There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 963: white wolf confession

Knowing the origin of this supernatural power of transforming form, Baiyunlou was deeply moved, and immediately became interested in the supernatural power of the Dao passed down by the fairy court.

In the inheritance memory left by the fairy queen before, there was no powerful immortal magic power passed down directly, but it was told where the inheritance of the fairy seal supernatural power was.

Although the fairy world is collapsing, the rules still exist.

Arctic Sky, Zhenwu Hall.

Most of the immortal seal inheritances without a master are hidden in them, and only with the approval of the immortal way can one get one or two most suitable immortal seal inheritances, or even great supernatural powers.

And once a real fairy falls in the fairy world, his immortal seal and supernatural powers that have gone through countless years of painstaking cultivation will be taken back by the Zhenwu Hall.

Now the true immortals in the fairy world are almost extinct, most of these immortal seals and supernatural powers have been stored in the Zhenwu Hall, and the remaining half are still in the surviving wandering spirits.

Although Baiyun Tower is quite interested in the magical powers of Immortal Seal, the Arctic Heaven of Yachongtian is very special. Only Xuanwutian is connected to it. Only after it is repaired can we have the opportunity to visit the Zhenwu Hall.

While thinking about it, he saw a red glow suddenly condensed in front of Ah Li, and the energy inside it was flowing, and after a short pause, it submerged into the white wolf's brow in an instant.

The supernatural power of transforming form was sent out by Ah Li just like that.

The white wolf froze, as if he was a little stunned, he stared blankly at Ah Li's gorgeous dharma body, then turned his head to look at the elder brother.

"Fellow Daoist White Wolf, hurry up to refine, senior brother is still in a hurry..." Ah Li urged from the side.


It turned out that Ah Li also felt the void telepathy of the elder brother, and he was like-minded, and he was a fellow Taoist.

The white wolf's eyes flickered, he nodded again and again, and immediately Shen Nian comprehended the supernatural power of the Dao, and refined it with all his strength.

As if thinking about the meaning of Ah Li's words, the white wolf simply used his supernatural powers to devour the red light directly.

In this way, the process of cultivation is directly omitted, and the supernatural power of the Dao seems to be imprinted on the divine consciousness, and it is initially comprehended within a few breaths.

Ah Li's side is also going well, this supernatural power has been accumulating in the fiery red phoenix tree, and it fits perfectly with Suzaku's aura, comprehending this metamorphosis supernatural power is a matter of course.

Bai Yunlou was still lamenting the words of A Li's fellow Taoist, and the two of them had already begun to take shape.

This metamorphosis power seems to consume a lot, but it doesn't matter to Bai Lang and A Li.

With the fiery red sycamore beside him, Ah Li had a profound background, and a huge amount of Lihuo's true meaning was poured in, and the little red bird's Suzaku dharma body immediately began to change.

Worried about affecting Ah Li's transformation, the white wolf took two steps away, raised his head and opened his mouth to devour it wantonly.

A large amount of aura, fairy aura, and even mixed unknown aura were all swallowed by the white wolf and turned into the energy needed for supernatural powers.

Following A Li's footsteps, the white wolf's figure was blurred, and he also began to try to change his form.

In less than a cup of tea, the figure of Ah Li's transformation gradually became clear, showing the appearance of a seven or eight-year-old human girl, dressed in fiery red gauze, very delicate and cute.

On the hem of the skirt behind him, there are streamer phantoms of nine long tail feathers, which are very impressive.

It may be because he is familiar with Huo Ling'er, the appearance of Ah Lisuo's transformation is somewhat similar to him, but his face is arrogant, not inferior to Huo Tong, especially the few fiery red feathers on the top of his head. , adding a bit more momentum.

Dodging in front of the large water mirror, looking at the transformed body, Ah Li seemed quite dissatisfied with his height and age, so he concentrated on transforming again, but after a lot of tossing, there was still no change.

In the end, under the praise of the big brother, A Li could only reluctantly accept the appearance of such a baby, and turned to look at the white wolf.

Although the white wolf comprehended it quickly, he was not as proficient in performing the metamorphosis as A Li. After tossing for a while, he gradually stabilized the metamorphosis.

Originally, the white wolf transformed into a heroic boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, but when he was about to take shape, he suddenly heard Senior Sister Ah Li's shout.


When the white wolf raised his head to watch, his breath was almost stagnated, and he understood the meaning of the elder sister's words in an instant, so he had no choice but to change his figure again.

In a hurry, the white wolf suddenly thought of a figure in his memory, instantly had a target, and turned his mind into form with all his strength.

Fortunately, most of the magical powers of transformation have been used, and the rest of the shape is relatively simple. In a few breaths, the changing figure of the white wolf suddenly became fixed, and it turned into the appearance of a boy about the same size as A Li.

Fortunately, there is still some heroic spirit left...

It's just that the figure and appearance are five or six points similar to the little boy in the illusion of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Matsushita asked the boy..., exactly what Baiyunlou looked like when he was a child.

Perhaps because of the unique feathers on the top of Senior Sister A Li's head, the boy who manifested as a white wolf also has a bunch of white hairs on his head, which looks quite interesting.

"Junior brother, you are a good shaper. You have a bit of the appearance of the senior brother when he was young, especially this bunch of stupid hair... Senior sister likes it very much."

A Li was very satisfied with the transformation of the white wolf, he rarely showed a smile and praised him, and curiously touched the white hair on the top of the white wolf's head.

Regarding the transformation of the white wolf, Bai Yunlou was also filled with emotion, patted his shoulder lightly, paused for a while, and finally did not say any comforting words.

But after pondering for a while, he said seriously: "White Wolf, you and I are really destined to be together. If that's the case, let's be my senior brother and my younger brother from now on."

"Ah..." White Wolf froze on the spot for a moment.

"Ah, what, call the big brother..." A Li gently pushed the white wolf beside him.

"Brother..." Bai Lang came back to his senses and immediately called out loudly.

"Well..." Baiyunlou nodded in response, and then said: "Okay, you two have finished your tossing, hurry up and go back to Qingyunmen with senior brother, it will take a lot of time..."

After saying that, the clouds and mist rose under his feet, enveloping the two newly transformed A Li and Bai Lang. UU Reading www.

Just as the cloud head was raised, Baiyun Tower suddenly asked A Li: "A Li, can you leave Nanzhou?"

"Senior brother, I have already left an air mechanism on the big phoenix tree, so it's okay to leave for three to five days."

Since Ah Li said so, Baiyunlou felt relieved, raised his head and fled towards Qingyunmen.

Now that Ah Li is in the body of a divine bird, he can't lead him to dodge for a while, but Yu Yun's escape is not slow.

While fleeing, Baiyunlou confessed to Bailang on a whim.

"White Wolf, starting today, the Bai family in Luoshui County is your home. Now you are ranked fourth. You have seen the green ant before. That is your second sister, and the koi is your third sister."

"By the way, Bai Ziwen will be your younger brother from now on, you should take better care of him."

After returning to Qingyunmen and appearing in Wenxin Pavilion, it was only half an incense stick before and after, and this was because of the delay of the two transformations of A Li and White Wolf.

At this time, many comrades had already gathered in front of the Wenxin Pavilion, and Luo Li, who had been waiting for the little fat man, also rushed here.

The members of the fantasy team also arrived one after another, including Haiyue, Bazhuo, Chen Qingshuang and others.


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