Behind them were three robbers and the scholar.

The hidden demonic energy in the scholar's body has dissipated, and the whole person looks a little more energetic than before.

The scarred face that once claimed to be a robber has two more scars on his face, but it adds a bit of heroism.

Several people walked into the lobby, and they couldn't help being stunned when they saw the person in the seat above.

Especially the scholars, their complexion changed drastically immediately, and their bodies could not help but twitch slightly.

Scar's face wasn't much better either, his left leg suddenly went limp when he stepped into the lobby, and he almost fell to the side.

"This broken threshold..." Scarface staggered and stood firm, cursed softly, and immediately followed the shopkeeper into the lobby.

"Old Six, what are you shaking when you see your benefactor face to face, just go up to see the second brother..." The big man with a beard pulled the scholar past him, and strode towards the hall.

Arriving in front of Xia Chaoyang, the big man with the beard let go of his hands, cupped his fists and stood up to salute. The scholar, however, prostrated himself on the ground, his body trembling slightly, and repeatedly thanked the immortal for his kindness in recreating him.

Xia Zhaoyang was surprised to see someone he knew, but when he saw this, he immediately recalled the past and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, get up quickly. I heard that the six of you finally sworn brothers. It seems that you are really promising." Xia Zhaoyang sighed a few words, raised his hand to use his energy, helped the scholar in front of him, and sent him off by the way. Entering a small sweet rain technique immediately stabilized his mind.

Today's Xia Chaoyang is not what it used to be. Except for the Extreme Evergreen Technique, other small techniques can easily control his strength.

The scholar's mind was stable, he stood up when he heard the words, and didn't say much.

"I can't talk about the future, but I won a place to live with the owner of Huazhai in this chaotic world." The shopkeeper said aloud, with a bit of momentum.

After everyone greeted each other and got to know each other, Baiyun Tower called Hua Xiaojiu out of the meeting hall, saying that they would go out for a walk alone.

Seeing Hua Xiaojiu, Baiyunlou seemed to see his former self, so he couldn't help but want to give some pointers.

As the second uncle walked around the village, Hua Xiaojiu felt a lot of benefits.

At first, I thought that the second uncle was just pulling me out to get some air, but I didn't expect to receive a lot of teachings, and even helped solve a few difficult problems.

What I thought was the most troublesome matter about Feng Qimei was solved by my second uncle in a few words.

As long as you are strong enough and sincere enough, there is always a way to get the best of both worlds.

In order to reassure Hua Xiaojiu, the head of Baida even told a secret.

Tell him that when he arrives in the small world of the first demon, he will hide an energy mechanism in his soul, which can protect the soul nine times.

Hearing this, Hua Xiaojiu was delighted and very excited.

Afterwards, Hua Xiaojiu obtained a complete set of martial arts and swordsmanship inheritance, and immediately put aside the thoughts of love for her children. After returning to the meeting hall, she immediately arranged all the affairs in the village to the big shopkeeper. Shen Xin went to practice.

After chatting with Hua Xiaojiu for a while, Baiyunlou also became interested in practicing. He greeted everyone, then called Shang Chaoyang and Ziyan, and turned to go to the cottage.

Baiyunlou didn't have much interest in those missions in the cottage, he just wanted to wander alone and practice for a while, calling for the second daughter to accompany him to discuss things.

Hearing the senior brother's call, Xia Chaoyang stood up and said goodbye, took Xiao Xun who was about to fall asleep from Caiwei's arms, called the spirit crane standing quietly on the side of the lobby, caught up with the senior brother, and rose directly against the clouds.

According to the meaning of Baiyun Tower, it is enough to find a quiet place, but this time, Junior Sister Chaoyang took her senior brothers and sisters to an old place very assertively.

When the cloud head fell, Baiyunlou leaned over to watch, and couldn't help nodding slightly. This place was the mountain inn that he had lingered several times before.

It's just that the inn has been abandoned for more than two years now, and it has obviously been ravaged by passing demons and demon cultivators many times, and several places have collapsed.

Now the weeds in the yard and on the tiled roof are as tall as half a person.

Xia Chaoyang seemed to miss this inn a lot, Fang Yi fell into a trance, and immediately started to get busy.

Xiao Xun is also very discerning. He is good at removing weeds and cleaning the yard.

Zi Yan was not idle either, where her divine thoughts moved, pieces of wild grass were burned to nothing.

There are two junior sisters with extraordinary cultivation, Baiyunlou is happy to be leisurely, after all, his current strength is weak...

Without incident, he took Linghe Xiaobai to walk around on the mountain road in front of the door.

After half a stick of incense, the inn has taken on a new look. Not only has it been cleaned up inside and out, but it has also been re-decorated, making it look much more elegant.

Hearing Junior Sister Chaoyang's call, Baiyunlou walked into the lobby, and the two Junior Sisters were already sitting at the square table by the window, the tea utensils were neatly arranged, and the tea was all boiled.

"Let's go to the cloud illusion..." Baiyunlou said casually as soon as Fang sat down.

Hearing the words, the two daughters couldn't help but straighten their expressions at the same time, knowing that what the senior brother said must be no small matter.

Ziyan asked the two to wait a moment, and a moment later, a rainbow light pierced through the sky and returned to the transformation body in an instant.

The matter was of great importance, so Ziyan still recalled the Xuanbing Soul Separation, and after the energy was stabilized, she released a series of protective barriers, and the clouds and mists inside were transpiring, pulling the three of them into a radiant illusion.

The bright moon hangs high, and the mirror lake has no waves.

The three of them stepped on the surface of the lake, and there was a cool light shining on them. These were Zi Yan's means of protection.

The glow is transformed by immeasurable light, and Jinghu can perceive whether there is an unknown existence peeping.

Sensing the mystery here, Baiyunlou nodded secretly, and then explained to the two of them what he saw when he escaped into the small world of illusion this time.

It is an extraordinary opportunity to be able to see the general trend of the future for a moment. Baiyunlou's original consciousness was exhausted, and he couldn't even perform evolution, but he barely summoned the Miaoshu into form.

According to what the senior brother pointed out, Zi Yan carefully penetrated her divine sense into a branch of the wonderful and took the memory of the original knowledge, and re-evolved it in front of the three of them with the method of cloud and mist illusion .

The whole scene is like a big river running endlessly, with various auras flowing and changing in it.

Seeing it again, Baiyun Tower was still inexplicably shocked.

Although it is only a moment, it seems to contain thousands of moments and endless years.

In this illusion, the three of them are connected with each other, and the two women perceive all the previous perceptions of Baiyun Tower.

"Since the dying Elder Qingqiu is the source, then I will secretly watch this time..." Zi Yan said in a deep voice.

"Looking at the general trend, it seems to be beneficial to the world, and the auras of a few people who are familiar with each other have become much stronger..." Xia Zhaoyang also saw a lot of subtleties, but he still had some doubts about his own judgment.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and said affirmatively: "Chaoyang is right. According to the general trend, it is extremely beneficial to the human world and even the fairy world, but why did you let me see this moment in advance..."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang, who was a little confused, immediately came to his senses.

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