Although he believed what the senior brother said, Xia Zhaoyang raised his hand and looked at it with some doubts: "But junior sister, I didn't have any scars on my body when I woke up, and my spiritual consciousness didn't seem to be worn out..."

Looking intently at the junior sister's dharma body, Baiyunlou replied with emotion: "Chaoyang, you can do this thanks to Xiao Hualing. Now this body of spiritual consciousness tempered by her has an extraordinary charm, and it has a life-threatening quality. breathless weather."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly said in surprise: "Is it so powerful? In this way, it can be tossed around in this small fantasy world..."

"It's okay..." Bai Yunlou replied casually, but he raised his hand and lightly tapped the center of Junior Sister's eyebrows, and sent a breath of energy over.

After a little induction, Xia Zhaoyang immediately understood the function of this air machine, and replied with a smile: "Senior brother is still the most protective of junior sister, with this air machine, even if you accidentally go to the space crack, don't worry ..."

"Of course, Xiaohualing is also very good. This time, I have plenty of time. I will take her around to relax. I am always busy every day, and I hardly see her taking time off..."

Baiyunlou was also quite moved by this little junior sister, and casually replied: "Maybe we can really relax when the fairy world settles down..."

"Maybe..." Xia Zhaoyang muffled back.

While the two were chatting, Bai Yunlou looked intently at the bottomless abyss that appeared in front of him, and said with emotion: "If I guessed correctly, this abyss should be Linglong's method, and the other side of the abyss should be the small tribal world..."

"The small world of the tribe! It turns out that the boundary wall is where the boundary wall is. No wonder... In this way, as long as you can pass through this abyss boundary wall, you can go to the small world of the tribe. Hua Shiyi and Feng Qimei don't know what's going on ..."

Thinking of a few familiar friends, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help feeling a little more eager: "Brother, how can we cross the abyss boundary wall?"

"Well, Junior Sister, ask this Xiaochi and you will know..." Bai Yunlou's eyes flashed, as if he could see the extraordinaryness of this Xiaochi.

"Ah..., can it still be like this?" Xia Chaoyang said in surprise, and a thought also entered into the small pond.

As the thought entered, the phantom that had manifested immediately dissipated, and the mist on the small pond began to billow again.

I waited for a while full of expectation, but saw that the mist was still churning, and it seemed that it would not stop.

"Chaoyang, what did you ask in that thought just now?" Baiyunlou asked quite curiously.

"Oh, I asked Xiaochi, what kind of escapism is used to cross the abyss boundary wall, and I was worried that she didn't know the escapism that my junior sister knew, and I listed them one by one. This Xiaochi must be thinking..." The observer Looking at the billowing mist, Xia Zhaoyang was very puzzled.

"This..." Baiyunlou took a deep look at Junior Sister Chaoyang, then smiled and said, "Maybe it's because this small world is not stable yet, and the **** stone is running slowly."

Xia Zhaoyang replied sullenly: "It should be like this. It's the little phantom that the senior brother helped refine. It can respond immediately to anything it says, and it's extremely interesting..."

"Little Phantom, oh, that Phantom Flying Shuttle..." Bai Yunlou was stunned for a moment, then caught up with Junior Sister Chaoyang's escape train of thought, after a moment of pondering, Bai Yunlou nodded and said, "Look, brother, ask a simple question..."

"How to break the boundary?" While penetrating into the thought, Baiyun Tower repeated the thought that was passed on.

"That's it...?" Unexpectedly, the senior brother's question was so simple, Xia Zhaoyang was a little startled, but the turbulent clouds and mist in front of him paused, and the words that came out in surprise also paused.

I saw the clouds and mist were collected together, and three phantoms appeared above the small pond. As the phantoms gradually became clear, they respectively manifested their true colors.

A ring-shaped hill, a monster bird sealed in ice, and a sea fish sealed in glass.

In the end, the three phantoms were completely revealed, and their colors were distinct.

Twenty and a half percent of the ring-shaped hills are green, and the rest are dull gray.

The frozen monster bird has an additional color change, only half of the gray in the monster bird's appearance is left, and there is not much gray left in the outer black ice.

The glass sea fish on the other side is completely different, 30% of the glass sealing the sea fish has turned into a fiery red transparent phase, but the sea fish inside has no color at all.

"This..., senior brother, I see. It turns out that younger sister Linglong has learned the transformation of the wonderful tree from senior brother. You see, even this gray color is very similar to the branch of the wonderful tree." Chaoyang also saw the key.

Bai Yunlou nodded in response: "Yeah, I didn't expect Junior Sister Linglong to pick up the strengths of all the families, and she seems to be learning from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to issue tasks."

"Senior brother is too right. This manifested thing seems to be the task of breaking the boundary. This ring-shaped hill refers to planting the hills around the Shenshi Basin with bamboo forests and flowers. Now it has been completed...Twenty-six percent, unexpectedly It’s so fun to find out the specific progress…”

While talking, Xia Chaoyang curiously poked his thoughts into the ring-shaped hill, but he did not expect to find out more detailed information.

Slightly nodding his head in response, Baiyunlou also looked into the thoughts of the three developments.

As Junior Sister Chaoyang said, that hill was called a stable vitality, and now it has reached 26%.

The other two regiments have more information. The frozen monster birds actually contain two mission messages. One is to kill all the huge monster birds, and the other is to capture all the extremely cold and mysterious ice energy into the Xuanbing eyes~www Among all the missions, the one that has made the most progress is the killing of demon birds, which has reached 90%, and the mission of recovering all the mysterious ice energy has also been completed by 85%.

The last Glazed Sea Fish corresponded to Lihuo Sea Eye and Killing Giant Sea-Monster in the Southern Territory.

There is Huo Ling'er on the side of Huo Haiyan, and Huo Tong is also helping recently, but some progress has been completed.

Huo Ling'er has been concentrating on comprehending the Dao of Fire, while promoting the operation of Haiyan, taking time to point out the fire-controlling magical power of Junior Brother Huo Tong, this period of time has been extremely fulfilling.

This giant sea monster didn't go to make trouble in the Shenshi Basin, and didn't even provoke the Lihuohaiyan, so Huo Ling'er and Huo Tong didn't bother to trouble those giant fish.

But now it seems that the progress of the Southern Territory is due to the giant sea monster that has been ignored by everyone.

Knowing the method of breaking the boundary, Xia Chaoyang was very excited, and immediately accepted the duty of supervision and supervision.

It is said that Bai Zhan and others will be mobilized to go to the South China Sea to kill the giant fish demon together, or to plant flowers and plants near Shenshi Lake, after all, the progress here is also a lot behind.

Turning his head and looking around, Xia Zhaoyang gently hugged his senior brother's arm and said softly, "Senior brother, I will be responsible for the mission balance, junior sister. Look, there is still more than half an hour..."


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