Looking at Ziyan holding the kunyu in her arms, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "Now that the Northern Territory has been settled, I will leave the rest to fellow Taoists. Refining the small tower."

"Oh, one hour is so fast... I'll send my senior brother off." Xia Chaoyang said with emotion, and habitually planned to go forward and pull his senior brother off, but he found himself helplessly as if he had been stalked by the three snow eagles.

The three little ones curled up in the warm embrace, lazily showing an extremely comfortable appearance...

Bai Yunlou waved his hand casually and said: "Brother, I still have my incarnate body, I have nothing to give away, Xiaojing and you guys, if you have time to help plant flowers and plants, maybe you can also get some insights."

"Okay, brother, don't worry..." Xiao Jing responded in unison, and even Huo Tong and Tao Yao followed suit.

Knowing that senior brother was taking care of him, Xia Zhaoyang's eyes and brows were filled with smiles.

"You guys are busy, senior brother, I'm going back to the human world." While speaking, Bai Yunlou straightened up and fled to Xiaozhulou in an instant.

"Uh..." Caiwei, who was a little dazed just now, suddenly woke up, but she didn't expect the elder brother to leave just as soon as he said so.

"Sister Caiwei, is there anything urgent to find your brother?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously.

Caiwei was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly replied: "It's nothing, it's nothing..., I'm just curious that senior brother has only been back for an hour, how long has it been since the human world?"

"In the human world... Senior brother taught me how to calculate it. It seems... one breath is more, ah... only one breath?" Halfway through the conversation, Xia Chaoyang was taken aback by the result he had calculated.

"It's only a little more than one breath..." Caiwei was also shocked by the time difference on the spot, but she cheered up a little after she was a little absent-minded.

Everyone was amazed by this, and Huo Tong even said with emotion: "The universe is vast, and there are some mysterious laws. Normally, the faster the time flow in a small world, the stronger the power of its internal rules, and the power derived from it. The creatures will naturally become stronger."

Hearing this, Bai Zhan and others couldn't help but fell into deep thought. At this time, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly interjected: "Senior brother also said similar things, but he also said that the creatures in these high-level small worlds may be born very powerful , but the human race in our low-level small world does not need to be discouraged."

"Being born in the infancy, it is not necessarily impossible to see the Dao, especially for those who are cultivators, as long as they are successful in their cultivation, they can practice themselves for a long time and get a glimpse of the Dao Dao."

"It's like senior brother returning to this small fantasy world this time. If he was in the outside world, it would be nothing more than a godsend effort. However, senior senior brother has been busy here for an entire hour, and even deduced the Spring Rain Sword Intent..."

Xia Zhaoyang's emotional words made everyone sigh, and even Luo Yu whispered beside him: "That's the senior brother..."

Although Huotong Shenzi did not answer the words and talked, there was a faint flash of light in his eyes.

Xia Chaoyang, who was talking about the excitement, suddenly remembered something, and said in a vibrating voice: "By the way, brother has entrusted me with the supervision of the boundary-breaking mission. If there is time in this meeting, let's go to the top of the sacred stone to discuss it together? "

It's rare that the princess is not afraid of trouble to personally supervise, and everyone will not have any opinions. After responding in unison, they got up and fled towards the top of the sacred stone in the lake.

Everyone in the wild small world restarted a new journey, and the original consciousness of Baiyun Tower has returned to the human world, and continues to refine the broken small tower.

Unknowingly, Baiyun Tower entered the realm of divine forging.

It took a lot of work to refine the body of the pagoda on which the wild small world depended before into the shape of the calyx of a lotus flower, after all, it was separated by the time-space seal of the magic weapon of the sundial.

By this time, Baiyun Building's refining technique has become more and more proficient, and the cooperation with the sundial magic weapon has become more and more tacit.

After a lot of ingenious tempering, the first floor of the small pagoda was completely refined and turned into the eight outermost lotus petals of the new magic weapon.

Not only that, Baiyun Building also conveniently re-refined the tower body where the sun star is located on the second floor of the small tower.

After some tempering, the sun star was preserved in its true form, turning into a dazzling spot, appearing between the brand new lotus embryonic form and the broken tower body.

At this point in the refining process, a balance has been formed between the old and new magic weapon, and it has stabilized for the time being. Only then did Baiyunlou regain consciousness.

This refinement was so focused that he forgot the time, and after careful calculation, Baiyunlou couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It has only been a little over half an hour since the first batch entered the tower.

Calculating more carefully, only forty-five days have passed in the small tower, only one and a half months.

Although some exceeded expectations, it was still acceptable.

Walking out of the Wenxin Pavilion, looking at the disciples waiting outside the door, Baiyunlou greeted directly without any fuss: "The spatial fluctuations have calmed down, and fellow Taoists who want to enter the tower can enter the hall, three breaths. "

After saying that, Baiyun Tower flashed back to the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion again.

Suddenly, figures flickered outside the hall, and dozens of figures quickly entered the hall, each of them found an open space, and sat cross-legged at the side quietly.

After three breaths, one after another spiritual consciousness was pulled into it by the floating lotus remnant pagoda magic weapon, and Baiyun Tower also escaped into the original consciousness.

With Master Bai's awakening, the small bamboo building by the Shenshi Lake immediately became lively.

Except for Bai Zhan who was still patrolling outside, everyone else gathered here.

"Senior brother, you've woken up. In two days' time, someone will break out of the tower..." Xia Zhaoyang was very happy when the senior brother returned to his basic knowledge, and couldn't help but joke.

Hearing this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Baiyunlou couldn't help but looked curiously at the people in front of him, and said with a smile: "Which junior and junior sister have such courage, oh, it's Junior Caiwei..."

With a sweep of his gaze, Master Bai already understood the urgent thoughts in Caiwei's mind.

Siwa is eager...

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou nodded and said: "In this case, I will send Junior Sister Caiwei back. If anyone else wants to return to the human world, tell them together. If you miss this time, you will have to wait another month and a half. "

"Master Luo, don't you want to go back and have a look?" Xia Chaoyang teased Luo Yu upon hearing this.

Luo Yu was taken aback for a moment, but then he raised his voice and said, "What's so interesting about that kid? To him, it's only been half an hour..."

"Oh, then only Junior Sister Caiwei..."

After all, Baiyun Building did not delay at all, pointed out a void passage, and said to Caiwei: "Junior Sister, just escape and enter."

Caiwei turned her head and glanced at Luo Yu, seeing that he raised his head and folded his arms, he had no intention of going with him, so he hurriedly bid farewell to everyone and fled into the void passage.

After the passage dissipated, Luo Yu murmured softly: "I sent that kid to the small courtyard of the Bai family before I came here. I guess he is being taught poetry by Bai Ziwen..."


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