Chapter 1041 What are you talking about?

  Old man Yao saw that his wife had come up with this trick again: "Okay, Section Chief He doesn't work here anymore, and they just came back to take a look, who will mention it again in a few days.

  Even if you think too much, but you can't stop the crowd, you should go out less these days, and don't listen to those gossips. "

  Old lady Yao glared at him: "That **** girl Yao Hui just didn't listen to what I said at the beginning, look at what kind of life you're living now, you can't live without it, you can't live without it.

  Those three children are no longer close to us now, and don’t even think about it in the future, how did they come to this point. "

  Old man Yao didn't answer her words, thinking: If you treat those three better, can you have such a result?

   But he understood that if he really said this, he might not have to sleep tonight: "Old woman, go to bed early, let nature take its course."

  Grandma Yao still wanted to say something, but soon there was snoring, and she could only hold back her anger, and was going to force herself not to think about what she heard today.


  When it was dawn, there was snow in the sky.

  Xinyan was a little anxious: "Jinxuan, it's snowing, will it affect our affairs today?"

  He Jinxuan put the warm water on the shelf: "Hurry up and wash up, we'll be leaving in a while."

  Xinyan nodded in response, speeding up her movements.

  I didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so the two packed up and prepared to rush over there.

  Seeing that they were in a hurry, Mother He quickly packed a few boiled eggs and steamed meat buns for them to eat on the road.

   When the two arrived, the earliest bus was about to leave.

  After getting in the car and sitting down, He Jinxuan handed her eggs and buns in front of her: "No matter how urgent I am, I have to eat breakfast. Today I have to climb a hill."

   Xinyan didn't say hypocritically that she lost her appetite too early, but she felt that eating in the shuttle bus was really uncivilized.

  As soon as she thought this way, she saw someone take out their own pancakes, flower rolls, etc. from their bags and eat them.

   And there are quite a few of them.

  He Jinxuan looked at her, and then explained to her in a low voice: "Most of the people who take this bus to the past work in the machinery factory, but they live in the city.

  Wake up late, so there is no time for breakfast. If you don’t want to affect your morning work, you can only take it to the bus to eat, but you have never taken such an early bus before, and you have never seen it. "

  In this short period of time, there are a few more people who have breakfast in the car.

  He Jinxuan handed her a bun directly: "Eat it quickly, if you don't eat it, it will be cold."

   After all, he felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, put his head on the backrest in front of him, and then started eating.

   As soon as the buns were finished, He Jinxuan handed over another peeled egg, and then opened the thermos in his hand and handed it over: "If you choke, drink this."

   Before receiving it, Xinyan smelled the fragrance of milk: "When did you prepare it?"

  He Jinxuan laughed and said, "After sending the water in."

  This man doesn't talk too much about love, but he can think of everything, and he really likes him more and more.

   What she didn't expect was that after she had eaten and drank enough, He Jinxuan actually drank the rest of the milk she drank.

  Xinyan was a little embarrassed and said: "I drank that."

  He Jinxuan even raised the corner of his mouth, and swallowed the drop hanging on his lips: "I don't despise you."

   One sentence made Xinyan blush directly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

   Dear friends, good night~~~



  (end of this chapter)

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