There is Always a System Trying To Bind Me

Chapter 46: Ex-Girlfriend Counterattack System 6

After leaving Xu Qingyang, the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system bound with Mingrui as the host obviously will not be quiet forever.

Therefore, when Xu Qingyang came to the classroom that day, he found that the students in Class One of Senior Three had mysterious expressions on their faces.

Qin An and Zhao Ya sat at the back of the classroom, the atmosphere between them was a little stiff for some reason.

When Xu Qingyang walked near her seat and saw the "Love Bento" on Qin An's table, which was obviously full of girls' thoughts, her doubts were answered.

It seems that Mingrui has started to act.

Sure enough, just as Xu Qingyang sat down in his seat, Chen Xiaona leaned beside her and started muttering.

"I don't know what this transfer student is thinking. Qin An has already said that she has a girlfriend, and she is still chasing others."

Under Xu Qingyang's "tune and teach" for nearly a year, now Chen Xiaona will no longer use the original relationship with Qin An to joke with Xu Qingyang.

After seeing Xu Qingyang's better and better academic performance in the past year.

Chen Xiaona has a deep understanding of Xu Qingyang's sudden enlightenment, not liking male **** but learning.

"If you want me to say, Zhao Ya is still not smart enough. If she hates that Mingrui, she can pretend to be wronged. Why bother with Qin now."

Qin An's current identity is no longer a secret in Ningcheng No.1 Middle School.

The only son of the chairman of Chaoanyuan, the richest man in the country.

No matter where this identity is placed, it is enough to make most girls fantasize.

Chen Xiaona may have thought like that, so when she faced this scene, she couldn't help but hate Zhao Ya.

"Didn't hear the bell for class? What are you doing? Don't you know about morning reading?"

Xu Qingyang's voice was a bit stern.

The people in the classroom who were eating melons and watching the play were brought back to their senses by Xu Qingyang's shout.

When she turned her head, she saw Xu Qingyang's not-so-good face, how dare you pay attention.

Ming Rui stood beside Qin An's desk, she wanted to say something to bring Qin An back to their childhood friendship.

Seeing Xu Qingyang coming here, everyone else turned around and went to read, but she was a bit of an eyesore standing here, so she could not help but secretly glared at Xu Qingyang before replying angrily to his seat.

【The host doesn't pay attention to her, just put all your thoughts on the hero and heroine. 】

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system was bitter and couldn't tell, and it was afraid that Xu Qingyang had discovered something to do something that seemed to be aimed at Mingrui.

But after Xu Qingyang's "tuning and teaching" a while ago, its energy is now in a state of loss, so she can only persuade the current host to avoid Xu Qingyang.

On this side, things are developing towards the undesired situation of the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system.

After saying those words from the good wife and good mother system last night, Xu Qingyang has decided to destroy the mission of the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system.

Therefore, in the following days, everyone in the third and first class was surprised to find that the transfer student Mingrui seemed to have offended Xu Qingyang at some point.

Ming Rui delivered breakfast to Qin An, but as soon as she turned her head, she saw the head teacher watching them outside the classroom door.

Then the head teacher scolded the class and advised the students to focus on learning and not to do inappropriate things at an inappropriate age.

Ming Rui deliberately asked Zhao Ya for trouble, and it happened to be seen by other classes in the school, and then these people who were afraid that the world would not be in chaos immediately told Qin An about it.

Qin An rushed to the scene, just in time to see Mingrui arrogantly forcing Zhao Ya to leave her.

This is different from the gentleness Mingrui usually shows in front of him.

Ming Rui doesn't have much idea about these things.

After all, in her heart, how can a girl like Zhao Ya from the slums compare to her?

Qin An was only temporarily confused.

And now that he has the help of his ex-girlfriend's counterattack system, he will definitely not fall into the position in the original plot.

But in a place unknown to Ming Rui, the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system is getting more and more flustered.

As a system, its energy comes from the progress of the host's strategy mission.

Now, it took so much effort to find an obedient host, but it did not make the slightest progress on the task it requested.

There are even faint signs of wanting to discover and develop in the original direction.

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system felt less and less energy, and finally after Mingrui was rejected by Qin An again, she couldn't help but get out of Mingrui's body again.

At this time, Qin An and Xu Qingyang, the two biggest energy sources in this world, the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system has lost other ideas.

The reason why it allowed Xu Qingyang to possess the original owner was just because, as the child of luck in this world, if its host succeeded in attacking the other party, then as a system It also gets more energy.

Since Qin An has suffered two losses, the energy left in the core of its system is not enough for it to go to the next world.

The ex-girlfriend counterattack system made a decision after some ideological struggle.

It wants to give up the goal of Qin An.

As the name suggests, its core requirement for it is that as long as someone who has the identity of an ex-girlfriend can dress up a specific object, the current one can take office successfully.

Then it can obtain energy from this process to maintain its own operation.

On the podium, the biology teacher is talking about genetics.

While taking notes, Xu Qingyang tilted his head and glanced at a pink light spot flying from Mingrui in the back to the outside of the classroom window.

Xu Qingyang turned his head and continued to look up at the blackboard seriously.

This knowledge is in her own original world, and she has never been exposed to it.

Now that I have the opportunity to take a good look at this knowledge.

Xu Qingyang will not waste time on useless things.

And...the other party can't escape from his palm at all.

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system quickly went around the city around Ningcheng after breaking away from Mingrui.

If you don't ask for quality, there are actually quite a lot of human beings in this world that meet the requirements of its tasks.

It's just that these people can provide very little energy to the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system.

After working hard for a month and a week, and finally saving up a little energy, the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system couldn't help but return to the city of Ningcheng.

Back to where Xu Qingyang lived.

It seems that this host can only be its only choice at present. Not to mention that the soul of the other party is so tempting in its eyes.

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system was floating in front of Xu Qingyang's window in a daze, but the next moment the window in front of it was unexpected. It was suddenly opened.

A girl wearing blue pajamas, shawl and long hair, with a pure and lovely face appeared in front of the opened window.

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system was startled by Xu Qingyang who suddenly appeared. It subconsciously wanted to avoid the other party, but it was thinking that it had been released from the other party, and the other party could no longer watch it. It stopped dodging when it reached it.

Do you want to re-bind with the other party?

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system surrounded Xu Qingyang a few times, and it was difficult to decide.

It just didn't have time to think more.

The gentle-looking girl in front of her suddenly reached out and closed the window at this moment, and then the other party turned and walked to the desk in the room and sat on the chair.

He turned his attention to the place where his ex-girlfriend counterattacked.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm finally willing to come back."

Like a whisper between lovers, the other party said such a sentence.

Besides, why does it look like you can see it?

The ex-girlfriend's counterattack system flashed such a sentence in her heart, and then her expression suddenly began to become frightened.

It's just that before she could react, she found herself in a place that made her feel familiar after a blackout in front of her.

The reason why it is familiar is that when it was still bound to Xu Qingyang, it was locked here by Xu Qingyang with that mysterious power.

"Since you're here, don't leave."

At this moment, a somewhat gentle voice sounded in the ears of the ex-girlfriend's counterattack system, but it was unable to make any answer.

The energy full of oppressive breath swept towards it, and then slowly and firmly swallowed it.

It was clearly about to complete their highest achievement in the system world soon. Take the final step towards becoming a human being.

mission ended in failure.

Half of its own energy core was also taken away by the lunatic who somehow broke through the confinement of the world.

When it finally escaped here, it met the delicious soul of the host on the way.

It thought that as long as it devoured this soul, it could return to its former glory.

Unexpectedly, this time it was still a "monster".

But this time the price it paid for it was its succession.

And it, there is no next chance.

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