There is Always a System Trying To Bind Me

Chapter 5: Green Tea System 5

Xu Qingyang jumped to the first floor and ran up the stairs directly.

At the entrance of the stairs on the first floor, the three people who rushed over in the team recovered from the shock bomb thrown by Xu Qingyang at this time.

Just as they were about to rush up, the news that Caicai Bucai was knocked down made them lose their minds, and then they were struck by Xu Qingyang's explosive bomb.

In front of her eyes, she finally regained the clarity and clarity. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw a black explosive head wearing the most basic white T-shirt in the battlefield. People came up from downstairs.

【You have been knocked down by the Sun of Qingyang with m416! 】

[Your teammates have been knocked down by Qingyang Sun using m416! 】

[You have been eliminated by the Sun of Qingyang! 】

In just one minute, the men who were originally menacing turned into boxes in front of him.

Chi Shuai looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Maybe she was just frightened, Xu Qingyang understood this.

"Hmm, okay, lick the bag." Chi Shuai nodded frantically.

Then after realizing that Xu Qingyang on the other side of the screen couldn't see his movements, his face froze slightly.

The three bags here Xu Qingyang did not move, she went straight to the bag of the player who was hit by two bullets.

AWM, Xu Qingyang has really missed a few games.

After licking the bag, the four continued to drive to the safe area by Chi Shuai.

The expressions of Chi Shuai and the others also changed from shock at the beginning to accustomed to it.

【Your teammate Qingyang Zhiyang used AWM to knock down Xiao Tianjiang! 】

【Your teammate Qingyang Zhiyang used AWM to knock down but for your sake! 】

[Your teammate Qingyang Zhiyang used the AWM headshot to eliminate the exciting battlefield Goufen Wang! 】

【You have successfully eaten chicken, and you will exit the game in 60 seconds! 】

Chi Shuai looked at the phone screen in front of him expressionlessly.

He froze for a while before he remembered what to say to Xu Qingyang.

It's just that Xu Qingyang has already quit the game, and Chi Shuai can only temporarily suppress his thoughts.

After the countdown is over, the game automatically jumps to the settlement interface.

Chi Shuai looked at his pitiful two kills and Xu Qingyang's sixteen kills. He couldn't help shedding tears, and wanted to travel back to the beginning of this game When the time came, he beat himself to death who said that he was going to take the girl to eat chicken.


I thought so, but Chi Shuai very quickly clicked the option to add Xu Qingyang as a friend.

After Xu Qingyang came out of the game, he picked up a few things and then started the next game directly.

She played this game for a simple purpose.

To cope with the tasks of the system, upgrade by the way.

The people she met in the process of upgrading were not so important to her.

However, her idea was quickly dismissed after she searched the entire P city, but only found an AKM.

She thought that her bad luck had disappeared, but she was waiting for her here?

Compared with pistols, Xu Qingyang himself prefers 98K machine guns.

It's just that her luck just disappeared in this game.

In addition to getting the pistol from the enemy's box, in the rest of the game, Xu Qingyang can pick up a pistol in one of the ten rounds, which is already a good thing for her to burn incense and worship Buddha. .

This time, the teammates were still parachuting with Xu Qingyang, but compared to the activity of Chi Shuai and several others in the previous round, this time Xu Qingyang's three teammates seemed extraordinarily silent.

After jumping to P city, except for one of the girls who was accidentally knocked down and called for help once, the rest of the time they didn't talk much.

When you encounter supplies, you can mark them directly, and you can also use quick chat when enemies arrive.

A game ended in such a silent atmosphere.

Xu Qingyang, as she expected, is the MVP of this game.

The red dot in the lower left corner of the phone jumped out more.

There are applications from three teammates who have just played games together, and applications from teammates who have played games together before.

Xu Qingyang clicked and deleted one by one as usual.

However, when she moved her fingertips to the message "Boss, please accept my knees and ask to be friends!!" Xu Qingyang's expression condensed slightly.

I finally clicked Agree to add.

This person seems to be a teammate in the round of 98K that she was very lucky to land.

Chi Shuai was offline at this time, so he didn't find Xu Qingyang adding himself at the first time.

After playing a few more games, Xu Qingyang, who was finally convinced of his luck in the game, reluctantly went offline.

It took a few days for Chi Shuai to play the game again.

Something happened to him in real life in the past few days, so he wasted some time to deal with it.

As soon as he entered the game, he opened his friends list.

He was really afraid that he didn't play well in the last game, and was disliked by this young lady.

The highest rank of Chi Shuai is the ace five-star, but this season, due to his busy study, he has never had time to play games, so this season's rank is still on the star diamond.

His skills are still there, but he was a little bit back that day, which made him lose face in front of Xu Qingyang.

Chi Shuai was not in a hurry to play the game, he waited until Xu Qingyang's game nickname changed from ten minutes to twenty minutes, thirty minutes.

Then when she saw that Xu Qingyang's game ended successfully, she quickly pressed the button to invite the other party.

Eating chicken is different from ordinary games. To win a game, you need at least twenty-eight or nine minutes.

Since Xu Qingyang's last game has been in progress for 30 minutes, Chi Shuai is quite confident about whether the opponent succeeds in eating chicken.

"Miss, can we go together?"

Xu Qingyang won a game, and just after exiting the settlement interface, a team application popped up on the right.

After seeing the name of the person who invited her, she subconsciously clicked to agree to the invitation.

Then such a sentence came from her ear.

"Yes." Xu Qingyang said.

She really wanted to experiment with her previous idea.

Hearing that the other party agreed, Chi Shuai felt relieved.

"Four rows?" Chi Shuai said.

He saw Xu Qingyang's game records, basically four rows of islands.

However, in order to respect the opinion of the other party, he still asked Xu Qingyang aloud.

"Yes." Xu Qingyang said softly.

In fact, there is no difference between double row and fourth row, but if she is playing double row, then the communication between her and her teammates must be indispensable. You can choose to only listen to your teammates and not speak.

Comparing the two, Xu Qingyang is naturally more inclined to play four rows.

After getting Xu Qingyang's affirmative answer, Chi Shuai clicked to start the game.

After entering the game, Chi Shuai, as usual, looked at the names of the other two teammates who matched them.

He couldn't help but tut.

"Dog abuse!"

As a single young man with a mother and child, Chi Shuai is most afraid of meeting these couples who use couple names and play games together.

Xu Qingyang is No. 1 and Chi Shuai is No. 2.

As for No. 3 and No. 4, one is called Smiley, and the other is called Very Allure.

Smiled slightly: "Miss, little brother, how are you!"

Sweet girly voice.

Sounds like the girl in the couple seems to be getting along well.

"Hello." Chi Shuai responded indifferently.

It would be better if they were really easy to get along with.

He has played so many games, but he has really encountered some strange couples.

What can't "pull" other people except me, what you pick up can only be given to me but not others, and if you drive, your passenger seat can only It's me or something.

He really doesn't want to meet again.

Chi Shuai consciously followed Xu Qingyang to parachute this time.

The couple did not know what to think, and they all followed Xu Qingyang to parachute.

Since the right to choose has been handed over to Xu Qingyang, then Xu Qingyang will naturally not refuse.

The route of this game is from the mountain top ruins to G port.

This route is very biased, and the places that are closer to the route with richer resources are Y city, R city and G port.

Chi Shuai watched helplessly as the light spot representing Xu Qingyang was marked on port G by the other party.

His lips moved, but in the end he didn't say a word.

When the plane reached the sky over Port G, there were forty people left.

Obviously, G Hong Kong will not be very good in this game.

When he was about 800 meters away from his mark, he led a few people out of the plane.

She used the method of vertical oblique flight, and the landing speed reached 234KM/h.

In just a few seconds, they had descended to the lowest altitude where the parachute could open.

Xu Qingyang controlled the parachute and flew to the container on the far right of Port G.

After falling on the container, she immediately began to search for the supplies.

At this time, the sky of Port G was taken in, and some parachutes of other teams were still in the air.

Xu Qingyang's eyes lit up after running two steps on the container.

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