After a while, the clouds cleared, Dongfang Ziyan pinched Junior Sister Chaoyang's face lightly, and said with a smile: "This exercise is indeed very mysterious, and the Taoist couple who are in love with each other occasionally practice it, which is beneficial to the spiritual sense. Let’s just say that my sister’s Dharma body has only been worked for one night, and the breath is already somewhat real.”

At this moment, Xia Chaoyang also let go a lot, and instead joked coquettishly: "If Sister Zi Yan is envious, you can also find senior brother..."

Halfway through the conversation, he felt a little embarrassed to continue.

"With my sister's temperament at this time, it's not a bad idea to try it..."

As soon as the words fell, Zi Yan's body fluctuated for a while, and then gradually calmed down, and then she continued: "You see, my sister's instinct is quite resistant, forget it, the opportunity has not yet come..."

"Not much to say, my sister still has something important to do when she returns to the world, Chaoyang, do you want to be together?" While speaking, Zi Yan floated up.

"Ah..., no need, junior sister, I have something important to do here." Asked by senior sister Zi Yan, Xia Chaoyang finally recovered from the casual words of senior sister.

After saying that, he immediately got up and saw her off, intending to see how Senior Sister Ziyan returned to the world.

Zi Yan smiled slightly, without further words, floated down the stairs, came to the side of the brother's Dharma body, and sat cross-legged on the ivy futon.

"Chaoyang, you and I are connected with senior brother's spirit, soul and energy. As long as the dharma bodies in the two realms are not far away, we can use this to escape from our original consciousness." Before concentrating and calming down, Zi Yan said softly, and then nodded to bid farewell to Junior Sister Chaoyang.

That's how it is... After Xia Zhaoyang knew this method, he was overjoyed, and his eyes softened when he looked at the two avatars of his brothers and sisters.

Sensing that Senior Sister Ziyan's consciousness had become tranquil, Xia Chaoyang carefully laid out the magic circle, and also opened the cloud and mist barrier to protect the two people's magic bodies, and then walked out of the small bamboo building and stepped onto the teleportation circle with peace of mind.

The human world, Albatron Gate.

In the Wenxin Pavilion, Baiyunlou's original consciousness returned, and he calmed down his turbulent thoughts for a while. Suddenly, there was a feeling in his mind, and he concentrated his thoughts again, drawing Junior Sister Ziyan's original consciousness out of the time-space barrier.

After a while, Zi Yan's body also regained consciousness and stood up.

The two looked at each other, and then Baiyunlou tacitly separated a real water soul, and the main body began to refine the broken small tower again.

True Moisture Soul followed Zi Yan and flashed out of the main hall of Wenxin Pavilion.

In a few short words, the two already knew each other's plan.

The purpose of Baiyun Tower is to refine the remaining dilapidated pagoda body, so that it can receive the comrades who came to Qingyunmen after transforming the souls.

The reason why Ziyan escaped back to her original consciousness was actually because she had gained a lot of insights in the small world of illusion, and gained something from the Dao of Ice and the Dao of Space.

Combining with the inheritance left by the fairy queen, Zi Yan intends to escape her original knowledge back to the fairy world, and deduce it calmly for a while, at least she can take advantage of the situation to explore the function of the reward and punishment fairy pond.

After a brief exchange, the two got busy.

Ziyan fled back to the Yaochi Palace in the Kunlun fairyland through the teleportation array, and integrated her body into the fairyland, and escaped from the body of the fairy soul in the fairyland.

In the Fairy Queen's Palace, Baiyunlou also woke up, came to the side of the fairy pond, and worked with Zi Yan to deduce the method of the fairy pond's operation.

But after only half a stick of incense, Baiyun Tower suddenly sat cross-legged and meditated, obviously his original consciousness escaped back to the small tower again.

After ten breaths, he woke up again and continued to sink his spiritual thoughts into the fairy pond.

"Brother, have you escaped your original consciousness back to the small world of fantasy?" Although Zi Yan sensed it, she still asked curiously.

Master Bai replied quite indifferently: "Yes, I promised Chaoyang before that every time I refine a star field, I will accompany her to develop the Dao and practice exercises. With Linglong's cooperation, the refining progress is faster than expected. Go up some."

Hearing this, Zi Yan sighed: "The eight star fields... are really busy for the senior brother. During the ten breaths of time here, five hours in the illusionary realm, deriving the Dao, practicing what kind of skills, come to think of it. It's enough..."

"Zi Yan..., why did your basic knowledge change your temper?" Bai Yunlou heard the joke in Zi Yan's words, and couldn't help asking rather puzzled.

"Oh, Xiao Chaoyang's appearance is very provocative, junior sister, I changed my temper out of curiosity..."

Knowing the reason, Baiyun Tower was quite speechless, but in a flash, he followed the words of Junior Sister Ziyan and said: "It's good to change your temper, maybe it's more suitable for understanding the operation of this fairy pond, Ziyan, I think we should stop After chatting, let's talk a few more words, brother, I have to go back to my original consciousness again."

"Brother, you can really do it..." Apart from feeling emotional, Zi Yan didn't waste any more time, and began to meditate and study the operation method of Xianchi.

Bai Yunlou gladly accepted Junior Sister Ziyan's praise.

Then he sat cross-legged beside the Immortal Pond and calmed down, no matter whether he protruded his divine thoughts into the Immortal Pond, or secretly retreated back to his original consciousness, he would not disturb Zi Yan's deduction of comprehension anymore.

The Baiyun Building in front of the Fairy Queen's Palace is busy, especially the human body and avatars.

The main body was busy refining and dismantling the second floor of the small tower, and then refining and refining lotus petals, and the soul of true water was also busy greeting fellow practitioners who came one after another.

Most of the disciples of Qingyunmen have already entered the small world of fantasy in the second batch, and the remaining ten or so are all new disciples from the outer sect, whose cultivation base is weak, and some of them can't support the scene.

At this moment, Qingyunmen is very lively. Fortunately, the square in front of Wenxin Pavilion main hall is big enough, hundreds of people gather here, but it is not crowded.

If it weren't for the head of the mountain and Aunt Xia to come to Qingyunmen to preside over the overall situation, there would be some confusion just now.

The true water soul of Baiyun Tower stayed in front of Wenxin Pavilion for less than half a stick of incense, so he decided to temporarily put aside the and planned to go out to the cave to get some air.

After receiving the invitation from Qing Yun Sect, all the major cultivation sects were very excited. When they encountered such an opportunity, how could they miss it for nothing.

Therefore, almost all of these sects, big and small, sent all the juniors with good talents to Qingyun sect.

If it's just to greet ordinary fellow practitioners, it's fine. Nearly half of these junior disciples are women, and even more than half of the female cultivators from Biyun Valley came.

These women can all recognize Master Bai, not to mention the true moisture soul with a warm temperament like water.

Therefore, Fang Yi, head of the White House, appeared, one by one rushing forward to salute and say hello.

Not only is it very laborious to deal with such a scene, but Baiyun Tower also has to keep an eye on the progress of the refiner on the main body.

The flow of time in the human world is different from that of today's fairy world, and it takes only a cup of tea to complete a star field after refining it. Just as I was saying hello, my original consciousness returned to the illusion.

After tossing twice, Baiyunlou simply fled to the small courtyard of the Bai family.

Arriving at the sky above the small courtyard of Bai's house, the Baiyun Tower was shining under a cloud.

Caiwei, who came out of the illusion half a stick of incense ago, was standing on the head of the cloud with the little cloud-swallowing beast in her arms, watching the backyard of the Bai family from a distance.

In the backyard, Bai Ziwen was patiently teaching Young Master Luo how to read and write, with a baby voice, which was very interesting.

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