There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 959: Find the original heart

Xiao Jing condensed several cloud and fog magic swords, and his fighting spirit rose.

"I was besieged by a group of monster birds before, and I was murdered by them. Now I can finally take revenge..."

Saying hello to the senior brothers and sisters, Xiao Jing immediately led Bai Zhan and the others to attack the big monster bird.

After a day and night of practice, Bai Zhan and the others had condensed their spiritual consciousness a lot, and their strength skyrocketed. At this time, it seemed quite easy to besiege the big monster bird.

It's just that the monster bird is a bit bigger, and it will take some means to kill it.

While watching several brothers and sisters attack, Xia Zhaoyang asked the senior brother: "Senior brother, Taoyao went to an unknown place, did she fall into a space crack?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chaoyang has been thinking about this matter, Bai Yunlou replied with a smile: "It's very likely that's the case."

As soon as the words fell, Baiyunlou's mind moved slightly, always feeling that something was missing.

Look in the mirror!

I haven't introspected for a while. Some time ago, the heart mirror reappeared in the depths of the memory, but because of the evolution of the wonderful tree, the original function of the heart mirror was ignored.

This time the state of mind is complete, when the warm sun is just rising, and Xiao Chaoyang mentioned Taoyao twice, finally awakened Baiyunlou, and remembered the original intention when he was condensing the mind mirror.

Between the thoughts, a illusory mind mirror manifests with the thoughts.

Cultivation is also a cultivation of the mind, the avenue is boundless, you must not lose your vigilance.

In the mind mirror that Bai Yunlou was concentrating on, his phantom seemed to be full of energy, but it was too casual.

Looking back on what I have done in the past year, I can't help feeling ashamed.

The sword that cut off the original heart at the beginning also cut off the vigilant heart, no thoughts, no joy, no fear, not to mention that the biggest hidden danger in this small world has disappeared.

Afterwards, he lived happily for several months, but in fact, he was still thinking about it in a daze.

It was also because of his ability to slay demons that the entire comprehension world gave way to him, and Chaoyang admired him even more. Fortunately, Ziyan helped him find the original knowledge of willingness, and thus unsealed his mind mirror again.

It's just that although the mind mirror re-manifested, I put it aside, and in my original thoughts, I only regarded it as a magic weapon for the cultivation of the wonderful tree.

Therefore, after returning to the state of mind, Baiyunlou still does as he pleases, whether it is forcibly escaping into the fairy world or plotting against the Son of God.

Above the South China Sea, a killing intent flashed, and then using the Immortal Pond to resist the Gangfeng sword intent, directly erasing the body and aura of the divine pet.

It was a joy to take the shot, but he didn't think too much about the consequences, nor did he try his best to investigate hidden dangers.

The gods are extremely powerful, and even Qingchi, who is the **** of the gods, is very afraid, worried that it will bring disaster to the human race, so they escaped from the human world and went to other realms to merge with the gods.

It's good for me, I seem to be stronger than Senior Sister.

This is not only true of the body, but also of the souls that have escaped into the fairy world.

Forcibly enter the fairy world, kill wandering spirits, realize the Dao, and reunite in the Immortal Pond...

Afterwards, he broke into the trap of the Demon Tree fearlessly. If it wasn't for the Son of God restraining him, the Sun Moon Golden Wheel would have fallen into the Demon Realm.

Then relying on the remaining prestige of Senior Sister Qingchi, she gained the trust of God Son Huotong, so she successfully used Huotong's supernatural powers to escape to Nantian Gate, stepped into the Nine Heavens, and even met the Immortal Empress.

This period of time was too smooth, without vigilance and sincerity.

Although God Son Huotong came from the God Realm, he may be still young, and he doesn't have the temperament of the gods that Senior Sister Qingchi once said, and he trusts himself and Ziyan so much that even if he is knocked down, he doesn't have the slightest doubt.

No matter what the status of the other party is, if you treat yourself with sincerity, you will return it with sincerity. This is the nature of Baiyunlou. Even if you cut off your heart, there will be no change.

But when facing Huo Tong, he lost the patience to be sincere.

The root cause is that the prejudice against the Protoss is at work.

Seeing the truth, Baiyunlou withdrew his thoughts of self-examination, waved his hand to disperse the mirror light, looked at Junior Sister Chaoyang waiting obediently and said: "We must try to find Junior Brother Huotong back."

"Senior brother, is there anything I can do?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously when he saw his senior brother look out of the mirror, and then he spoke like this as soon as he regained consciousness.

"Junior Brother Huotong has any news?" Huo Ling'er also came over and asked.

"What's wrong with Junior Brother Huotong..." Xiao Jing and the others had already sent the demon bird back to the void, after hearing what Senior Brother said, they immediately surrounded him.

"The space crack has not been entered yet, and it should be a place of chaos and void..." Baiyunlou replied in a deep voice.

Zi Yan's eyes flickered, as if she had sensed the change in her senior brother's mind, and then said: "I have been to the land of chaos and void..."

After a lot of discussion, they really came up with a method.

Since it is generally guessed that Huotong and Taoyao are trapped in the space crack of this small world, it is natural to start from the space crack.

Today's wild small world should have been moved in place, the sky-shattering thunder has long since dissipated, and the cracks in space have no longer reappeared.

But this is not a problem for everyone, even if the current strength is suppressed, Baiyunlou can cut through the void with the sword intent of piercing the sky.

Moreover, Sect Master Bai is not the only one who can break through the void. Zi Yan's swordsmanship is also extraordinary, and it is easy to cut through the cracks in space with the phantom of the condensed moon golden wheel.

The real fire condensed by Huo Ling'er can also melt through the void, and if it is shot with all its strength, this small world will not be able to bear it at all.

After everyone discussed, it was finally decided that Baiyunlou would take Chaoyang and Huo Ling'er to the Southern Region to find Huo Tong who was trapped in the chaotic void.

At that time, the direction Huo Tong Taoyao escaped from the Shenshi Basin was due south, and it might be fruitful to investigate the southern region.

And the remaining few people have to stay in the invisible barrier north of the Shenshi Basin for the time being. Since one monster bird came to the door, there will definitely be a second and even all the remaining monster birds will be attacked. The siege.

The four of Bai Zhan couldn't help each other to find Junior Brother Huotong, and it was still possible to deal with the monster birds who came to disturb the invisible barrier.

Zi Yan also stayed. In addition to maintaining the stability of the invisible barrier, she can also deal with possible emergencies. If the monsters and birds in the Northern Territory rioted together, it would be troublesome.

After the division of labor was completed, everyone split up. Ziyan took several juniors and sisters to inspect the northern region, while Baiyunlou took the two juniors and sisters to escape to the southern region.

The three of them fled southward all the way, Fang Yi escaped from the invisible barrier, and the fiery Li Huo's sincerity rushed towards his face.

Baiyunlou came out of the sword gang, ready to deploy the sword field to protect Xiao Chaoyang, but was blocked by his words, saying that he wanted to use Lihuo's true intention to refine his spiritual consciousness.

Hearing these words, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, thinking about sharpening the condensed edge of Jian Gang, and then he slashed out with his sword.

A sword cut through the void, and a dark crack in space flashed out. Huo Ling'er took advantage of the flash of the crack in space to release and close the condensed line of fire.

This line of fire is transformed by Huo Ling'er's consciousness, and it is very agile. After penetrating into the crack in space, you can check whether there is the aura of Junior Brother Huotong in it.

If you find it, you can use the fire wire to wrap it out of the chaotic void.


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