idle, playing chess with senior brother."


"Xiao Huotong, don't be idle. Have you learned the fire control method taught to you a few days ago?" The cheap junior brother came.

"Come on, junior brother, I have practiced proficiently for a long time." Huo Tong immediately responded and left.

Pfft..., a blue smoke curled up, and a piece of fish was instantly wiped out.

"Ah, this ingredient is too brittle."

"This is not the human world. Senior sister, I used to be like this often." Huo Ling'er reminded patiently.

"That's why, Junior Brother, I'll try again..."

In the wild small world, the sky was getting dark, the heavy rain was still heavy, but the small bamboo building was brightly lit, making it very lively.

The table was full of delicacies, melons and fruits, and after everyone sat around, they all tacitly did not move their chopsticks.

The small hand that Huo Tong couldn't help stretching out was also gently pressed down by Huo Linger.

Looking at the gazes of the crowd, Bai Yunlou smiled casually: "It turns out that everyone is waiting here, and it's quite ritualistic, so I'll just say a few words, brother."

"However, in addition to the princes, there are two witnesses missing. I will call them after my senior brother."

After saying that, Baiyunlou clasped his fingers and tapped in the void, and there was a muffled sound of thunder.

"The two junior sisters have to come over to get together, there won't be much delay..."

The ethereal voice quietly faded away with the sound of thunder, as if piercing through the void.

As if responding to Baiyun Tower's invitation, the space where the fingers were clasped fluctuated for a while, and a void portal suddenly appeared, and the little flower spirit pulled Linglong and a group of elves out.

In an instant, the entire small bamboo building boiled.

These elves are almost full of hands, and each of them is carrying a small jar, which is sweet and intoxicating nectar fruit wine.

After the cups were filled with fine wine, Baiyunlou raised his glass and got up, and the audience immediately fell silent.

"To be here today is a rare fate. Life is short, and we walk together in the same way. In the past two days, I realized a little truth by chance. It is not a perfect state of mind, but it is just seeing through the word of the present..."

"At this moment, senior brother, I feel joy in my heart, but I don't need to hide it... Chaoyang, from today onwards, you and I have officially become a dual cultivation couple."

While speaking, Baiyunlou condensed a spirit of energy, which manifested in the sky.

"Ah... Senior Brother, how about this..."

Although he was mentally prepared, Xia Zhaoyang still panicked and lost his mind when his brother's words came out of his mouth, unable to condense his mind and energy.

"It's good to find out the divine thoughts according to your heart." Bai Yunlou smiled slightly, and raised his glass to Junior Sister Chaoyang.

Looking at his senior brother's eyes, Xia Chaoyang gradually stabilized his mind, following the thoughts in his mind, he stretched out his thoughts to the Qi machine manifested in mid-air.

The two qi mechanisms manifested and entangled in mid-air, and a blue light gradually emerged from them. When the qi mechanisms merged, the minds and minds of the two instantly merged into one.

The mind is connected, the road goes together, the good and the bad are shared, and life and death depend on each other.

It's for Taoist companions!

This connected air mechanism instantly penetrates the human world, the fairy world and this small fantasy world, and time and space seem to be stagnant.

In a trance, everything returned to normal again. Baiyunlou and Xia Chaoyang toasted at the same time, drank it all in one gulp, and respected the great oath in their hearts.

The two officially became Taoist couples, and everyone congratulated each other in unison.

The little flower spirit was also very happy, the transparent wings that hadn't manifested for a long time fluttered happily, circling around the little master.

Xia Zhaoyang raised his hand to catch it, and gently held it in his palm.

When everyone congratulated each other, God Zi Huotong also toasted, but secretly watched the table full of delicious food and that Dongfang Senior Sister.

After all, Huo Tong met Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Dongfang first, and in his mind, these two senior brothers and sisters seemed more like a Taoist couple.

Doubts flashed by, and Huo Tong was immediately attracted by the fine wine in the cup.

There is a kind of misty meaning in the sweetness, and its taste is very in line with the heart of the Son of God.

The cup was empty, and an elf flew down, tipped the small pot slightly, and filled another cup for Huotong.

Huo Tong's eyes lit up, and he was about to toast to drink, but he saw Senior Brother Bai raise the cup in his hand again.

There was a silence again in the field, waiting for the sobering words of Master Bai.

"Chaoyang, for the past year, your spiritual consciousness has been trapped, and senior brother and I have also been trapped in the past, if there is no Ziyan to help..."

In the middle of the conversation, it stopped abruptly, leaving everyone unfinished.

Xia Chaoyang, who is connected with the senior brother, has already understood the meaning of the words, and immediately imitated the posture of the senior brother, raised the wine glass, sincerely thought, smiled and said to the senior sister Ziyan: "Sister Ziyan, take advantage of today's Why don't we just formally become Taoist couples?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the field, but Zi Yan did not hesitate at all, she raised her glass and drank together, and the two clear spiritual energy manifested in midair instantly merged.

Immediately afterwards, Master Bai toasted his glass very naturally and said congratulations: "Congratulations to the two junior sisters."

"Congratulations to the two senior sisters..."

When the elder brother made a sound, everyone immediately woke up and immediately congratulated in unison.

Shenzi Huotong looked a little dazed, but immediately put aside his distracting thoughts, and with a full smile, he drank the fine wine in the glass in one gulp.

Hearing rumors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zi Yan couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, and said aloud: "Senior brother just toasted twice, I don't know which Taoist friend to respect for the third cup?"

"This is the third cup..." Baiyun Tower paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Of course I respect all fellow Taoists. It's rare to share the same goals when we walk together on the same road. I hope that the world will be safe forever."

This cup, I respect you!

The words are short, but it reveals Baiyun Tower's understanding and perception of the word Tongdao, and it also contains a sincere meaning to all comrades.

The true meaning in the words seems to contain the power of unknown rules, and through the endless void, it is imprinted into the depths of the minds of all those who are recognized by Baiyunlou as fellows.

In a corner of the fantasy world, Hua Xiaojiu suddenly looked up.

Outside Taoyuan Village, Tao Ye, who was practicing diligently, felt something in his heart, and his body paused slightly.

In the land of Nanzhou, a broken plum tree sprouted new branches, and the branches and leaves on it swayed slightly, as if responding.

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