There is Always a System Trying To Bind Me

Chapter 22: Green Tea System 22

However, in order to attract new fans, Zhou Sheng also edited some highlights of his operations to his homepage.

Xu Qingyang found all the clips that day and read it. When she saw a Zhou Sheng sniper a moving target, a comment below the video aroused her interest.

"What's this, didn't you see that little sister's shot just now, and blew my teammate's tire with one shot, causing them both to fall to their deaths, this is all a sniper God."

Of course, under this comment, many of Zhou Sheng's fans laughed at this person.

In the end, the speaker couldn't match the fighting strength of Zhou Sheng's fans, and he left a sentence in a frenzy, "You guys wait and see, I'll find my teammates' visual recordings."

Xu Qingyang's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Liu Ke is a die-hard fan of Zhou Sheng, but at the same time he is also a fan of a kiss.

So when this incident came out, he was very troubled. On the one hand, because of Zhou Sheng's powerful skills, he didn't want to believe that people with such skills would be in that video A person who takes **** over righteousness like he said.

But believe Zhou Sheng, Liu Ke has been watching the live broadcast of Love with a Kiss, and I have to say, no matter what kind of person a Love with a Kiss is, at least she is in her own live broadcast Is a kind, gentle girl.

Even if there are grievances, they will endure them silently and never bother others.

And he is also in the One Kiss fan group. He knows that the video was edited by several marquis in the One Kiss Live Room.

Liu Ke was caught in a dilemma for a while.

Believe this one and the other must be lying.

On this day, Liu Ke logged into the scarf as usual, wanting to see the progress of Zhou Sheng and a kiss.

But the moment he opened the hot search for the scarf, he saw a title that was obviously full of provocation hanging at the last place in the hot search.

Liu Ke pursed her lips and clicked into the hot search.

The first thing that appeared in front of him was a fierce battle. Liu Ke glanced at the few people on the visual side, and knew that this was the live broadcast of Zhou Sheng and One Kiss.

The screen was frozen for a while, and then a few screenshots were released, and a mechanical female voice said: "Please pay attention here, Qingyang Zhiyang got a total of three heads, Zhou Sheng got one, And one kiss and another female player named Donut can be said to have missed a shot in the process, so may I ask, is there anything wrong with Zhou Sheng letting Qingyang Zhiyang pick up the supplies first?"

Liu Ke was stunned for a moment, and it seemed to be the case. Generally, in the game, if it is not a very good friend, the licking bag is distributed according to whose credit.

But why haven't others discovered this?

Liu Ke was a little puzzled.

As long as there is a sign that is unfavorable to her in the hot search, her navy will be dispatched immediately, and then nip that sign in the bud.

The reason why Xu Qingyang's video appeared in the hot search today is because she coerced and lured the green tea system and let it help her block the opponent's naval attack.

The video continued to play, Liu Ke also came back to his senses at this time, and his eyes continued to move to the mobile phone screen.

This is a downward vision, to be precise, it is a vision of the player watching teammates after death.

In the picture, a smoking motorcycle swayed around with snakeskin.

Liu Ke is a little confused, what to do with this video that has nothing to do with Zhou Sheng and the others.

The video on the phone suddenly slowed down, and the movement of the motorcycle also slowed down.

It got up, and the two people sitting on it also fell off the motorcycle.


[Your teammate E-sports Rat used a vehicle to kill E-sports Chen Eason! 】

[Your teammate E-sports Rat used a vehicle to kill himself! 】

Liu Ke is not someone who doesn't play games, so the first time he saw this picture, he had a judgment in his mind as to what happened.

Sure enough, the next scene was in the housing area where Zhou Sheng and the others were. Xu Qingyang lightly put away the gun in his hand.

Located in the suburbs, in a villa area with excellent environment and pleasant scenery.

A young and beautiful girl with black shawl hair was talking on the phone with anger.

"What's going on here? How did you assure me that the damned video hasn't gone down from the hot search until now."

The person on the other end of the phone hurriedly and carefully apologized: "I can't help it, the first time this scarf appeared, our staff had already gone to contact the official scarf, but the other party The answer is that their system was hacked just yesterday, which makes it really impossible for them to control the hot search issue."

"Can't you use other hot searches to suppress it?"

The other side was silent for a while, "Because of your order, this matter about you has become very popular recently. Now, it is no longer within our free control."

I fell in love with a kiss.

"Trash! It's all trash."

The reason why she was so nervous was because the scarf recorded her behavior that day.

Sometimes, as long as others lead a little, then a thing will show a different side in front of the same person.

The scarf that appears now obviously leads the netizens of the scarf to the unfavorable side of a kiss.

As the popularity of the scarf that Liu Ke saw increased, public opinion gradually began to change.

Not everyone likes to be coquettish and aggrieved with a kiss, and some of Zhou Sheng's female fans who saw this scarf saw hope that they could clear their brother.

The fighting power is even more amazing.

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